No pics....but PLEASE be sitting down for this.....

Paul is Dead said:
Green1 said:
ok i'm sorry i said i would just jump in !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anyone wants to shoot me bring it onnnnnnnnnnn,,,,,,,,,,,, i was just a little pumped is all !!!!!!!!!!
and please don't act like you never pulled over in the middle of (nowhere) and pulled out your detector and started swinging, if you say that you haven't i'm calling you a liar ....

Alright Hot Shot! I am standing up and calling you out. I have never trespassed on land that had a no treassing sign, or go into someones yard. I have miles of beachs. And I fill my holes too. And that is sand that will fill anyway... What say you man of imperfection!

me say pay attention !! was anything mentioned about no trespassing signs? what i got was the middle of nowhere...not a persons yard,, so go play in the sand with your twelve- nine foot tall boys or whatever it is you have....

What the heck does this have to do with indians and Government ownership of all the land! Talk
about how some of these threads get off track!!!!!

How come no one ever mentioned doing some research first, before you approach who you think
is the farmer/owner.

Rat out the guys you saw, well I think thats the wrong way to go and some people will think you
are just that, a rat, that got thrown out by them and might just get you an invitation to leave!
First thing I would ask you is why did you wait days or a week to tell me!

Go on your own merits, after you find out who owns the property. (County.local records) and if
you get denied, then I would rat them out!!!! Ha! ....

Hey 123- I'm expecting pics of your finds there NLT 2300 hrs 8/16/06. HOP TO!

Good Swingin

gypsyheart said:
I agree with Paul and Jeff. But I think I would scout some old maps first and see what was actually around there. Then I would ask permission, but I would take a friend,because you know those guys are going to be really mad with you horning in on their find. I would ask the farmer to split with me also. Those other guys really make it bad for the rest of us and Lord I really hope its not someone on the forum. I am going to be scouting other forums to see who posts these finds.

Gypsy has a good point of researching the area. Get permission from the farmer 1st though to hunt the field. Make friends with the farmer, offer to help around the farm once in a while, whether it's throwing bales, shoveling grain, etc. If the research pays off that there's more to it than just that little spot, then the farmer may be good enough to talk to other land owners in the area and put in a good word for you. Remember too that when he tills the land, that more stuff will be churned up and going back again and again will keep your pouch filled for some time to come.

As Jeff said "If the Farmer is willing, Consider asking the Farmer if you can put a few No Trespassing Signs up till your Done."

Unless they see you in the field When and I stressed when because they will be back, too may goodies for them not to be tempted, they won't know who put the signs up and would be even more nervous about getting caught. I'd definitely have at least one other person with me in the field and also a cell with the farmer's # in it or someone elses that the farmer trusts to act on his behalf, along with written permission in case someone asks.

Just my 2 cents, good luck, get back out there and get 'er done. HH!

I take it that this is a field where a crop is raised? Ask the dude if you can pay him to let you dig around a bit and not make a mess. Tell him when you leave he won't even know you'd been there. I'm a rock collector and me and my buddies pay farmers all the time to go digging on their property. I paid a farmer in Morganton, N.C. $10.00 to go digging in one of his fields and found a bucket full of garnets ranging from big marble to skee ball size. Is it against the code of ethics of MD'rs to pay to search a site? I'd offer him $20.00 to go detect his land and tell him to come with me if he wanted to. Most he can do is turn you down, and as it stands the detector is still in the trunk your trunk ;)

Good luck,

of your car. I think I had a senior moment there

tedpank said:
How come no one ever mentioned doing some research first, before you approach who you think
is the farmer/owner.

Gypsy Did ;D

gypsyheart said:
I would scout some old maps first and see what was actually around there. Then I would ask permission,

Scouting Old Maps means Research ;)

I don't get all the bickering and fighting over this subject. Just tell him you saw a couple guys detecting this field and you stopped to see if they found anything. Tell him you noticed some old bricks and figured there was some old houses. Do some research to see what was once there. Tell him what you know and ask him if he has any other information. Ask him for permission to hunt. Tell him you would be happy to show him what you have found. As for the claim jumping crowd, sorry I really don't believe it exists in MD. If I get permission just like you its OK in my eyes. If the owner only wanted one guy hunting he wouldn't give anyone else permission IMHO.

lucky1777 said:
Just tell him you saw a couple guys detecting this field and you stopped to see if they found anything.

that's Another good way to Go lucky.

and after Thinking about it.
Is it Realy Snitching If you Don't Tell them Who it was ?

