Re: NEED HELP Please read

I know the feeling had the same problem a few yrs back. Had a real know it all Officer said I couldnt dig in my own park and got a ticket to. Instead of lawyer went to Cheif of Police and the Mayor and had a long talk and everything was oked after that. Good luck.

Re: NEED HELP Please read

Looks like this is the same guy and now knowing the personality I tend to believe this one is true.

"Roman Altenbach is one of the top DUI enforcement officers in Orange County. How does he rack up such big DUI arrest numbers? By pulling innocent motorists over, trumping up charges to cover up his illegal traffic stops and then completely lying about this in court. I have a witness who was in the car with me and will verify my story."

oh, feel free to rate him. :wink:

Re: NEED HELP Please read

13.48.030 Vandalism. No person shall willfully cut, break, injure, deface, disfigure, mark or
write upon, paint, carve, burn, tamper with, attach rope or wire to, displace or remove any tree,
shrub, plant, turf, rock, sand, soil, wood, building, fence, table, bench, barbecue unit, pole, light,
playground apparatus, bridge, railing, paving material, fountain, trash receptacle, waterline or
other public utility, part or appurtenance thereof, sign, notice or placard, whether temporary or
permanent, monument, stake, post or other boundary marker, equipment, tools, implements,
materials, any structure or park facility whatsoever, either real or personal. (1026-2/64, 1246-10/66,

13.48.155 Nuisance. It shall be deemed a public nuisance for any person to do or commit, or cause to permit to be done or committed on or within the boundaries of any public park within the City of Huntington Beach, any act as described in sections 13.48.010 through 13.48.150 hereof. (3295-8/95)

(477-11/43, 2519-12/81)
9.52.010 Violation--Misdemeanor.
9.52.010 Violation--Misdemeanor. Every person who willfully writes upon, paints upon or draws upon, defaces, cuts, displaces, disfigures, removes, or mutilates any building, street, sidewalk, street light, traffic signal, street tree, waste container, fence, block wall, bench, chair, table or other property belonging to this city is guilty of a MISDEMEANOR. (477-11/43,

You can Detect, you just cant DIG or DEFACE or DISPLACE any TURF or SOIL!!! That is where he will get you. There is no policy against Metal Detecting that I can find.

Re: NEED HELP Please read

trixie charger said:
13.48.030 Vandalism. No person shall willfully cut, break, injure, deface, disfigure, mark or
write upon, paint, carve, burn, tamper with, attach rope or wire to, displace or remove any tree,
shrub, plant, turf, rock, sand, soil, wood, building, fence, table, bench, barbecue unit, pole, light,
playground apparatus, bridge, railing, paving material, fountain, trash receptacle, waterline or
other public utility, part or appurtenance thereof, sign, notice or placard, whether temporary or
permanent, monument, stake, post or other boundary marker, equipment, tools, implements,
materials, any structure or park facility whatsoever, either real or personal. (1026-2/64, 1246-10/66,

13.48.155 Nuisance. It shall be deemed a public nuisance for any person to do or commit, or cause to permit to be done or committed on or within the boundaries of any public park within the City of Huntington Beach, any act as described in sections 13.48.010 through 13.48.150 hereof. (3295-8/95)

(477-11/43, 2519-12/81)
9.52.010 Violation--Misdemeanor.
9.52.010 Violation--Misdemeanor. Every person who willfully writes upon, paints upon or draws upon, defaces, cuts, displaces, disfigures, removes, or mutilates any building, street, sidewalk, street light, traffic signal, street tree, waste container, fence, block wall, bench, chair, table or other property belonging to this city is guilty of a MISDEMEANOR. (477-11/43,

You can Detect, you just cant DIG or DEFACE or DISPLACE any TURF or SOIL!!! That is where he will get you. There is no policy against Metal Detecting that I can find.

But can you tear the place up with your tires? I think that contradiction is where he has the cop.

