Mojjax ~

Thanks again for helping to make this a fun and interesting topic. Your prize, which consist of a 5-piece sampling of 1930s/1950s California related paper (ephemera) items, will be mailed out today. I won't go into detail as to what the items are, as I would like for them to be a surprise. I hope you like them. Plus, your identification of the gopher trap led to the book that Goldwind found for me, which I am sure will tell me everything I need to know about my trap. Please let us know when your prize arrives. And perhaps even share a picture or two of them for everyone to see.

All things considered ... "I am a happy camper."


Goldwind ~

No way, Jose! Rules are rules! The only way you are not going to receive the comic book is if you select something else or don't provide me with a mailing address. Please contact me via a PM with your address and selection so I won't have to send my goons out and rough you up.

Gracias' amigo.


Goldwind said:
Goldwind ~

What five letter word rhymes with tong and starts with a "W"
Are you trying to tell me I Ain't gettin no comic book :'(

Regarding the old photograph, which started out as the original topic of this thread, it's going on the back burner for the time being. But if someone, anyone, should ever come across anything additional to help identify who it is, please let me know and we will pick up where this thread leaves off. Which is here ...

"A happy conclusion to a not so tragic story."

The End

(That is until I hear from Goldwind).

Goldwind honorably declined to accept a prize during the last contest. Which means I still have a comic book up for grabs. So if anyone is interested in winning it, simply identify the item shown below and it's your's. The rules are pretty much the same as last time, except this time I will show only one picture of the entire item for your consideration. The first member who "correctly" guesses what the item is, wins the prize. No additional pictures or clues about the item will be posted. What you see is what you get. Please no questions. It is likely the sort of thing that you either know what it is, or you don't. This time I will likely only respond to the correct answer should one be submitted. So if I don't respond right away, please consider it an incorrect guess. Even "really close" guesses might be considered as a possible win. I want to keep this short and sweet, and hopefully someone will identify it right away.

Here are your only clues ...

1. It took me a week to identify it myself.
2. It measures 3 1/2" inches in length.
3. It measures appx. 1 3/4" inches in diameter. (both ends).
4. A portion of it turns.
5. It is made of metal.

I will leave this post active indefinitely until it is identified. In the event it generates little or no interest, then this thread will disappear into oblivion.

Good luck to all.



  • Mystery Item 1 (650x489).webp
    Mystery Item 1 (650x489).webp
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A transit or sextant scope

TT ~

I think you said "leg leveler" in the last contest. It's wrong, but would you mind explaining to us just what the heck a leg leveler is? Lol :icon_scratch:



I realize that only about 25 members have looked at the item so far, but I really thought someone would get it right off the bat. I was wrong! So tomorrow morning around 9:AM Pacifc/12:PM Atlantic time I will post another picture and clue that will surely assist you.

I want this to be fun, quick, and easy.


TT ~

Thanks. I was thinking it was like a little book or something that grandma's used to keep their dining tables from wobbling.

Here's another picture of the item that is intended for outdoor use by someone who usually works as part of a crew.


  • Mystery Item 2 (491x650).webp
    Mystery Item 2 (491x650).webp
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We have a ...

:hello2: WINNER! :hello2:

Texastee2007 ~

Congratulations! You correctly ID the item. But please, your admiring fans want to know ... "How'd ya do it?"

I found the fire fighter water hose nozzle while hiking in the backcountry looking for an old homesite. I never did find the old house, but I did find the nozzle. There had been a brush fire in the area years earlier, and no doubt it was dropped or lost then by a firefighter. I had to Google the mfg. marks on it to figure out what it was. It is missing a front piece, but I keep it around as a keepsake anyway.

You are welcome to have the "Atom" comic book I posted a picture of earlier or, if you prefer, some other paper item from my collection. You decide, just let me know. Once you decide, please send me a mailing address via a PM.

There just happens to be one of those nozzles on e-bay right now. Here's the link.

See, I told you that would be an easy ID.

I will look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thanks again.


texastee2007 said:
fire nozzle

Here's the other end where the hose threads on.


  • Mystery Item 3 (490x650).webp
    Mystery Item 3 (490x650).webp
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As an eBay Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
My prize arrived :hello2:

A vintage post card , an old Arizona motor vehicle license , an old map of LA , and a vintage Ca. state forest pamphlet , and a old sticker .

Thanks Bob !

Sodabottlebob is a little busy right now. But since we are such close friends and hang out together a lot, I wanted to say on his behalf ...

"Thank you, thank you very much."

He wanted me to express his appreciation to all of you who took an interest in and/or participated in the contest. Maybe this could develop into a new category called ...

"Guess What It Is"

Additionally, SBB asked me to put out this call to any and all veterans who saw action and to please stop by and say hello. The winner, texastee2007, would like for one of you to have the prize instead of her, which both Bob and I feel is very generous on her part. So the first veteran who post here will be awarded the "Atom" # 10 comic book, currently valued at about $20.00.

Signed ... Elvis


  • Elvis Presley with 1950s Coca Cola Bottle 1990 Poster.webp
    Elvis Presley with 1950s Coca Cola Bottle 1990 Poster.webp
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Mojjax ~

You're welcome. I'm glad you like the items. And now that you know where California is and how to get here, please stop by and say hello the next time you're in the vacinity.


He wanted me to express his appreciation to all of you who took an interest in and/or participated in the contest. Maybe this could develop into a new category called ...

"Guess What It Is"
We already have a games and contest section.,388.0.html

There was a time when your thread would have been moved immediately when it became a guessing game but it looks as if things may be changing here at TN.. :)

Cy ~

Thanks. I never saw that category before. I'll check it out soon!

If your thread is allowed to stay here, maybe you can put a note in the "Game and Contest" forum to look here and that may get more participation. :icon_thumright:

My friend Cappy Z used to post games here and was a little upset when his threads were moved but I told him to calm down that we need organization. But of course I dont make those decisions. It turned out for the better. TN gave him his own forum and he had a lot of followers. I dont know if he still does it.

The post disapeared. Well I guess that was my fault.

Well anyway here is The Cappy Z's forum. You could have "The SodaBottleBob forum." Its just a suggestion.,991.0.html

It seems to me that the first half, the antique photo part should stay. Im sure the mods are very busy trying to organize such a large treasure site.

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