New Treasure Hunting TV show

Hate to burst your bubble (LOL), but Gold Rush is fake as well. Production gave Schnabel $100K to buy equipment and pay employees, and he pocketed everything. All those jars of gold they kept showing for the cleanouts were rented from Tony Beets. I live near Prescott Arizona, Melody Tallis lives near me. Dave Turin was prospecting on a creek (Lynx) three miles from home, and a buddy is good friends with Fred Hurt. A WHOLE LOT goes on behind the scenes of every "supposed" reality based show.


I know they get paid and a whole lot goes on being the scenes but I think they are also blowing smoke at you on Tony Beets supplying the gold for weigh ins. May have happened one time but doubtful. I would not believe Dave Turnin he is a snake and Fred just wants his show. Am glad they all live near you though. I say fake news until you can prove it.

I know they get paid and a whole lot goes on being the scenes but I think they are also blowing smoke at you on Tony Beets supplying the gold for weigh ins. May have happened one time but doubtful. I would not believe Dave Turnin he is a snake and Fred just wants his show. Am glad they all live near you though. I say fake news until you can prove it.

Neither of those stories came from either Dave Turin (never met him) or Melodie. They came from another friend of mine that knows most of the people on the show. Believe them or not, I really don't care. I simply used the stories as a way to explain that what you see is never what is true. The only show I had any faith in was Survivorman.


Neither of those stories came from either Dave Turin (never met him) or Melodie. They came from another friend of mine that knows most of the people on the show. Believe them or not, I really don't care. I simply used the stories as a way to explain that what you see is never what is true. The only show I had any faith in was Survivorman.


Survivorman was great !

That guys crazy!

But how easy would be to fake your own show when you have no others there to verify your not hiding a bag of McDonalds burgers during the day?
Les was probably jumping in his 4x4 for quick jaunt to the Hotel every evening! Or a quick drink at the Hotel Bar! You'd have to have something to get that taste of scorpion stew out of you gullet.

I was a big fan of "Wicked Tuna"..but then one day they showed
a guy harpooning a tuna just below the gill plate, but when they
showed pics of the fish still underwater, the harpoon was entering
just below the other words..not the same fish. Seen
this same situation dozens of times since.

All the voice over stuff sounds so's clear they're reading it
right off the teleprompter.

Watching one of the episodes a couple years back, I thought I caught
just a glimpse of something that was likely frowned upon by the
producers. Wasn't sure, so I backed it up and went back through the
scene..frame by frame. Found a single frame they likely wished they had
edited out:

season 7 episode 4 (4).webp

I like "Wicked Tuna" but nothing beats the reality of doing it yourself. Tuna fishing is so much fun.

Interesting find. Went to check it out on GE and you are saying that the GE image showing the tent canopy is from 2020, but it is actually from 1/2018 according to Google. It does seem to be the most recent image of that area though.
I went back in time to see if it was available to see when the things you are calling tanks might have showed up. They appear to have been there as far back as GE shows . . . 2004 at least. (prior to 2004, there is not enough detail to easily discern if they were there or not).

How did you come upon this if you don't mind me asking?

Thanks for looking into's a real site and has a lot of history to it. There was a crew that filed years ago for the claim of that specific mine series....but got stopped mining during the ban on mining of the Supes....

So I know that the wagons are older than that because of their design, but it also seems that someone may have been up there picking during the 50s or 60s when this claim was filed with their State Mining and Mineral Dept.

As far as how I found it....this was one of three locations that I found when I first joined TNet.

I literally came onboard here, looked at the Lost Dutchman's section, filed through a few bigger posts with maps and then cross referenced them to the other sites that had stories, to lock in a common theme that all of them had, being the majority of the stories of Jacob Waltz and of the 30 men found there at Massacre Grounds and tracked them back through a trail to a base point, which also crossed over from the trail that Waltz had to have taken from Ft McDowell...the two paths crossed and I figured that would be the approximate area that both were using along the same trail.

