Now I am a believer !! There are silver caches out there !! 5 and 3/4 lbs worth!

Re: I am a believer! silver cache! final count,dates,new pics and a word on slander!

I agree with Beep. Who cares what anyone else thinks....I don't. Congrats again on a stellar find. Did you find any key date coins in the pile or have you not had time to check them all?

Thanks for sharing the story and pictures with the rest of us who can only dream of someday finding that much silver at one time.

Re: I am a believer! silver cache! final count,dates,new pics and a word on slander!


Re: I am a believer! silver cache! final count,dates,new pics and a word on slander!

Well first of all MaineRelic,
The pics are a little blurry but I don't blame them my hands would still be shacking also.
The only thing that I can figure out is that some people gets a little jealous when they see
something as awesome as this that someone else finds.I reply to a lot of post on the T-Net,because
I want to show that there are other people out here that really appreciate the time and effort of other people to post there finds for other people to see.So don't worry about a few replies,and always
remember that what you found is one of the most awesome finds that I have ever seen.
MY HAT IS OFF TO YOU AND YOUR FIND,Thanks for posting it so we can enjoy part of our great
Happy hunting


Re: I am a believer! silver cache! final count,dates,new pics and a word on slan

Awesome work on the research and using your intuition at the site. Simply amazing find. Keep hitting that area!

Re: I am a believer! silver cache! final count,dates,new pics and a word on slan

I have no problem exposing a fraud when I believe it to be the case, however...

I am a Believer! (too) :thumbsup:

The true satisfaction is making the find, not getting the pats on the back, so enjoy.

Re: I am a believer! silver cache! final count,dates,new pics and a word on slan

Iron Patch said:
I have no problem exposing a fraud when I believe it to be the case, however...

I am a Believer! (too) :thumbsup:

The true satisfaction is making the find, not getting the pats on the back, so enjoy.
Amen and Congratulation's on one Hell of a Find!!!

Re: I am a believer! silver cache! final count,dates,new pics and a word on slander!

Is it a surprise to me that I found the CACHE?Huh? NOOOO!

Hell, I'd be surprised. :o :o :o I would never have expected to find a cache of silver coins in the ground. Especially in a plowed field, or any field for that matter.

I agree with just about everything you said, Maine Relic! There's jealousy among a few on this forum and other forums when people post great finds. Not sure what makes them want to lash out at the ones making great finds. We will never understand why others do what they do, so it's better to just keep concentrating on making great finds, and ignore the ones who put belittling as their highest priority.

Congrats again! :thumbsup:


Yes, are there any key dated coins? I'm interested in the SLQ's dates. ::)

Re: I am a believer! silver cache! final count,dates,new pics and a word on slander!

I too believe....and as you, I have had a few jealous doubters before. I know how it can dampen your spirits but just ignore the negatives and keep diggin'. Faboulous find buddy.

Keep safe

Re: I am a believer! silver cache! final count,dates,new pics and a word on slander!

fortbball9 said:
Well first of all MaineRelic,
The pics are a little blurry but I don't blame them my hands would still be shacking also.
The only thing that I can figure out is that some people gets a little jealous when they see
something as awesome as this that someone else finds.I reply to a lot of post on the T-Net,because
I want to show that there are other people out here that really appreciate the time and effort of other people to post there finds for other people to see.So don't worry about a few replies,and always
remember that what you found is one of the most awesome finds that I have ever seen.
MY HAT IS OFF TO YOU AND YOUR FIND,Thanks for posting it so we can enjoy part of our great
Happy hunting Yeah my camera sucks! and For some reason jasc photo editing did not get the pics the way it usually does Lets see new camera with find Money? New computer? or perhaps a detector up grade?? tough choices!! NOT!!!


Re: I am a believer! silver cache! final count,dates,new pics and a word on slan

Captn_SE said:
Is it a surprise to me that I found the CACHE?Huh? NOOOO!

Hell, I'd be surprised. :o :o :o I would never have expected to find a cache of silver coins in the ground. Especially in a plowed field.

