New twist on the LDM.

C Netherlands, Mica also comes in large sheets, veins ?. Clear sheets are valuable.

If you take bill's quote literally he says he had an assay performed on a sample of those 3 minerals he found in a vein. (quartz vein?) He didn't say he found a big mineral specimen of sheet mica. But anything is possible no matter how geologically unlikely :D

There are many uses for sheet Mica that is clear. A simple example of the scrap sheet mica is in the simple house hold screw in fuses, ovens etc.
Have some coffee Concep:coffee2::coffee2:

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The triangle shaped rock in the middle of the circle shape and below the balanced rock marking .

View attachment 1218879

And the covered shaft's entrance

View attachment 1218880

The triangle shaped rock ( yellow circle ) in the middle of the round shape ( red circle ) . The picture was taken from a mountain summit .

spot.webp spot 2.webp

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I was looking for what Edgar Cayce meant as " sheep " , when was describing the most valuable mines which are surrounding the LDM . I found it using the " Cuenta del oro " map . Not a piece of cake at all .
I will post a GE image of the " sheep " , just to know how it's somewhere out there , and another GE image with the traces of the operations on this boulder .

the sheep.webp sm.webp

Have a nice weekend gentlemen

I was looking for what Edgar Cayce meant as " sheep " , when was describing the most valuable mines which are surrounding the LDM . I found it using the " Cuenta del oro " map . Not a piece of cake at all .
I will post a GE image of the " sheep " , just to know how it's somewhere out there , and another GE image with the traces of the operations on this boulder .

View attachment 1577808 View attachment 1577809

Have a nice weekend gentlemen

If EC saw it as a " sheep " , that was only his image . Maybe others saw it as " a rampant horse with the mouth open " .

Did Cayce say anything about seeing the "sheep" from a airplane or satellite ?
Otherwise, how are you going to recognize it ?
You need to put your boots on the ground.....out where I was most of last week.....and where you can see it for real.
Even when the dust storm last Thursday afternoon blotted out most of the range for a few hours.
Is this what Cayce could see....?
Some might see a sheep. Others a horse.
Reminds me of a Chess piece (Knight).

100_0533 cr 1.webp

Did Cayce say anything about seeing the "sheep" from a airplane or satellite ?
Otherwise, how are you going to recognize it ?
You need to put your boots on the ground.....out where I was most of last week.....and where you can see it for real.
Even when the dust storm last Thursday afternoon blotted out most of the range for a few hours.
Is this what Cayce could see....?
Some might see a sheep. Others a horse.
Reminds me of a Chess piece (Knight).

View attachment 1578977

Ram. Pretty decent one.

It’s quite likely just an anomaly not at all related to any kind of “treasure” stuff. However, IF it is a “sign” of some sort (big if IMO), whether totally natural or not, then one always looks in the direction the ram is looking. The other association with the ram is the Age of Ares - the Old Testment period and also the time of the old Roman Republic. The Roman-colony-in-Arizona folks can run with that one.

Across the canyon......

100_0539 MC2  mustache man.webp

Down below and in between.....

100_0536 sphinx.webp

One clue to the LDM mentions a rock or face like that of a sphinx.

100_1528 looking 2.webp

A different and larger "face".

I miss being out there. Can't wait to go back.

Neither can I, even though I just got back from a weeks worth.
Now I wish I'd had at least two. Gets more interesting all the time, with what looks like an entryway..... centered within a triangle..... almost within my reach this time.
It's difficult and very risky, but I'll get there yet.
I'm still having trouble with my camera not focusing properly on this area for some reason. Anywhere else or at a distance doesn't seem to be a problem.
Best I can do for now.

DSCF1426 TD.webp

It's the electromagnetic field created by the massive amount of gold that you are standing near. That is why those dousing rods (I think that's what it's called) actually work. Next time you go there bring a rod, it might work. That is if the field is not to strong and confuse the rod.

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Don't know how I could wave a couple of those things around, while climbing up a near vertical cliff face.
I'm probably past the point where they would tell me anything more, anyway. If there's any gold back in there somewhere, I'll be close enough to see it and touch it.

View attachment 1579348

A different and larger "face".

Nice photos Somehiker thanks for sharing them, especially this face. I am pretty certain I have never seen that one, would ask where it is but don't want to create a beaten path to it either so won't ask. It looks rather like the MesoAmerican stone carvings IMHO.

Please do continue;

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

PS Somehiker on that stone face, did it appear to be natural or man-made/altered? Any tool marks visible on it? Thanks in advance,

:coffee2: :coffee:

PS Somehiker on that stone face, did it appear to be natural or man-made/altered? Any tool marks visible on it? Thanks in advance,

:coffee2: :coffee:

Hard to tell Roy, since weathering can make tool marks difficult to recognize.
Especially if hard and sharpened metal tools were not available at the time this and the other two and three dimensional sculpture in the immediate area were created.
The Olmec heads and other Central American stone artworks do not exhibit tool marks either, but they are also generally proportional and symmetrical in form.
Here's another, 255 yards away.......

100_1098 openings with sculpture.webp

This one has a even has a shallow cavity where a lip plug would go.
It's just below and to the right of another rectangular opening in the back wall, and is sheltered by the overhanging sides of the narrow crevice it lies within.

And just Forty three yards from the big face.....

DSCF1384 medicine man.webp

Between the two and looking towards the crevice.

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