New site - Coral still abeeping! (mystery object?????)

BVI Hunter

Bronze Member
Apr 8, 2013
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New site - Coral still a'beeping! (mystery object?????)

Went out SCUBA to a new site; had a tip that old bottles etc had been found there amongst what looks like a very spread out pile of ballast stones.

In about 60ft of water, no visible timbers or large objects (and alas no sewer pipes :sadsmiley:)

Spent two hours on the bottom (getting an hour from each tank is GOOD for me!) and finally hit loads of signals in a small 'basin" - I assume stuff has been pushed around and all ended up in one spot?

loads of 'coral beeping' and I assume from the shapes it will be shot and nails etc. All very well encrusted so at least its OLD! :thumbsup:

However, I did get ONE MYSTERY ITEM; I actually fanned away the sand with my hand and there it was. I SO HOPE its a coin and not some trash from a passing tourist boat!!

its about one and a half inch in diameter, so assume its probably trash? (do coins come that big??)

will start to clean all the bits and update - if its worth doing so!! :tongue3:


Upvote 13
im no expert, looks like a crusty 8 reale to me! haha

looking promising!!!

Started to clean it...

I see an edge!! so fingers crossed :thumbsup:


Wahoo! How exciting, I can't wait to see what it is. I'm betting on the 8 reale too.

If it is an Eight - are they very common? ???

If it is an Eight - are they very common? ???

Yep, if you find a Spanish Galleon that was loaded with them!:wink::laughing7: Aargh Captain, the ship is loaded to the gunwales, she is listing to the port side and me thinks she will not make it through this storm!!

Congrats Captain! It looks like you have found another great haul. Considering the previous finds and now this, are you going to try to hide them in that new septic system along with those old sewer pipes? Just don't try to sail off to Portugal then the U.S. like Odyssey Marine did in your' new Super Yacht. We all know how that turned out for them!:BangHead:


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If it is an Eight - are they very common? ???

Yes, like Huntsman53 said, a ship may have had thousands of 8 reales on board. However, if I dug one up I would be doing backflips until I passed out!!!

Yep, if you find a Spanish Galleon that was loaded with them!:wink::laughing7:

Congrats Captain! It looks like you have found another great haul. Considering the previous finds and now this, are you going to try to hide them in that new septic system along with those old sewer pipes? Just don't try to sail off to Portugal then the U.S. like Odyssey Marine did in your' new Super Yacht. We all know how that turned out for them!:BangHead:



I don't think one coin constitutes a great haul! :laughing7: but interesting nonetheless - let's see how it cleans up and what is is, then maybe think about going back down!

It will really be interesting to see what comes out of those long and elongated encrustations!


Gonna crack them open tomorrow :thumbsup:

Sweet find. No lemon juice it is to harsh. Make a electrolysis unit. Easy and if done right it will not harm the coin.

Back at it again I see mate! Can't wait to see what you have there!

Sweet find. No lemon juice it is to harsh. Make a electrolysis unit. Easy and if done right it will not harm the coin.

BVI Hunter - WildDigger is absolutely correct. Making an electrolysis setup for that coin is easy; lots of how-to websites can be found. You need a power cord for an old phone charger, some wire, soda wash, and not much more. You'll get that coin conserved easier, quicker, and with far better results, i.e., much less damage to the coin's surface.

Good Hunting

its about one and a half inch in diameter, so assume its probably trash? (do coins come that big??)

will start to clean all the bits and update - if its worth doing so!! :tongue3:


It says "ora pro nobis" what does that mean? LOL

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