If asked I'd just say a Couple Guys in a Truck.
Don't know them Personally.
you wouldn't be Lying.

ok,, i'll type slow so you can understand.......i do some beach hunting too, why would i say that to anyone ?? the sand pounding thing.................

This thread sure has taken some curious turns.
I was thinking last night that the men who are tresspassing have to be a little nervous. They have to be trying to hurry and dig as much as possible in short spurts so they wont be caught. Which pretty much means they are not doing a good job.
Bottom line is ,this is not their property. They are tresspassing and stealing. I dont care if they were taking rocks...stealing is ...hmmm...stealing.

Go ask permission. If he says no...then thats to bad, but I think he will appreciate your asking and probally allow it. If he says no...keep talking. Ask him the history of the place and if you could take some pictures. Tell him about your love of history and not wanting things to just fade away without some lasting record...and he will probally change his mind. He probally knows even better and more places on his property for you to hunt.
If you need me! ;)

why don't you two argue in PMs. I for one don't need to see it. I am following this thread to get some ideas of how people ask permission, and to see if he gets to hunt this great spot.

Hey, I play in the sand every chance I get, would go right now if I could.....Lots of lost items on these beaches, and sometimes I do have to pound my digger into the sand when not at the beach....LOL ;D

After seeing what they were pulling out of the ground I would have happily gone to see the ower, tell him what my hobby was, assure him all holes would be small and covered up offer him $50 dollars for exclusive rights to MT his property, and if $50 didn't work I wouldn't think twice about offering more.

I really really really want this to work out. I would love to here that the farmer said okie-dokie and you get in there and find a bucket full of colonials. This could very well happen. Not all farmers are miserly weirdos. Some of them just think like everybody else does. The coins, relics, whatever are in the ground and it isn't going to hurt anything if you go dig them up. If I had a big field full of coins and didn't own a metal detector and had no intention of messing with them, I'd let someone in to detect it if they wanted to. I haven't looked up the coins that were mentioned, what are they actually worth? I'm guessing it's more the thrill of the hunt than a bunch of money at stake here. Man, I'd flip if I got into something like that. I thought I'd found a big penny in an old park in Charlotte last week and it ended up being a 1970's carwash token, cool but not a poster.

Ask the farmer and see what he says,

There is something to be said for taking the high road and asking permission. You may also inquire about the history of that property, info you might not get another way. That alone makes it worth asking! ;)

I found this place about 3 miles from my house (one room school house) very old. I found out who owned the property and it took me several weeks to get up the nerve to ask for permission. I even lost sleep thinking about it. To make a long story short they said I was the first person to ever ask to MD the place but they said it was not there policy to allow MDing. They said if they gave me permission, they would have to allow permission to everyone. That really stinks but I sleep a lot better at night. One thing I did learn from this is, there is no sense in waiting around and thinking about it just walk up to the door and ask permission you will sleep better at night. Hope we all get to see some of your finds from this place soon.

GOD Bless

I think the landowner has been victimized (living in an old farming community, that's where my sentiments are). But sentiments aside, I would either walk away and leave it between the landowner and the hunters or do what I think would be the right thing and let the landowner know what has happened. I would NOT go to the landowner and only tell him part of the story that works only to your advantage, but tell him all, including the fact that the finds are of considerable value. This may not be easy if the landowner locates the hunters and prosecutes. You may very well wind up in court testifying on behalf of the landowner. That's my two cents. Good luck.

Testifying in court would not be a good thing! Why didnt the two thieves get permission from the farmer? Maybe they asked & were told NO! When you first saw & spoke to them you should've told them to give you a couple of them old coins or you were writing down their liscense plate numbers & turning them in! lol Bet it would've worked! "Im his nieghbor, ol' Joe aint one to mess with! He'll see that you burn for this! Now then...........give me these 4 coins & I'll walk away & so will you!" Then Id talk to the farmer, if he said NO at least he'd keep an eye on the field & keep the 2 creeps from stealing more coins. You know the coins are there, let em sit til an honest opportunity comes along where you can go get them. ;)

It's a tough call.

I know as soon as I saw those coppers my blood would have been flowing.

I would of said do you guys care if I come through and hunt it a little to.

Or I would try and find the owner and ask. I hate hunting without permission or knowing who's land I'm on.

Good story also. Sounds like a old settlement was there at one time.

HH Jer

When I was a child I always thought how wonderful it would be when I became an adult because people would surely treat each other better. I don't post very often but have always enjoyed the camraderie and congrats on this forum when someone found something that was very exciting for them. Isn't that what this is all about. Come on you guys; so much energy is wasted on this petty arguing. Use the forum for it's intended purpose.

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