Naturallly Occuring Formation OR Manmade Treasure Marker/Sign?

Is it possible, that many people don't seem to understand that true part of this
country's very significant activities, of the recent past few centuries? Because the
early explorers, meaning the Spanish Conquistadores, Jesuits, Inquistadores & Priests,
when it was all over & at the end of their reigns, & some still lived in their settled & built
communities in their great Ranchos, rich very large land grants, from the Spanish King.
Who were apparently very successfully secretive in hiding what they acquired, which
was immense wealth, cached in a very complex & unknown code that was not
ever available to anyone, that was not authorized by the King of Spain...
During those centuries, in their eyes & minds, quite a good chunk
of this rich land was theirs, to benefit & get great wealth from.
The one common dream of all men that walked this great
land of abundance. They also planted vineyards & groves,
raised cattle & horses, & hid their rich accumulated wealth.
They'd heard of The Core Of Discovery Expedition, & marched...


...But got hung up trying to catch & stop the Americans, in the wild, rugged & magnificent Rocky Mountains... So Lewis & Clark's Presidentially Commissioned "Core Of Discovery" Expedition
slipped on by, & across to find the Great Northwest Passage, & successfully reach
the West Coast of the continent, to claim it for the young American Nation.

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Is it possible, that many people don't seem to understand that true part of this
country's very significant activities, of the recent past few centuries? Because the
early explorers, meaning the Spanish Conquistadores, Jesuits, Inquistadores & Priests,
when it was all over & at the end of their reigns, & some still lived in their settled & built
communities in their great Ranchos, rich very large land grants, from the Spanish King.
Who were apparently very successfully secretive in hiding what they acquired, which
was immense wealth, cached in a very complex & unknown code that was not
ever available to anyone, that was not authorized by the King of Spain...
During those centuries, in their eyes & minds, quite a good chunk
of this rich land was theirs, to benefit & get great wealth from.
The one common dream of all men that walked this great
land of abundance. They also planted vineyards & groves,
raised cattle & horses, & hid their rich accumulated wealth.
They'd heard of The Core Of Discovery Expedition, & marched...

...But got hung up trying to catch & stop the Americans, in the wild, rugged & magnificent Rocky Mountains... So Lewis & Clark's Presidentially Commissioned "Core Of Discovery" Expedition
slipped on by, & across to find the Great Northwest Passage, & successfully reach
the West Coast of the continent, to claim it for the young American Nation.
Assuming that a very few Mexican mining contractors were able to hide their success from the Crown by caching metal somewhere beyond the Northern Frontier, and that they saw the writing on the wall in the early 1800s indicating that the USA would soon be occupying the Louisiana Purchase, is it your contention that those alleged caches still exist within the USA? If so, why do you think the number is greater than only a few?

Those old firearm photos you posted a while back were cool. Look at this doozy.

That one you're showing looks kind of scary...
They do have some nice & rare guns & stuff in The Museum Of The Mountain Men,
in Springdale, WY., along with the annual mountain man Rendezvous' Reenactment,
festival & celebration.



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Assuming that a very few Mexican mining contractors were able to hide their success from the Crown by caching metal somewhere beyond the Northern Frontier, and that they saw the writing on the wall in the early 1800s indicating that the USA would soon be occupying the Louisiana Purchase, is it your contention that those alleged caches still exist within the USA? If so, why do you think the number is greater than only a few?

Those old firearm photos you posted a while back were cool. Look at this doozy.
View attachment 2162220 part,these territories in eastern Colorado. It had nothing to due with Mexican miners or Rich Mexican cattle ranches.

Yeah, we know all about the early Spanish explorations out of Santa Fe, poking around all through southern Colorado and Utah, some eventually helping to find a route to California. Of course these explorers were prospecting all over the place too, undoubtedly finding minerals and some also trying to spy on the French. That's old news. Happened all over the Southwest and beyond.

The question is, if there were multiple precious metals caches made in the early days, why do you believe they weren't eventually recovered by their owners? Sure, there may be a small number that actually became "lost" for various reasons- very small - but in general, why leave the money buried? We know it wasn't a "King's Quinto" cache because the King demanded his share back in Mexico, not somewhere in the northern wilderness. Of course many of the miners were not legal contractors but wildcats, so the King was cut out of the picture from the beginning. That makes total sense, but if being the case, why would any or all of these scamps leave the loot buried? Why go to the trouble of finding and mining it then?

We know all about the Treasure Mountain story, sure, but the other claims that a boatload of secret caches with secret codes needed to find them are scattered all over the country and remain untouched is too hard to swallow without knowing who did all of them and why didn't "they" ever retrieve them?

