13.48.030 Vandalism. No person shall willfully cut, break, injure, deface, disfigure, mark or
write upon, paint, carve, burn, tamper with, attach rope or wire to, displace or remove any tree,
shrub, plant, turf, rock, sand, soil, wood, building, fence, table, bench, barbecue unit, pole, light,
playground apparatus, bridge, railing, paving material, fountain, trash receptacle, waterline or
other public utility, part or appurtenance thereof, sign, notice or placard, whether temporary or
permanent, monument, stake, post or other boundary marker, equipment, tools, implements,
materials, any structure or park facility whatsoever, either real or personal. (1026-2/64, 1246-10/66,
13.48.155 Nuisance. It shall be deemed a public nuisance for any person to do or commit, or cause to permit to be done or committed on or within the boundaries of any public park within the City of Huntington Beach, any act as described in sections 13.48.010 through 13.48.150 hereof. (3295-8/95)
(477-11/43, 2519-12/81)
9.52.010 Violation--Misdemeanor.
9.52.010 Violation--Misdemeanor. Every person who willfully writes upon, paints upon or draws upon, defaces, cuts, displaces, disfigures, removes, or mutilates any building, street, sidewalk, street light, traffic signal, street tree, waste container, fence, block wall, bench, chair, table or other property belonging to this city is guilty of a MISDEMEANOR. (477-11/43,
You can Detect, you just cant DIG or DEFACE or DISPLACE any TURF or SOIL!!! That is where he will get you. There is no policy against Metal Detecting that I can find.