Naturallly Occuring Formation OR Manmade Treasure Marker/Sign?




The traveling Artists often made carved markers of what they had observed. Like baby turtles,
just digging their way to the surface, & running hurriedly for the ocean water, to escape
waiting predators, after hatching out into their new life in a competetive world.

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Ad Hominem, boy I bet you are missing your buddy right now but he got banned. I bet he is chomping at the bit reading this.Let's see if I can clear it up for you National Monument, National Park,W.M.A. my favorite, Historical Site, Wilderness area,Wildlife Area,Military Base, and I am sure I missed a couple.
Okay, I'm done with your tribe for now. Don't bother responding. Every couple years I ask for some sort of verification to back up the claims you make on this forum. And instead of answering straightforward questions, you just gaslight me, then trash me for asking. You've got your own brand of Woke I guess.

You keep validating two cardinal truths:
1) Making outlandish claims then refusing to answer questions means the claims are empty.
2) Nobody in their right mind who actually has retrieved significant hidden money would ever brag about it in public.

Okay, I'm done with your tribe for now. Don't bother responding. Every couple years I ask for some sort of verification to back up the claims you make on this forum. And instead of answering straightforward questions, you just gaslight me, then trash me for asking. You've got your own brand of Woke I guess.

You keep validating two cardinal truths:
1) Making outlandish claims then refusing to answer questions means the claims are empty.
2) Nobody in their right mind who actually has retrieved significant hidden money would ever brag about it in public.
I only have one more thing to say to you sentinel and your gang. I have a solid posse and they got my back thru thick and thin.

Now we're the unfair ones, well which of Your threads did we pester & harass you on?
NONE I believe, & always try to give good folks a chance to express themselves,
if not too contentious. But knowledge alone, doesn't make up the whole scene.
You could try to be nice & kind, not mocking, name calling, and denying History.
What you seem to forget is, We really don't owe you nothing, & it just seems bad,
when a guy keeps saying Prove it to me, you have to validate! That's way beyond
reasonable, & I think you know it. Seems too much like a sentinel, or a Government
Agent, which is a straightforward question you never answered? Are you? And one
more note, we may be treasure hunters not everyone agrees with, Not Worried...
Still, even with the static often sent, ~ We Choose To Share The Info Freely! ~
Just to be good fellow citizens... Why not? Maybe some are, or will
be able to happen on something interesting, & enjoy studying it.
The more you take pics & look at them, the more you may see...

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Sorry about all of the out of focus pics. Was having trouble with my lens, and got it replaced.


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You keep validating two cardinal truths:
1) Making outlandish claims then refusing to answer questions means the claims are empty.
Sorry, not going to be any show & tell here, isn't that exactly what you've been so hard after?

Who Who says the hidden owls hanging around.?
That happened one time at a remote gas station, where all of the gas pumps & lights
are left on all night unattended, with 3 owls surprisingly bouncing their who's all around.

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Multi-Talented enough to write the lyrics & music, sing, play, record & produce songs like this,
But... just not cool enough for the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame...



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Looks like a gargoyle to me, RH of boulder, points in the direction of the owl watching over the cache spot,
& an older bearded man, maybe a priest on the LH. They also used incantations practiced, & Witchcraft.

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Tribute to some lost, but always Treasured Southern Rockers.



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Some may consider these pics too much info. This will be here forever undisturbed thanks to Uncle Sam.

Only Mountain Lions, Bob Cats, Owls & Coyotes, get to hang out around here when camp season's over.


Dickey Betts ~ Wrote, composed, sang, played & recorded the highest selling single of The Allman Bros. Band.



The Black head or skelaton rock below, really looks out of place with most of the others in the area.


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You keep validating two cardinal truths:

2) Nobody in their right mind who actually has retrieved significant hidden money would ever brag about it in public.
...Are saying now you're certified somehow, to analyze the mind of a True American Treasure Hunter?

{Snip]: Okay, I'm done with your tribe for now? "You've got your own brand of Woke I guess."
Huh??? It seems you thrive on strife, or is that just part of your job description & protocal?

Hahahahaha, See how you are, always have to be judgemental & critical, never positive?

[EDIT]: Hurling meaningless insults? Maybe your off hand highness should be BANNED also...

Strong words indeed, so who are you, & what bothers you so much about us sharing the info?
I don't know, maybe you can try to understand why, what we do, a little bit in part by this song...
But at this point & after all of these years, I seriously doubt it, because you've never changed.
Click on the song, take a good close look at the pics & Imagine... Maybe some people really
do care as much about other people as themselves. As much as you have shown &
illustrated you know, you really could be a bit nicer about supposedly trying
to insert your input with helping others out a little, Don't You Reckon?

Can you see Hearts, Gater, Snake, Eagle, Turtles, Owls, Diamonds, Carved Triangle, Crock, Horse Head, Duck, Rabbit, in the 1st pic?


Can you see from this different angle, a Dolphin, Hearts, Duck, Snake, Rabbit, Falcon,
as well as the others in the first pic? It's all way overworked, all along the winding trail...
I believe this means a heavily traveled, very important site along a long worn, well used trail.
Not unlike say other remote regional areas, & multiple cache sites in other parts of the country.
Kind of a convenient area with potential substance, & an on the way location, ~ Crossroads...
There would have been lots of good flowing water & plentiful game, maybe fruit, all around the rich & mountainous surrounding creeks & canyons areas. Somewhat similar to layouts using the same kinds of markers, as to what sandy1, Quinoa, & cyzak have all generously taken the time & shown us quite a bit of, out in the vast S/W deserts, & up in the various High Mountain Country. Old Spanish Trails of travel, carting their precious wealth, building monuments, leaving markers all along the trails, now a long time past...


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...So TN should have the rest of my free book so far I think, in an archive somewhere.
See I've trashed nearly half as many or so posts & pics, as I have ever left, True...
Y'all have a good & safe day, stay hydrated & cool if possible... Happy TH :thumbsup:


There's also another OMEGA, on the right side of the closest tree, a shadow the shape of a duck head & beak, that is cast on the RH, onto a white rock, also making a turtle head light sign in pic 3.



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It's something, the way they utilized sun angles & often carved different things on opposite sides & ends.

Over across the cove, on another day & time, so different lighting & shadows, enhances different shapes...

If there are the right markers & making alignments, they should be noticeable you'll find, shadows or not.

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I hope you all have a great day, & an awesome week!... I've got a nice original set of '67 Corvette SBC cylinder heads to freshen up valves & seats & build, mask & paint perfectly, Chevy Orange, sorry Ford fans...8-)


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Watched them play in large building their Father rented for them to play in. NO tables, chairs,
or drinks, called Walter Mitty's in Pomona, CA. out on Riverside Dr., before they cut their first record.:




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Bro is that a set of 194 202 chevy small block heads

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