When it comes to sharing everything we have respectfully it is not going to be here, we are on our time table, not anyone else's. And that will not change. As far as stones, and what we have, that will come out when it is best for us. I do not expect anybody with half a brain to draw any conclusions from what we have shared thus far, I certainly would not, I am not asking anyone to come to any conclusions at this point. The only thing I would ask is to let us continue share things on our site, and finish what we are doing and on our end as far as completing our documentation.
I mean to make a closing statement. that "for sure you will understand....... was in vain....., you do not know that, so why say it. You know I have some questions on this site that I already know the answer to, I am asking for different reasons mainly verification. As far as the stones go sometimes you can be too close to the tree's to see the forest. Let say this I do not want anybody on this site to believe we have found a darn thing, Becuase our case will not be presented here. In the end, when we are done making our case it will be accepted or it will not, that is all. And we are telling our story, about five best of friends, on a great journey of a lifetime in a place we all love, as do all of you. Outside of Arizona people in other parts of the country really know next to nothing about the Supers and in telling our story we can share some of its amazing beauty. It is after all Tonto National Forest. When we started on our journey we had no expectations, and that is how we wanted it. If I was wrong and we had nothing, we all have great lives already. But it has been a surprise how things have transpired. I came on here because some of you all have great knowledge, I did not come on here to make a case. You know one poster attack our site, as unprofessional and therefore we do not belong. Well if he doesn't like it that is ok. The response has been very positive. By the way, he has a site, and I would recommend you all look at it. I am getting ready to go jog, it is cool outside, and not humid like it normally is Ohio. Tomorrow I'm going to watch my adult son play hockey, and then he and I and the 14-year-old are a grandson or going to dinner. I hope you all have a great fathers day.