From there I used basic logic to find a canyon that he could have taken and looked for clues on the Google Earth images that were posted to see if landmarks matched.....I also made sure to use the Peralta Stones to confirm the movements and find general locations of landmarks to look for.
All in all it took me 35 minutes to walk the line to the first a Boss !! :headbang:

Here's one that amazed me as to the encrypted detail of it's legend......You have to look through the EYE of the EYE is horizontal, not vertical like Weaver's Needle was

eye of the needle.webp

Really sucked when they removed all the pics that Art Brown took as he moved through almost every location in the area documenting the clues without even knowing their meaning.

Here is the area where the base entrance to the hike up was seen to take, around the location where Waltz had mentioned the rockfall changing the area's look, and sitting on top of that ridge is the Eye of the Needle.

Cave and X.webp

Also to note that I had not made the connection to the Beale until I later wanted to make a page on the Peralta Stones, showing their meaning specifically as it related to the terrain.

There were a few markings that were made on the stones that could not be found in AZ.

They were markings made that showed that they used the Peralta Stones to coordinate the burial of their stash in VA using similar looking locations, and they made the Latin Heart as an interchangeable stone to be switched out in VA to coordinate the final steps of their movements to the caches

Although this was discovered by me some months later when I nailed in the locations of the Beale, I still hold the title to the discovery of the Lost Dutchman in an amazing time. Something I am very proud of that encouraged me to continue working in these fields of study, and expanding my resume with one of the best content filled documentaries ever.

Not only do you get the Lost Dutchman, but the 17 other mines of their Perilous Enterprise AND the locations of the Beale in VA, regardless of their status of being empty or's still one of the greatest discoveries of the 20th and 21st Centuries and it came from dedicated research without just stumbling onto some bones in the outback of the desert.

I am also very familiar with the areas in the Supes having lived in the valley for years and made the effort to explore those areas before, so I know the terrain well.

I went tubing before on the Rio Salado near the base of the climb up, and as a kid my Aunt and Uncle once took us to Goldfield Ghost Town for an evening, so we naturally knew that area was used before for extensive mining operations.

Not like it's a big secret.....I came here to enjoy the thought of "becoming a Treasure Hunter" and voila ....... it happened to be really easy for me to interpret the umpteen maps and other stories about descriptions.

I know that I will never be able to mine the area so I figured that I would share the locations with the rest of the people here as they did a lot of the leg work and to save people from wandering and wasting money, I figured start up a sort of word of mouth tour there.

I want to go to a Lost Dutchman Rendezvous at some point and lead a hike there....maybe this year it will happen, but I would REALLY like to make a show about it all.

Gaslighting us again. You threatened to sue TNET and you threatened to sue other Members and then you kept alluding to people getting their payback.

TreasureForce Sewing Class.webp

That is why a lot of production company's want a treasure story like oak island to milk as much as its worth. No one can deny what a good job the oak island crew has strung out over a muddy hole. 7 perhaps more years of employment over nothing? And to think they still have a highlights special and reunion special to flog.

I am surprised some thing similar has not been done with the Dutchman mine story and the Beale story?


So you know about the two being connected.....glad to be able to have shown that to all of you and help get the info out to others about the Land Grab and how big their "Perilous Enterprise" became....

I have tried to make a few smaller interviews and Yuma based Production Allstars were instrumental in documenting my research in a phone interview, but cannot find a decent production company with a budget to make a considerable documentary that will encompass the entire movement that the men made, with the right graphics, actors, costumes, gear, and look/feel to reenact certain scenes.

I worked as a PA on films before and have so many connections in the Industry as a Stagehand and Rigger for 3 companies in Phoenix, but this is a LARGE story to be told....and requires literally close to a million dollar budget to get all the facts in line and present it to the degree that it explains everything with a quality that will attract the attention of the channels that host these shows.

So far so good, but it's slow with pigs hogging the channels with wandering disappointments.

I tried to get a few of the others here to help out and still keep that offer open to dedicated members and their deserves a larger forum and audience because these events later warped the US into the country it is today, so there are a lot of angles of human interest to push in these appeals.

Just don't expect it to be made overnight....the graphic animations and editing alone will take a min of 6 the production I would say could fill the content for 10 episodes over two in AZ and one in VA.