Re: NEED HELP Please read

There are idiots in every place of employment. There are idiots making cars, making your food, cleaning offices, mowing grass, engineers, computer geeks, etc.....Get my point! Just because they are the police, sometimes does not make it right! They are human. I am a cop and I have seen my share of "Bad Cops". Yes we have made some stand in an unemployment line for actions much greater than this particular one. "Cops are all bad" That blanket statement is just false in my book. Take some advise from some guys here on the forum and take your debate to the Chief. You will not be surprised that they will most likely bend over backwards for you. Chances are in your case, this police officer, has been in trouble before. For reasons I will not go into here, it is very hard to "get rid of, cops that do wrong in the eyes of the general public. Trust me, it is very hard!

Take it locally as suggested and see what the outcome is. I bet you will be hunting that park again soon. Goodluck out there and be safe. If you are ever in my neck of the woods in Indiana, look me up. I will let you hunt just about everywhere and I promise I won't do a burnout in the yard. :thumbsup:

Re: NEED HELP Please read

"All cops are bad,..." is in the same league as "All people using metal detectors should be banned because they dig holes and
don't fill them in." The words, "all" and "none" cannot truthfully be used in many instances.
In ALL my dealings with police officers, I have found them to be doing their job, or going an extra mile, trying to protect me
or others. I have great respect for them, and for firefighters......we desperately need them, to help us in times of trouble.
And, they do so......they put themselves in harms way, so we can live a half-way safe, decent life, protecting us from the low-
lifes, the thugs, and the riff-raff that co-exist around us.
That said, they are pretty much a cross-section of our country. So, we can expect an occasional bad apple. Too bad you had
to run into him when you were metal detecting.
(Living in S. Korea, I appreciate a pro-active police force. The S. Korean police force is, many times, laughable. Had a friend who was stopped when driving, and the purpose was ..... a bribe. And I have seen them refuse to take action, especially when it is a domestic dispute.)

Re: NEED HELP Please read

Besides this guy being an obvious a hole, has anyone thought that maybe he was trying to scare you away from finding something like...Oh something he was hiding? seemed like a strong assault on a totally minor infraction. Could be my conspiracy disease coming out but something to ponder for sure...

Re: NEED HELP Please read

Mike In Ohio said:
Nathatniel Spogsworthy said:
Besides this guy being an obvious a hole, has anyone thought that maybe he was trying to scare you away from finding something like...Oh something he was hiding? seemed like a strong assault on a totally minor infraction. Could be my conspiracy disease coming out but something to ponder for sure...

:icon_thumright: :laughing9:

Re: NEED HELP Please read

Keep the Faith!

You have a real good chance of beating this.

I'd suggest a series of photos (8X10) showing the digging and recovery process.

Mention, for sure, some of the dangerous items recovered and disposed of.

I too have heard the Huntington Beach traffic cops are overly aggressive.

My own personal philosophy is to obey an officer's commands to the best of my ability. A confrontation in the middle of a field will never work out to your benefit. (Yeah, I know's a Wussy attitude).

Best Of luck!

HH Joe

Re: NEED HELP Please read

As stated prevouisly...there are good and bad people in every profession.

I hunt city parks quite often and I have never had the experience you had but I was accused one time of 'staking out the area'. I hunt these parks during my lunch time and I was have some luck in one corner of a small park so the third day in a row I was hunting there a police officer came over to see what I was doing. I told him and he kept saying I think you are watching someone. I laughed at first but he kept at it. Never asked me for ID which I felt would have been good police work in case he was right and something went down. He ever got one of the homeless guys involved and asked him if it seem right and of course the guy sided with the police office. Then the homeless guy talked about him after he

Oh well...most police officers are super nice and just ask what I found and some have even give me leads on where to try next. In the areas I hunt I'm glad to have them there since I usually don't have a partner with me. Talk to the local chief.


Re: NEED HELP Please read

Gosh, I'm so sorry that happened. Sounds like a real psycho here. I love that he's licensed to carry a gun. ::)

Re: NEED HELP Please read

can we all say together DILLWEED!! tube it and as stated above so well defend yourself, it's matter of principal. Maybe have hard evidence of other public places where metal detecting is allowed. Maybe a letter from somone you know in an official position to confirm you've done this responsibly before. All cops aren't bad, some have even helped me get permission..Burl

Re: NEED HELP Please read

I was a career cop, until I was injured in the line of duty. I started out as low man on the totum pole, as most cops do. I worked my way up to Chief of Detectives/Deputy Chief. And, I LOVED MY JOB!! It was my chosen way of helping people. And I had a very good reputation for fairness and honesty, to the extent that I had judges stop an attorneys line of questioning, stating: "This court has complete confidence in this officers integrity and will not permit this line of questioning". And yes, I lost a few cases in court because I would not lie just to get a conviction! And, when I reached the point that I had a little authority, there were several cops who lost their badges for actions like this. That is; if it was a pattern with multiple complaints. (As it "might" be with this "officer".) "Over-blown sense of power".

