Now I am a believer !! There are silver caches out there !! 5 and 3/4 lbs worth!

The find of your life. Wow once in a lifetime find.

Golden silver

Now that's what dreams are made of, right there!! :thumbsup:

Did you have an inkling that there might be a cache there somewhere or was it just blind luck? I've often wondered how many finds of the average Joe is luck vs how much is skill? Monty

Take some more pictures already. The masses are restless. Come on. :thumbsup:

JImmeney Christmas what a beautiful find.Banner for sure.Let us know if youve got any good dates there ought to be a 1916D in there! :thumbsup:...Id look there may be more there too!Thanks for the inspiration

OMG!!!!!!! Great find and the area should be gone over more fantastic find. Congrates :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:Banner Banner and Banner again.Hardrock

Excellent find.Not a whole lot of silver coins where i live so i guess will just look at yours,again and again and again and.

Major Congrats!!! WTG!!!! BANNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :thumbsup:

HH Joe

Awesome cache find and congrats! Makes me think there is a cache of silver dollars there and possibly several more caches in general. HH, Mike

Hey MaineRelic I am BLOWN AWAY !!! Congrats on a silver cache !!!! I hope theres some 1916D Mercs in there for ya !

As for now I can only vicariously thru T-Net finds as I'm in Thailand without a datector :'( Good thing theres plenty of hot beautiful Thai girls to take my mind off not being able to go out detecting !

Major Congrats on an OUTSTANDING find !!!!! :thumbsup: :wav: :thumbsup:

Maine digger...Congrats on a fantasic find....I have no doubts...Let us know if theres any good dates in there.Its the lure of finds like these that keeps us all doing what we love to do.Let us know when that 1700s coin comes due too.Had a old deceased friend that dicovered a similar cache in the 60s while digging a stump out.They do exist :thumbsup:..HB

If anything I dig ever looks like this I think my eyes will bleed.

:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: Awesome find of a lifetime! :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

[Do you feel like going back to see if there's more?!]

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