You keep validating two cardinal truths:
2) Nobody in their right mind who actually has retrieved significant hidden money would ever brag about it in public.
...Are saying now you're certified somehow, to analyze the mind of a True American Treasure Hunter?
{Snip]: Okay, I'm done with your tribe for now? "You've got your own brand of Woke I guess."

It seems you thrive on strife, or is that just part of your job description & protocal?
Hahahahaha, See how you are, always have to be judgemental & critical, never positive?
[EDIT]: Hurling meaningless insults? Maybe your off hand highness should be BANNED also...
Strong words indeed, so who are you, & what bothers you so much about us sharing the info?
I don't know, maybe you can try to understand why, what we do, a little bit in part by this song...
But at this point & after all of these years, I seriously doubt it, because you've never changed.
Click on the song, take a good close look at the pics & Imagine... Maybe some people really
do care as much about other people as themselves. As much as you have shown &
illustrated you know, you really could be a bit nicer about supposedly trying
to insert your input with helping others out a little, Don't You Reckon?
Can you see Hearts, Gater, Snake, Eagle, Turtles, Owls, Diamonds, Carved Triangle, Crock, Horse Head, Duck, Rabbit, in the 1st pic?
Can you see from this different angle, a Dolphin, Hearts, Duck, Snake, Rabbit, Falcon,
as well as the others in the first pic? It's all way overworked, all along the winding trail...
I believe this means a heavily traveled, very important site along a long worn, well used trail.
Not unlike say other remote regional areas, & multiple cache sites in other parts of the country.
Kind of a convenient area with potential substance, & an on the way location, ~ Crossroads...
There would have been lots of good flowing water & plentiful game, maybe fruit, all around the rich & mountainous surrounding creeks & canyons areas. Somewhat similar to layouts using the same kinds of markers, as to what sandy1, Quinoa, & cyzak have all generously taken the time & shown us quite a bit of, out in the vast S/W deserts, & up in the various High Mountain Country. Old Spanish Trails of travel, carting their precious wealth, building monuments, leaving markers all along the trails, now a long time past...