Now that the stone maps are out of the way, no movie/series....what's next?

I wonder IF the ancient crane is still standing in the one area I visited so long ago...It was a rectangular stone which must have been at least 20'x4'x1' which I believe was the lever...And I had posted a picture of the fulcrum once upon a time...I don't know why I believed it may have been a death trap...Who knows...I'm certain IF someone who does not know how it works, it could certainly kill someone IF it fell on wonder what they were moving around with that ancient crane...There sure were quite a few large boulders in the area...I wonder IF there is a cache associated with it???

I met a guy with some equipment the last time I went drinking down South...He had some basic stuff and such...Maybe I should have him scan the area with his Gemini 3...We can prolly split anything and everything down the middle...I am a fair man when it comes to treasure hunting...Heck...I can prolly have him scan the area depicted in the PSM's as well...I call the area Tayopa or Santa Fe...I could be wrong...But what IF I'm right???

Ed T:)

I've always claimed the maps are of different places, with a commom system in place to be decoded,
The real reason for understanding them is you can't place modern ideology on them, You must look at them with the old ideology, You see a Witch on the Stones, I see a Priest of the church long forgotten and only used in modern times now for blessings of a new church.


If you look at it with an old ideology , then you should see it as a Witch . The priest is the modern term of a " witch " .
If you go to a remote village in Africa or Amazon , they call a Witch , the medicine man and the man who is praying for everything like goods or against bad spirits . The Witch as bad person is a modern concept .


Its right on the map of the Priest I speak of, It's a dangerous Journey. The Priest is standing on his thrown to protect you on this journey if you follow the right path in God. You detract from that path all Hell awaits you.


In that journey nobody will protect you . If you have not the knowledge to decode the signs , then there will be only two paths : To Heaven or to Hell .

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In that journey nobody will protect you . If you have not the knowledge to decode the signs , then there will be only two paths : To Heaven or to Hell .


The Priest protects you on your journey. That's what he's there for.
He's not in a pic or a carving like a lot of you claim you have. Symbolic is all it is,


In that journey nobody will protect you . If you have not the knowledge to decode the signs , then there will be only two paths : To Heaven or to Hell .

You are so right Marius.

The Witch is there as a warning to all that the path and entrance is cursed by black magic spells with death traps. I wouldn't doubt if they killed a few Indians so they could use those souls for protecting the site. The Path towards heaven will take you to a Mission. The path towards hell will take you to the entrance of the underworld where you must pay respects to El Tio the guardian of Treasures and Mines. There are no "Happy" heavenly Treasure Sites with white doves and blessings waiting for those that seek. Go towards the most scary God Awful place you can find and there's your entrance guarded by Satan the only underground God they knew! Jesus? He was the God of light and sun shine. There is no light or sunshine where the treasure rooms are secreted.

The rays of the setting sun shined on the gold.


The Priest protects you on your journey. That's what he's there for.
He's not in a pic or a carving like a lot of you claim you have. Symbolic is all it is,


I used to think there was no Priest, and claimed to a member here on a pm that there was none, until I saw him.


Than I would say, Your in the wrong place.
facial recognition is the number one human ability to find faces in anything there looking at. Breast are second. Ok maybe not the second one, But I can Wish.

Good luck Homar


The Priest protects you on your journey. That's what he's there for.
He's not in a pic or a carving like a lot of you claim you have. Symbolic is all it is,


The priest/witch or whatever you want to call it , is only a landmark big like the horse . A landmark which is composed from many boulders in the shape of a witch . This landmark is opposite the horse landmark and they " look " each other , with the church of Santa Fe to be in the middle .
The author ' christianized " the like witch landmark because at the end of what look like its hands , is the church ruin .

The priest/witch or whatever you want to call it , is only a landmark big like the horse . A landmark which is composed from many boulders in the shape of a witch . This landmark is opposite the horse landmark and they " look " each other , with the church of Santa Fe to be in the middle .
The author ' christianized " the like witch landmark because at the end of what look like its hands , is the church ruin .


The Priest can be seen in the late afternoon shadows on the south side of Weaver's Needle.

Good luck,



The Priest can be seen in the late afternoon shadows on the south side of Weaver's Needle.

Good luck,



Could be , but only as a secondary sign for a different purpose . IMO , it's not the priest from the stone map .


The Priest can be seen in the late afternoon shadows on the south side of Weaver's Needle.

Good luck,


Is this what it
would look like?


The priest/witch or whatever you want to call it , is only a landmark big like the horse . A landmark which is composed from many boulders in the shape of a witch . This landmark is opposite the horse landmark and they " look " each other , with the church of Santa Fe to be in the middle .
The author ' christianized " the like witch landmark because at the end of what look like its hands , is the church ruin .

The Warlcok (Male Witch) can be as huge as the mountain range itself. The Cerro Colorado's have a huge Warlock head complete with a pointed bent over hat looking towards Green Valley. It's visible from the Las Guijas mountain range anytime of the day. I've seen the boulder Warlock stacks in a really spooky place near an old Spanish Mine district. It signifies black magic and spells nearby. Also El Tio will be near the entrance of the mine. I would dare call it the anti-church or black mass. The Jesuits played both sides of the equation. I don't know if they had a dark church. If they did it would be underground with an upside down cross and Satan crucified as Jesus.

The Warlcok (Male Witch) can be as huge as the mountain range itself. The Cerro Colorado's have a huge Warlock head complete with a pointed bent over hat looking towards Green Valley. It's visible from the Las Guijas mountain range anytime of the day. I've seen the boulder Warlock stacks in a really spooky place near an old Spanish Mine district. It signifies black magic and spells nearby. Also El Tio will be near the entrance of the mine. I would dare call it the anti-church or black mass. The Jesuits played both sides of the equation. I don't know if they had a dark church. If they did it would be underground with an upside down cross and Satan crucified as Jesus.

Your right about the Jesuits playing both side, But it's no witch you see it's a Priest, The buffer between the dark and the light. Hell and Heaven, A Jesuit Priest could not enter a mine or inslave people. A mine is always marked by the swine, a pig head. A priest could only enter the area marked by the Saint guardian to perform last rights on the dieing or the dead
The other Priest could enter any of these places and punishment on the miners or whatever he wished.


Howdy Weekender,

We all see different Priests, maybe because we are from different religions ?

Wrmickel, you need to find a Priest, even Joe is seeing one. :laughing7:

This Priest is unseeable, walks between the light and the dark, This one only keeps your soul safe in your journey. Not the fiscal you. He shields you from temptation and Gracious one.

I did find the priest, just can't see him. But he did leave prints below where he stands.


Howdy Weekender,

We all see different Priests, maybe because we are from different religions ?

Wrmickel, you need to find a Priest, even Joe is seeing one. :laughing7:


The priest was shown to me many years ago by my Uncle Chuck. He was a dead ringer for the Stone Map priest. Even holding the cross out in front of him. It was a long time ago, but it did get me to climb out on the face of the Needle to a dark spot that looked like it might go into the mountain.

Good luck,


Hi Paul,

Hope all is well.

Take care,


Hi Joe - doing my best to keep my head above water and hoping to survive another winter out here. Still checking in now and then on "Dutchman" stuff, but most of my "hobby time" nowadays is spent reading and studying information about the Apache. Hope to get out to AZ this spring to check out a few places like Aravaipa Canyon, Fort Bowie, the Dragoon Mt's and a couple identified battle sites.

Between eating, sleeping and working that's what I do with my free time :).

Take care yourself and say hello to your wife for me.


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