To me that would be the perfect layout....running the investigative side and historical backgrounds in the first few episodes, then running the explorations, then the discovery and final examinations of the locations inside for the final episode in the first season, with a season finale that shows "but wait, there's more"......and then show the discoveries of the extra stones and maps, and then charting them on the map to VA for the second season.

I will be paying attention if anyone tries to rip off my research too to make another 7 seasons out of it but it shows that there are scavengers coming here to take advantage of my research and plan out their own version of the story

If I find someone trying to bump me off my own documentary when it's obvious that they did none of the research, you can be best assured that it will see it's day in court. Nothing personal to anyone, but when you rob someone of something they tend to remember it forever.

So lets hope that they realize the flaws in other theories and the past documentaries that flopped running around the valley looking for snakes to shoot at, painting black hands (manos negro) on the rocks while calling it the mark of the Apache Thunder

Hopefully they will not try to embarrass themselves after the millions wasted on trying to keep a mystery alive while the rest of the country is privilege to this info online.

This was the first legendary code that I cracked, but I was already into research into others like the Rennes Le Chateau/Acadian Mystery that led them to and off of Oak Island to the Vault in the Notch in VT.

I am worth some serious money and will be making sure that the history of it is respected

G Money.webp

Sarge is a friend of mine and I can assure you that he is NO crook in any way. The producers were scripting the action so keep that in mind when finding fault, to assign it where it truly belongs.

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

Hand Drawn Maps......leading them to the locations he drew on them after miles of hiking just to make them look tired and worn out......and then stating "So who's going to kiss my ass?" on TV with nothing tangible to hold in his hand except the pistol he used to kill snakes with?

This some kind of joke?

Not even for a $100k payday, to go out and play on camera for a few weeks on their dime Dave? Hell I would, and make it interesting too even if it is scripted! The only way to lose in such a proposition is to go in with high hopes/expectations, just remember it is for Hollywood and the general public consumption, and who knows one might 'get lucky' on camera - without even being in a porno flick! :laughing7:

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2: :coffee2:

you do know that it is the content that sells and not the stooge that tries to get the story straight right?

by that i mean that you can merely make an abstract documentary without "icons" of treasure hunting starring in roles, merely by making a story about the nature of the legend, using the proven history, and then to wrap it up with a series of explorations that walk you through the clues with a narrative instead of a "what if" guy asking questions and the team talking about the subject.

What I mean is that these Q+A quests are getting tasteless and they need a more artistic look and feel that is brought to the that has numerous physical objects to pose as a map to a long journey that they made. You relive the adventure, you don't sit around a fire and get scared when you hear a noise in the brush and talk about your "thunder"

You don't see Frank "Getting Lucky" anytime soon being so weathered like a grape left in the sun to dry out.

And you won't see me "gearing up" with snakebite shin guards to go hiking on a well trodden trail that still exists today in the middle of the day. You may see me rappel in from a chopper into the site though......and that is an adventure on it's own.

Anyone that knows a team with horses and wagons pulled through an area repeatedly, will leave a trail in those climates where it barely rains and the foliage is pretty much the same as it was back then there is an obvious trail and it doesn't come from a hand drawn map of an edit of the well known Peralta's obvious they were avoiding using them to guide their adventure for fear of discovering their origin was that of a crew of men that Waltz knew about and that their legend was nothing of the sort.

It was like an introduction to the history of the search for the mines, and they relived the endless attempts to find them, regardless of their attempt to lure people to the possibility that they would find anything.

That sort of business is useless

Primarily two reasons:

1) The reality show would be outed for what it exactly is- a work of fiction.

2) Major networks and sub networks have to abide by SAG-AFTRA rules which stipulate that actors must be paid a "living wage" and are subject to "reasonable working conditions."

"Participants" on the other hand, receive very little protection. They sign away their ability to sue the production for anything, or go public with any information.

Question was why use "real treasure hunters"

What's a Treasure Hunter without a Treasure called? An Unreal Treasure Hunter?

They did hire actors.....everyone agrees that when your work is taken out of context and their "mockumentary" is scripted you are paid to play a role, regardless of the nature of the work being fictional or not.

