New site?...with different clue versions?

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Foundation or ruin, sometimes the german language can help. Maybe Waltz used the word "Grundmauern". A word which has the first meaning "foundation", the walls in or with relation to the ground. But it has a common use and established term in relation with ruins too, because often the Gundmauern are the last viewable remains. Something can burn down to Grundmauern. Both english translations are not impossible.

A shot I took a few years ago, while remembering that particular clue.
Could have been this one, from the list I previously posted....."9) Near the head of the gulch is an old stone cabin foundation directly opposite the mine. (Mitchell)"
Just off to the side of a faint trail.....

100_1524 domus b.webp

If you are on that trail, you can't miss it.
And the entire ridge is quite "grassy".
"21) Above the mine was a grassy ridge where we could leave the animals. (Waltz)"

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Here's something I call "The Old Man of the Mountains".
Maybe I should call him the "Thunder God" though ....... waddya all think ??

100_0741sm old man of the mountain.webp


I only post this here because I'm sure others are wondering the same thing I am. Under published TNET rules, we are prohibited from posting links to other treasure hunting forums. If this rule is meant to also prohibit links to personal blogs, (arcana-exploration's site is a blog, not a forum) or any site that allows public comments, I think an update to the rules section may be a good idea.

For example, posting a link to a treasure-related news article that allows public comments (most online news articles allows public comments) would be a violation.

I understand this is not a democracy nor are rules open to debate, and a moderator's judgement is final. Just trying to understand how to approach the rules. Thanks, Jim

Jim, a news article is not a site dedicated to treasure hunting. Treasure Blog links are allowed as long as they do not allow comments, once comments are allowed they cease to be a blog as far as our rules are concerned which is why I suggested they turn off comments so the link could remain.

Here's something I call "The Old Man of the Mountains".
Maybe I should call him the "Thunder God" though ....... waddya all think ??

View attachment 1719362
history of the Twentieth Century: Struggle for recognition: Howard Graves: 9780536000811: Books
A history of the Twentieth Century: Struggle for recognition [Howard Graves] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.

Hey, Wayne here is the book, three years ago when Howard and I first meet away from campus it was at a Bob Evans for breakfast, I ask him to bring some of his stuff, He brought a history book and a couple of large think academic studies he had written, one of the papers was about the Early history American southwest, I didn't spend any time really looking at them we were there to meet and greet and go over what me and the guys were doing in Arizona, and see if he wanted to get involved or not, the next time we meet was at the Westerville library we had a conference, room and showed what we had and gave him background on the LDM, after that meeting that was when he said he wanted to be part of our team, as editor. He teaches writing at CSCC and used to teach history. It had been I while and the book I had remembered was 17th new Spain, it was, in fact, the academic paper. We never really talked about, that stuff again until earlier today. He said that history was done 13 years ago and went out of print 10 years ago, the publisher was Simmon and Shuster. He said most of the time you can find it on Amazon, books.

He and I were talking and said have a great Idea for a second book, I said the problem I am too old to do it and not the best, to do it. I told Howard I know the guy who should do it, he said give the Idea, I just an hour writing the idea out and lost it. I will try and find it and send it to you. Overview, kinda like the folks who to the Blue Ridge mountains and record the old man or woman their front, playing one of a kind ballad that his Celtic roots, telling their story while they are still able to tell it. He ask me if you could write, I said I have been reading his post for about five years and he can write better than I can. So the idea is 150 years 100 Dutch Hunters, not to get overboard on the LDM thing, rather the story of all the different types, and their stories, some tragic some funny some crazy, and then some with just great stories, some short some long and when you can put a picture to their story. Like Salvador, I do street photography, think of this type of picture of a photo but with Salvador D, hell all these guys have great vibes. I vote you do it and tell and record their stories before they are lost. Thanks, Jeff.
I will send the photo later I get it loaded.

Like yourself, I'd let someone else tell my story if I had one they thought worthy of the effort.
I hate writer's cramp.....and my typing speed has never been higher than 40.

Hi, I used Dopler Radar to lock in on Tayopa. Why can't you do the same for Tld ?

Wayne, I just spent an hour writing you something and lost it. You need to write it, you have the history with these guys, I do not. It hit me what you said I was not even thinking for a second about us as that bunch of guys, that is kind of hard to think of that it seems kind of surreal, and besides they were a special breed we are not. We have the tech, stuff, info at our fingertips, google earth, satellite phones, rt 88, they had a donkey, their balls, special skills, a gun, Apaches up the ass, and later on the guys that went it alone, guys like Salvador. We do not belong in that book, it would be wrong and embarrassing. Hell we have are our own book, they do not and need their stories recorded for history.

Hi, I used Dopler Radar to lock in on Tayopa. Why can't you do the same for Tld ?

That would depend on how fast it's going.....or how hard it's raining overhead.
I've heard Doppler can be used to detect the kind of mines that blow up, but not the ones we talk about on this a link that shows it does ? I always welcome the chance to learn something which might be news to me.

Just an observation, so don't take it the wrong way Joe.
Just trying to keep the dialogue on the topic at hand....the "Lost Dutchman's Mine" and arcana's efforts to find it.

So why then, does everything you comment on have to be about Tayopa ?
Does your mental filing cabinet only have one drawer ?
With a single folder labeled "Tayopa" containing all the other files about treasure related stuff ?
Seems that way to me, anyway......

I used to work with a guy who had been born in another country....born during a time when they were busy losing a war....the second time in a row. A fact which normally would generate some degree of humility. But there wasn't a single topic, be it about recent tech advances and inventions, city landscapes and infrastructure, current conflicts and politics....etc., where his birthplace wasn't the center of the human ingenuity from which everything of any importance was originally created, or definitely thought of first. Therefore, to him at least, it had to be included in every conversation where he was present.
I often asked the same of him.

