I was a career cop, until I was injured in the line of duty. I started out as low man on the totum pole, as most cops do. I worked my way up to Chief of Detectives/Deputy Chief. And, I LOVED MY JOB!! It was my chosen way of helping people. And I had a very good reputation for fairness and honesty, to the extent that I had judges stop an attorneys line of questioning, stating: "This court has complete confidence in this officers integrity and will not permit this line of questioning". And yes, I lost a few cases in court because I would not lie just to get a conviction! And, when I reached the point that I had a little authority, there were several cops who lost their badges for actions like this. That is; if it was a pattern with multiple complaints. (As it "might" be with this "officer".) "Over-blown sense of power".
That being said, I'm not sure of the process here in CA, but in FL, only the Mayor had the power to hire and fire police officers. The Chief could only reprimand or suspend, (pending investigation.) Anyway, I still take offense at the statement: "All cops are bad". I would like to run a check on a person who made a statement like this and see how many times they've been in trouble with the law.
capndan151, you've some very good, level headed advice from some good people. I would agree with; "keep it local". Good luck with whatever you decide. Myself? I would talk to the Chief and try to resolve it internally. That might not make you any new friends with the cops, but at least it shouldn't make you any new enemies.