The main point is that these shows are filler before the real show begins.....when you are shown the research step by step. The consumer demand is the driving force in their productions, but their assumption that illusions and diversion are an enjoyable experience to watch going on during a show for a viewer is the reason that they fail. The ones that do make it have a problem with getting their facts straight as well, but they also decorate the show with their own hype and circumstance, drawing conclusions that they think will create a shock and awe type of excitement that will make you want to come back for more of the same lie.

In order to keep that lie going, even though you can see it forming through suspicion, you then see them lying even more until it becomes literally a sit-com for the viewer.

Some of yall have been put on the ignore list and when the show starts, I will not be communicating with you

You going with a hand drawn map like in Legends?

Or are you more of a Geomancy guy drawing all kinds of geometric designs all over Google Earth maps?

From what I have seen so far there is nothing compared to locating a set of wagons and a series of mine shafts, and the other mines from the Peralta Stones

What were you planning to show them?

Because these Legends are now able to be seen in detail one by one's no big secret and to say you have made any discovery other than the 18 mines that are on the Stone maps is about as fraudulent as you coming here thinking that there is something new to be found

Here you go Roger.....the original pic I took of the site and openings way back when I joined here. Hope you can prove otherwise and impress us all but I can tell you that whatever you have to show us is more exiting to you than it is to us.

Just Sayin, don't waste your time

Lost Dutchman Mine Side.webp

Im working with them, you are not... There is a big difference. I got a lot more to lose by throwing the title out on here. You got nothing

You cant even upload your profile pic right side up and we are supposed to believe you were successful in finding the Lost Dutchman ?

I found the "lost dutchman mine" and its going to get shown thanks to chagy for this thread.

You could always make your own thread and show us all unless of course there is something that would "violate terms of an NDA"

If you knew anything about promotions you don't hide your upcoming production, you actually talk about it subjectively and professionally, with your own research shown ahead of time in these situations.

Seeing that there is so much discontent with other productions in the topic in question, you find that keeping quiet is better for your audience?

How is anyone going to even be able to watch it or be informed about it?

They run ads for a month at best before hand using this closed door policy ahead of should really try to be in the game with basic evidence shown for at least 6 months

When JustinTime from the Beale was online showing his Declaration of Independence off to everyone for months and his adventures exploring he basically sold the show for them ahead of time

Here you are trying to build suspense about a non-entity that nobody has seen from you should be building your name and identity with evidence....then let the producers try to create a more artistic spin on it....but it looks like that type of production is not going to happen

You also are selling yourself Legends got a lot of airtime and didn't find if you found the vault you should be getting a whole dedicated season ...... but you still would only have half the story, as the rest lies in a Pamphlet from VA and that is a whole different beast that they don't want to talk about. That is why you are seeing a ton of speculation that never solves the case, so they can make money on the continued legend

You are giving them a real site you claim from research, and haven't told us how you "won" the contest to be added to the people are naturally skeptical. Don't challenge them and tell them to wait to prove it, show them the hard facts if you have any bruh.....

Seeing as how the guy who has Forrest Fenn's treasure chest in confirmed by Fen himself....I wonder what a top notch production outfit would be willing to pay the finder to feature HIS story in a series.....given they could have a final episode featuring the real deal fora change.
Just asking for a friend.....ya know.


You think that Fenn confirmed it all and then kicked the bucket that quickly

Amazing ......

Forrest Aquino.webp

You going with a hand drawn map like in Legends?

Or are you more of a Geomancy guy drawing all kinds of geometric designs all over Google Earth maps?

From what I have seen so far there is nothing compared to locating a set of wagons and a series of mine shafts, and the other mines from the Peralta Stones

What were you planning to show them?

Because these Legends are now able to be seen in detail one by one's no big secret and to say you have made any discovery other than the 18 mines that are on the Stone maps is about as fraudulent as you coming here thinking that there is something new to be found

Here you go Roger.....the original pic I took of the site and openings way back when I joined here. Hope you can prove otherwise and impress us all but I can tell you that whatever you have to show us is more exiting to you than it is to us.

Just Sayin, don't waste your time

View attachment 1884128


Your pic has already been deemed a fraud. You know your gonna have to leave your High Chair and feed yourself with boots on the ground. I do agree that Art Brown mapped the area in photos.


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