New Treasure Hunting TV show

All these google earth analysis pictures got me pulling my hair out. Don't get me wrong, they are part of the tool kit, but some are basing most all of their claims on them.

Let's see on the ground, up close pictures. Let's see pictures from the ground of these old formation clues (some of them natural, some man made). Lets see the sealed and unsealed entrances. Lets see inside the mine corridors. Let's see old tracks in the mine. Let's see the old wooden support beams. Let us see pictures of the gold itself. Let's see pictures of artifacts on the ground and left in the mine. Let's see the core samples of mines and their compositions. Let's run the samples of inside and outside the mine to see their gold production rate. All of that is absent in most all of these "finds" where they have claimed to solve the lost legend of some missing mine.

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Thanks for everyones view time on my dutchman thread... You put me on page One of Google... That was the surprise for the members who constantly mocked me. I wasnt threatening anyone

Thanks for everyones view time on my dutchman thread... You put me on page One of Google... That was the surprise for the members who constantly mocked me. I wasnt threatening anyone

Thanks wernt nothin really .
Glad to see the link to your FB page made to 3rd spot on the Google search for "Roger Rantz".
I gotta wonder why though, cause when I do a Google search for my name, it pops up as # 1.........go figger.


  • GS.webp
    26.9 KB · Views: 95
So how is yet another prospector show on the Lost Dutchman make sense when someone has already located the 18 mines from the Peralta Stones?

There is even an investigation started as to the reason that there is a Military Issue Tent Canopy newly erected over the site as seen on Google Earth in clear sight with their wagons and tanks showing

View attachment 1845881 New Pic from 2020

View attachment 1845882 Old Pic I posted here in 2015

Interesting find. Went to check it out on GE and you are saying that the GE image showing the tent canopy is from 2020, but it is actually from 1/2018 according to Google. It does seem to be the most recent image of that area though.
I went back in time to see if it was available to see when the things you are calling tanks might have showed up. They appear to have been there as far back as GE shows . . . 2004 at least. (prior to 2004, there is not enough detail to easily discern if they were there or not).

How did you come upon this if you don't mind me asking?

Thanks for everyones view time on my dutchman thread... You put me on page One of Google... That was the surprise for the members who constantly mocked me. I wasnt threatening anyone
not that being high on google will do you any good but glad we could help:occasion14:

Thanks for everyones view time on my dutchman thread... You put me on page One of Google... That was the surprise for the members who constantly mocked me. I wasnt threatening anyone

Gaslighting us again. You threatened to sue TNET and you threatened to sue other Members and then you kept alluding to people getting their payback.

All these google earth analysis pictures got me pulling my hair out. Don't get me wrong, they are part of the tool kit, but some are basing most all of their claims on them.

Let's see on the ground, up close pictures. Let's see pictures from the ground of these old formation clues (some of them natural, some man made). Lets see the sealed and unsealed entrances. Lets see inside the mine corridors. Let's see old tracks in the mine. Let's see the old wooden support beams. Let us see pictures of the gold itself. Let's see pictures of artifacts on the ground and left in the mine. Let's see the core samples of mines and their compositions. Let's run the samples of inside and outside the mine to see their gold production rate. All of that is absent in most all of these "finds" where they have claimed to solve the lost legend of some missing mine.
that would be impossible for them to do...unless they can figure out how to do it from google most of these google earth lost mine hunters don't realize is most of these so called "lost mines" have been found...many years ago...there is one word that explains why they were lost in the first place..APACHE..alot of the mines were found in the day when the apache were running the desert...somebody got lucky and found something drunk and forgot where it was....word spread about it but a thorough search couldn't be made..because of the apache...after the apache were beat down whitey combed the hills and found most of these "lost " add to the confusion alot of arizona is pocket country..which means alot of fabulously rich pockets were located on the surface but pinched down to average ore after reaching 15-20 ft... .and when a lucky prospector stumbled onto one of these he thought he hit the mother load...and so did everyone else he told about when some of these lost mines were relocated they were proved to be surface pockets and after they petered out fast..they were forgotten just as fast...the goldfield area is a prime example..the area is block faulted so alot of veins disappeared after they dug them down....the area is littered with shallow holes where rich pockets were removed :occasion14:

Thanks for everyones view time on my dutchman thread... You put me on page One of Google... That was the surprise for the members who constantly mocked me. I wasnt threatening anyone
actually rog i think you shot yourself in the gonads by locking the thread.... the thread is not is still there and everyone can read everything you wrote...only difference is you cant post or defend your words on the thread now..and now that you are top on google anyone (including reality show scouts ) can read the lunacy

not that being high on google will do you any good but glad we could help:occasion14:

Ain't never put no money in my bank account either, Dave.

