Full Member
Well 123 maybe you should just walk away, but good luck with the sleepless nights wondering whats there........On the other hand if you got permission and they did'nt......hrm good luck this one bud.
treasure_hunter32810 said:Okay, here is twist to the story. Lets see if this rings a bell..
First here are the comments.
"What if it was your land and someone WITHOUT YOUR PERMISSION was digging holes in it and tresspassing ? Wouldn't you be mad"
"If i ever found anyone on my land digging without my permission they would have a butt full of buckshot"
"to go on a man's land that "HE" is working, and rob him of unknowing wealth to him is unredeemed! It is his land,"
"That is HIS land .Its probley been in his family for genrations.Thats HIS coins."
"most farmers and country people will let you hunt there property but at the same time if they catch you on there property without permission they are going to be p!ssed!!!"
"Go dig without permisson ! You dont need it ! Hell just leave the gapping holes unfilled too while you're at it !!"
Now here is the twist.
Didn't the American Indian own all of this land to begin with? Its a real shame there weren't more white folks defending their rights when our government was stealing the same land that had been theirs for thousands of years right out from under their very feet.
Even today our government refuses to honor the treaties it signed a hundred years ago and pay them what they are owed.
mxtswinger said:As to "claim jumping", IMHO, without the owner's permission there IS NO CLAIM.
I would get my behind up there and try for permission. Either way I would definitely let him know that he has trespassers on his place. If you get permission, and then he catches the other two, you could be blamed for inviting them there. If they don't get caught but he discovers property damage caused by them, you might catch hell for that as well. Good Luck and
Keep on Swingin