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That would depend on how fast it's going.....or how hard it's raining overhead.
I've heard Doppler can be used to detect the kind of mines that blow up, but not the ones we talk about on this a link that shows it does ? I always welcome the chance to learn something which might be news to me.

Just an observation, so don't take it the wrong way Joe.
Just trying to keep the dialogue on the topic at hand....the "Lost Dutchman's Mine" and arcana's efforts to find it.

So why then, does everything you comment on have to be about Tayopa ?
Does your mental filing cabinet only have one drawer ?
With a single folder labeled "Tayopa" containing all the other files about treasure related stuff ?
Seems that way to me, anyway......

I used to work with a guy who had been born in another country....born during a time when they were busy losing a war....the second time in a row. A fact which normally would generate some degree of humility. But there wasn't a single topic, be it about recent tech advances and inventions, city landscapes and infrastructure, current conflicts and politics....etc., where his birthplace wasn't the center of the human ingenuity from which everything of any importance was originally created, or definitely thought of first. Therefore, to him at least, it had to be included in every conversation where he was present.
I often asked the same of him.

he talks about the tayopa because that's what he spent most of his time looking guess is he has more boots on the ground time than you and i put together

he talks about the tayopa because that's what he spent most of his time looking guess is he has more boots on the ground time than you and i put together

As I recall, at 93 that could possible, since that's 23 more than me. I don't know about you.
And I'm not saying he has to stay at home. But the Tayopa legend has it's own corral, so doesn't need to take up space in all of the others.
It's not the one treasure legend to which all the rest must be compared. Nor is Joe C. as a T-hunter who's documented history is no more extant than yours or mine or that of any other on this site, someone who's time spent looking for the end of his own particular rainbow....regardless of how it adds by which all the rest of us need to, or even should be measured IMO.

As I recall, at 93 that could possible, since that's 23 more than me. I don't know about you.
And I'm not saying he has to stay at home. But the Tayopa legend has it's own corral, so doesn't need to take up space in all of the others.
It's not the one treasure legend to which all the rest must be compared. Nor is Joe C. as a T-hunter who's documented history is no more extant than yours or mine or that of any other on this site, someone who's time spent looking for the end of his own particular rainbow....regardless of how it adds by which all the rest of us need to, or even should be measured IMO.

Last year I was talking with a producer - Vice-President for her company, she says to me certainly, Jeff ..." the Lost Dutchman Goldmine" "obviously that's the Holy Grail of treasure stories".

" enough said"

Check out YouTube videos about the LDM vs any of the other Lost Treasures listed on T-Net.
Especially for documentaries about the LDM. Then for documentaries about comparison.

Just an observation, so don't take it the wrong way Joe.
Just trying to keep the dialogue on the topic at hand....the "Lost Dutchman's Mine" and arcana's efforts to find it.

So why then, does everything you comment on have to be about Tayopa ?
Does your mental filing cabinet only have one drawer ?
With a single folder labeled "Tayopa" containing all the other files about treasure related stuff ?
Seems that way to me, anyway......

I used to work with a guy who had been born in another country....born during a time when they were busy losing a war....the second time in a row. A fact which normally would generate some degree of humility. But there wasn't a single topic, be it about recent tech advances and inventions, city landscapes and infrastructure, current conflicts and politics....etc., where his birthplace wasn't the center of the human ingenuity from which everything of any importance was originally created, or definitely thought of first. Therefore, to him at least, it had to be included in every conversation where he was present.
I often asked the same of him.

You are way out of line here.

As someone whom has spent your entire treasure hunting career focused on the Superstition mountains, as if that is the only place on Earth where a treasure might exist, it is hardly appropriate to start casting aspersions.

Your timing also was off the mark - June 6 was the 75th anniversary of D-Day, when Real de Tayopa's pals were hitting the beach and while he was busy fighting the Japanese in the Pacific.

I do not know if doppler radar might help in locating the LDM as he suggested, but it is hardly SO far off topic as to warrant this kind of insulting rant by you. What you posted says much more about you than it does him.


You are way out of line here.

As someone whom has spent your entire treasure hunting career focused on the Superstition mountains, as if that is the only place on Earth where a treasure might exist, it is hardly appropriate to start casting aspersions.

Your timing also was off the mark - June 6 was the 75th anniversary of D-Day, when Real de Tayopa's pals were hitting the beach and while he was busy fighting the Japanese in the Pacific.

I do not know if doppler radar might help in locating the LDM as he suggested, but it is hardly SO far off topic as to warrant this kind of insulting rant by you. What you posted says much more about you than it does him.

well said beat me to it:occasion14:

While I doubt very much that Don Jose took it the wrong way, I will admit I wondered what was going on with SH? SH, you seem a little grumpy lately? Hope all is well.

While I doubt very much that Don Jose took it the wrong way, I will admit I wondered what was going on with SH? SH, you seem a little grumpy lately? Hope all is well.

Me grumpy.....nah.
Just a bit tired of the attention-seeking deflections to another treasure topic, which occur all to often around here.
Other than that, I'm doin fine 'bout you ?

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Me grumpy.....nah.
Just a bit tired of the attention-seeking deflections to another treasure topic, which occur all to often around here. are welcome to leave anytime if you don't like it here...nothing says you have to stay

I do not see a difference between posting about some other treasure like Tayopa and posting another glamor story about how someone finally found the LDM, it is all entertainment to me. :laughing7:

I do not see a difference between posting about some other treasure like Tayopa and posting another glamor story about how someone finally found the LDM, it is all entertainment to me. :laughing7:

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