..... we do know for a fact that someone was there and atleast built the "the finger filter thingys" not sure why of course. ......
After all the years of efforts, and all the "he said she said" conjectures, I'm wiling to question even "the fingers". I think there's already been natural attribution/explanations given to it. And/or over-optimistic dreamy attributions given to things which could be naturally occurring underground water-channel. I mean: If I dig deep enough in MY OWN front yard,
I too will hit water that fills in my hole. Does that mean there's "secret chamber boobie-trap channels constructed" ?
Of course not. It just means I hit the water table. Doh! And after that, I can point to anything in the hills around my house, and begin to conjecture supposedly man-made causes of it. That's what treasure fever does after all: Cloud the intellect.
.... so far no one can prove for a fact that someone did bury something there just as no one can prove they didn't.....
Sure. And no one can "prove there's not invisible leprechauns under your house". All you'd have to say is "they're invisible, thus you can't dis-prove it". But whose burden is it to prove ? An astounding claim like that has the burden resting on the leprechaun believer to prove. Not the dis-believer to dis-prove.
.... Seems to be more people on here that are non believers yet they are more involved in all this then the ones that do believe... Not sure what that says. ...
Ppeaking for myself, it says the following: I've md'd for 40 yrs. now. And during that time chased 100's of leads. To supposed stage stops, caches, picnic grounds, swim holes, etc...... And of course, most end up being lame. And a few end up producing good key stuff.
So after many decades, you begin to study the trends of each lead. So that
GOING FORWARD, you don't pursue silly legend ghost stuff that wastes time.
....what the show is geared towards. .....
Hollywood sensationalism ratings wouldn't "sell", if they were boring and lacked sensation. And what they "gear" towards, is the human psyche to want ssseeeooooo hard to believe in any treasure legends. We are all so prone to fall for them, and believe them. "Lest you be left out".
I too used to sucker up to any story that came my way back when I started in the 1970s & 80's. Someone would come up and say "I know where a treasure is buried" blah blah blah. And I would sit spell-bound on the edge of my seat, chomping at the bit to get my detector onto it ! haha