What a thread guys, wow.....thanks for all of your suggestions....I did not get to go back yesterday morning but did use some time last night at the local watering hole for some lively conversation on the topic.....I apparently have no upstanding members of my community because they all wanted me in Ninja gear in that field last night...lol...a couple more beers and it might have happened....lol......
This what I did do yesterday.....I went to the library and found the field on a map from 1887.....it was a field in 1887 and that's all I know, couldn't find an older map. .....O.K., we have now determined it has been a field for awhile...lol
Didn't sleep well and then my phone rings at 6am this morning, it's my brother/detecting partner....says he is willing to call in sick today if I wanted to go check out the spot.....Well, O.K., there's my instant back-up.
Arrived at the field around 7:30am, talked about the possibilities all the way there, fun conversation.....
We parked at a little foot bridge just past the field (just out of view of the farmhouse on the hill) and just stared at the field for awhile while we finished our coffee's......My brother wholeheartedly wanted to walk the brook upstream behind the field and poke around where we could not be seen but it really wasn't near where I know the coins came from......he just kept saying "the coins must be EVERYWHERE!....LOL
Just as we are debating what to do we hear a tractor start up at the house and I said "screw it, I'm going up and ask the guy.....left my brother at the car and walked up the hill......it was a young kid on the tractor and I say to him "Do you happen to know who own the field across the road?"......He said "We do"......I then proceed to start into a conversation about me having metal detecting as a hobby, blah, blah... and he stops me and said that I should talk to his father and he goes into the barn to get him.......He YELLS to his father and says "Someone is here that wants to dig in the field!!"......uugghh....
He comes out, I say my name is Greg and go to shake his hand but his hand was all nasty with something so he doesn't shake my hand (awkward).....started to repeat what I was saying to the kid and he says (and this should clear up a few points of debate on this thread) "I'm sorry but I just recently told another guy no and I'm gonna have to say the same thing to you".....All that came out of my mouth was "No problem, enjoy your day" and I walked back to the car.....my brother was crushed and we just drove back home........
So now all I know is that the first 2 guys asked permission (or quite possibly got kicked out after I left them) and if they did get kicked out it ruined it for me and if they detected anyways after being told no then they have pretty big golfballs.....
Anyways, that's the story, I'm again in need of a stiff drink and 2 idiots have 31 Colonials.
Anybody have a Plan B?