Easily possibly, just has to be a little deeper than the plough, which isn't much. I have dug many iron relics that deep so a large group of silver coins together would be no different.

Re: I am a believer! silver cache! final count,dates,new pics and a word on slander!

It's what dreams are made of, you just grabbed one before a few others.
Congrat's on the Banner enjoy the warmth that the find has bestowed on you. :thumbsup:

Re: I am a believer! silver cache! final count,dates,new pics and a word on slan

Iron Patch said:
Captn_SE said:
Is it a surprise to me that I found the CACHE?Huh? NOOOO!

Hell, I'd be surprised. :o :o :o I would never have expected to find a cache of silver coins in the ground. Especially in a plowed field.

Easily possibly, just has to be a little deeper than the plough, which isn't much. I have dug many iron relics that deep so a large group of silver coins together would be no different.

IP, Maine Relic said in his original post that the flower pot was only 8" deep? I would think a plow could dig to over a foot in the ground.


Re: I am a believer! silver cache! final count,dates,new pics and a word on slan

Our home has a wood stove that we use for 90% of our winter heat. We live in a forest, and we cut our own trees down. Besides the money it saves, I have never been healthier from the hard work. Because we have newspapers that are collected throughout the year to start the fire each morning, and wrap antiques in we send around the world, and don't get used up each year, we have newspapers dated 2004 and up. I didn't even think for a second that an old dated newspaper would make a person skeptical. Don't let anybody shoot down your well deserved moment. You worked hard for it. Critics are a dime a dozen.

I, for one, re-read your magical post 3 times. Once for the privilege of sharing your great dream find, Once to vent my envy, and Once for inspiration.

May all your swings be golden.

Re: I am a believer! silver cache! final count,dates,new pics and a word on slander!

Simple jealosy on the part of such posters! Even some of the finds in the "Best of Tnet" have caught their share of flak.

Re: I am a believer! silver cache! final count,dates,new pics and a word on slander!

No need to defend yourself, The times on my t net are way way off plus whats the date on the paper have to do with the price of tea in china?? If I was making up a story I would never dream up a red clay pot for a cache container. I never doubted you and I can smell bull a mile away! I am happy for you don't let one bad apple turn you off to t net This forum is the friendliest bunch of any I have ever encountered in all my internet travels They bend over backwards to help any person on any topic! I have never been made so welcome on any other site.

Re: I am a believer! silver cache! final count,dates,new pics and a word on slander!

Captn_SE said:
Is it a surprise to me that I found the CACHE?Huh? NOOOO!

Hell, I'd be surprised. :o :o :o I would never have expected to find a cache of silver coins in the ground. Especially in a plowed field.

I agree with just about everything you said, Maine Relic! There's jealousy among a few on this forum and other forums when people post great finds. Not sure what makes them want to lash out at the ones making great finds. We will never understand why others do what they do, so it's better to just keep concentrating on making great finds, and ignore the ones who put belittling as their highest priority.

Congrats again! :thumbsup:

CAPTN SE I found the spoons thimble ect in the field close to the woods in the field it made me decide to go in the woods alittle and look for old house finds just a little in to the woods off the field I found the cache!! thanks for your support!! I have a complete list of every coin and date and mint but I got verbose in my rant on slander cause I did not expect it on t-net and my honey dooooooo! list is getting BIG cause I have been doing nothing but working cleaning and catalouging coins I will put up a complete list when I grt a chance got to go!

Yes, are there any key dated coins? I'm interested in the SLQ's dates. ::)

Re: I am a believer! silver cache! final count,dates,new pics and a word on slander!

....and look for old house finds just a little in to the woods off the field I found the cache!!

Okay, thanks for that clarification! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Re: I am a believer! silver cache! final count,dates,new pics and a word on slander!

Well said MaineRelic, again my hats off to you and another congratulations...............Rich

Re: I am a believer! silver cache! final count,dates,new pics and a word on slander!

Sticks and stones will hurt my bones but, words will never...

Man, your are a lucky dog!!! For some of us that is a lifetime of silver finds.

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