Thanks wernt nothin really .
Glad to see the link to your FB page made to 3rd spot on the Google search for "Roger Rantz".
I gotta wonder why though, cause when I do a Google search for my name, it pops up as # 1.........go figger.

Well, like they say, hiker, "The significance of a man is not in what he attains but in what he longs to attain."

And just WHO is conducting this "investigation" Eldo ?

Who do you claim put the wagons way up there ?

And when ?

Wagons were anywhere from 1880s period the Spanish were long gone from the area at the time the Reavis boys were there. They may come from a time after the Reavis gang got killed to the time that the new owner claimed it. It is under a title, but cut off to mining legally. I doubt that it is that man that owns it doing the tenting.

The investigation is a series of reports that went out to BLM and Tonto National Forrest report pages and numbers. They called back to verify both at the Federal and State levels, and I got a call from the Geologist from NAU in Flagstaff about it as well.

Nothing heard since the reports and the discussions, but they take it seriously when it is as obvious as these photographs popping up on Google Earth's new photos

Whoever did this is not that smart and erected the tent under the assumption nobody would be checking on it....LOL

Kinda makes you wonder when it takes a lot of gear to bring up there and erect that large of a the obvious signs that a chopper was used or a set of horses/mules to carry it all are there as well. This is at the highest point in the area.

All these google earth analysis pictures got me pulling my hair out. Don't get me wrong, they are part of the tool kit, but some are basing most all of their claims on them.

Let's see on the ground, up close pictures. Let's see pictures from the ground of these old formation clues (some of them natural, some man made). Lets see the sealed and unsealed entrances. Lets see inside the mine corridors. Let's see old tracks in the mine. Let's see the old wooden support beams. Let us see pictures of the gold itself. Let's see pictures of artifacts on the ground and left in the mine. Let's see the core samples of mines and their compositions. Let's run the samples of inside and outside the mine to see their gold production rate. All of that is absent in most all of these "finds" where they have claimed to solve the lost legend of some missing mine.

You do see the mine openings clearly as well as the wagons set there right?

These are obvious signs of activity there.

There are more subtle photos of locations showing their walls set up like the numbers on the Peralta Stones



I would propose a documentary on Senner's hidden gold ore with Arthur ( deducer ) to be the director , since he likes the high grounds and has some experience. At last would be a documentary that will ends in finding the gold, and not like the other that left you in the middle of nowhere.
Think about and I will only show the spot and the details. A Superstitions treasure hunters company production.

actually rog i think you shot yourself in the gonads by locking the thread.... the thread is not is still there and everyone can read everything you wrote...only difference is you cant post or defend your words on the thread now..and now that you are top on google anyone (including reality show scouts ) can read the lunacy

Im not the one who bashed the production scout, like yall did?

If there was a real Lost Dutchman's Mine, it should had been found by now. I did not bashed the production scout.

If there was a real Lost Dutchman's Mine, it should had been found by now.

I would guess it was, long ago. One of 1000's of mines. Was probably mined too again for a bit, but never as productive to stand out as anything special. It's easy to feel you are in such a remote spot no one had ever been there before, but drop a coil to that ground and you'll be picking up trash from the last 100 years. I guarantee you drop a coil to the ground around Roger Rantz's supposed mine and you'll find plenty of trash from the intervening 100+ years indicating a heavy human presence. It's literally only a few miles from town as the crow flies, hardly remote. Every Tom Dick and Harry from the areas offroaded, hiked, prospected or motorcycled in them there hills.

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If there was a real Lost Dutchman's Mine, it should had been found by now. I did not bashed the production scout.

Never said you did. the ones who did know who Im talking about. I have screenshots of some them editing their posts on my thread, trying to cover their tracks.

Never said you did. the ones who did know who Im talking about. I have screenshots of some them editing their posts on my thread, trying to cover their tracks.
looks like he's got us dead to rights:laughing7:

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