That being said, I'm not sure of the process here in CA, but in FL, only the Mayor had the power to hire and fire police officers. The Chief could only reprimand or suspend, (pending investigation.) Anyway, I still take offense at the statement: "All cops are bad". I would like to run a check on a person who made a statement like this and see how many times they've been in trouble with the law.

capndan151, you've some very good, level headed advice from some good people. I would agree with; "keep it local". Good luck with whatever you decide. Myself? I would talk to the Chief and try to resolve it internally. That might not make you any new friends with the cops, but at least it shouldn't make you any new enemies. :laughing7:


Re: NEED HELP Please read

Bravo, Rooster, well said!!!! There are some people that shouldn't have jobs in an authoritative capacity. They let it go to their heads. It's a total abuse of power. Capndan, you are not a criminal. Fight for your rights. Good luck to you.

Re: NEED HELP Please read

Eageldown,,I would be happy to send you a copy of my drivers license so you can have your buddy the good cop run it for you.I have never been in trouble..But You just proved my point. It would be against the law for your good buddy to run a licence for you a citizen and the fact that you would so calmly except him to break the law for you says alot for the officers you know..And do us all a favor give his name to me and that's one that will be easy to get rid of, after he runs my licence of course.Untill he does he has not done any thing wrong other than have a friend that excepts him to break the law.

Re: NEED HELP Please read

Seems to me the way the 13.48.030 Vandalism code is worded it can be fought. In a nutshell, it says you cannot remove soil or physical objects from the park or move permanantly fixed items. When you dig a small hole you are not removing the dirt, you are just relocating it to inches of where it originally was and then placing it back. :wink:
If the picnic tables are not tied down, I dont think anything would be said about moving two of them closer together to have a picnic so why such a fuss about a little dirt?

As for filming a police officer, it is no different than taking a picture of anyone else. If they are in a public place, you can record and snap away. If the police arrest you for it, they will really have a case for you to take to court. You will be able to afford a few more detectors if you get my drift, lol!

Re: NEED HELP Please read

It reads - you cannot DISPLACE or REMOVE dirt or soil. If you dig you Displace!!! theres no way around that part. In order to
recover a target you must Displace the turf, dirt and soil. I believe if you follow Rosters advice, you might win. :wink:

Ok, on another note. Eagledown should not be attacked. I thought the same thing!!! After Ten years in the Security field, people that thinks "All Cops are Bad" useally has a history of run ins with Officers. Oh, I could contact or go to a local Court and get almost the same information a Officer can by running your DL#. 8) :wink:

Re: NEED HELP Please read

I have not seen any body attack eagle down on here, or any where else.I just afford to give him the info he would need to do what he wanted to do.There are a lot of good people that are police men by choice Evan the women in law enforcement..But all people have differant oppions on where you draw the line on whats right and whats wrong.we threw the courts and politicans have sat standards that we except to be adhered to.When a policeman or women step over that line they should be held accountable by other officers,first,you will see how hard it is for this man to get justice from the courts or police.And the way it happened I cant justify the actions taken by the officer.But I doubt this is the only thing this officer has done.But I can bet his actions have been seen by other officers,and should be reported.They have a hard job to do.But what I said is becoming more common felt oppion every day..The police need to clean house,and every officer I have talked to agree it needs done.Remember where he said keep it in house so he don't make any more enemies except the police ? That is why the officers cant and wont speak up to clean there Owen house. But that IS where it needs to start.

Re: NEED HELP Please read

There is no Huntington Beach municipal code regarding the use of a metal detector on public property in Huntington Beach.

Russell Reinhart, Lieutenant

Chief's Executive Officer

Huntington Beach Police Department

(714) 536-5976

This should help in the process!!! :wink: :icon_thumright:

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