Ok, for kicks I watched the show tonight. I have a couple of questions. I know this is TV entertainment, but doing a search under "Native American Black Legion" I did not find anything, nada, zip, zero, except for one other website Desertusa. I only read 2 posts that the link went into and only one of the posts mentioned black legion. I also searched for Native American and or Spanish black hand prints at caves. Came up zilch, zip, nadda, nothing!
Seeing pictures of primitive paintings over 200-1,000 years old from caves where they were found and how faded they were because they did not have the paint technology back then as we have today, I am curious how the "black hand prints" found on the show looked almost new and not weathered and aged as one would think they would be right next to the opening of the cave which would lead it to believe it would be more exposed to rain and natural weathering?
As I said, I know the show is based on entertainment, but how come no reasearch via the internet can bring up the questions I have.
I have a couple of friends who are full blooded Native American Navjo who also knows a few Apaches they are friends with. I am going to see if they have an answer on the Black Legion rumor and if they know anything of black hand prints at cave entrances and what does it mean if anything.