Yeah, we know all about the early Spanish explorations out of Santa Fe, poking around all through southern Colorado and Utah, some eventually helping to find a route to California. Of course these explorers were prospecting all over the place too, undoubtedly finding minerals and some also trying to spy on the French. That's old news. Happened all over the Southwest and beyond.

The question is, if there were multiple precious metals caches made in the early days, why do you believe they weren't eventually recovered by their owners? Sure, there may be a small number that actually became "lost" for various reasons- very small - but in general, why leave the money buried? We know it wasn't a "King's Quinto" cache because the King demanded his share back in Mexico, not somewhere in the northern wilderness. Of course many of the miners were not legal contractors but wildcats, so the King was cut out of the picture from the beginning. That makes total sense, but if being the case, why would any or all of these scamps leave the loot buried? Why go to the trouble of finding and mining it then?

We know all about the Treasure Mountain story, sure, but the other claims that a boatload of secret caches with secret codes needed to find them are scattered all over the country and remain untouched is too hard to swallow without knowing who did all of them and why didn't "they" ever retrieve them?
Geez it’s not too hard to figure out New Mexico Sentinel .The Native American population and the Mexicans wiped them out pretty good. I know you can read because you sure can write.

...Well they must have had something to hide, seeing as they went to all the trouble
& time to manipulate all sizes & shapes of boulders & rocks to look as they intended...
I was asked a question in a PM I'd like to share about a potential line spotted:

Yes, there are alignments & sentinel markers, then it just sits in between 3 markers
triangularly grouped out, where the path comes into the hollow winding between
hills. But yes, the line you point out is one direction going to it, really pointing to an
owl carved on the corner of the big long boulder with a heart carved in it, that I
have posted. The owl is only seen well at certain times when the sun helps,
breaking through the trees, lighting it up, & it secretly looks right at the X spot.
I tried for an aura with Pentax in the park, once. Just got the 1 unexpected
with my old Samsung 7 cell phone taking several pics a few years ago.

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Geez it’s not too hard to figure out New Mexico Sentinel .The Native American population and the Mexicans wiped them out pretty good. I know you can read because you sure can write.
Oh, the usual treasure magazine story. The original rogue miners worked for months mining and concentrating metal within the domain of local Natives and patrolling Mexicans, neither of which noticed any of the activity until the loot was safely hidden away and marked with a secret code. Then the locals found the metal's owners and killed them, leaving all the money in the ground somewhere.

I can buy into some parts of this tale for maybe a specific case or two, but not the idea of the miners working months to pile up money and then leaving it behind. Yeah, they might hide their work site for a possible future return trip, but the reason the miners were there in the first place was to find and recover metal. Would you work that hard and not take the loot home with you? If so, why would you do that? Fear of the locals? Well, you gotta get out of those hills whether or not you're bringing the money with you, so you may as well be rich if you survive.

There are a number of reasons to explain a lost or abandoned mine site, but not an abandoned cache of money. Please convince me.

Oh, the usual treasure magazine story. The original rogue miners worked for months mining and concentrating metal within the domain of local Natives and patrolling Mexicans, neither of which noticed any of the activity until the loot was safely hidden away and marked with a secret code. Then the locals found the metal's owners and killed them, leaving all the money in the ground somewhere.

I can buy into some parts of this tale for maybe a specific case or two, but not the idea of the miners working months to pile up money and then leaving it behind. Yeah, they might hide their work site for a possible future return trip, but the reason the miners were there in the first place was to find and recover metal. Would you work that hard and not take the loot home with you? If so, why would you do that? Fear of the locals? Well, you gotta get out of those hills whether or not you're bringing the money with you, so you may as well be rich if you survive.

There are a number of reasons to explain a lost or abandoned mine site, but not an abandoned cache of money. Please convince me.
I see SDCFIA your still ignoring that the treasures were left for the king of Spain or even the Church. And that they were unable to come back for the caches due to the Mexican uprising, and that the Mexicans were coming back up here once they won their Independence {to the USA areas}. To find and remark as many of these caches as possible with saguaros planted as alignments in Arizona and boulders in other areas up North. Beside the caches its undeniable especially with 200 plus year old saguaros planted as alignments used in conjunction with carved markers to location that have been caught with Auras at. Sandy1 guide is a proven fact of this and the information he has presented in it is unreplaceable in my opinion Sandy1 has gone above and beyond to provide the information that has taken him years to acquire.

That's right on the money cyzak. Our good friend sandy1 has provided critical info from over 30 yrs. of proven experience, and there's no turning away with doubtful rhetoric. You sdcfia, said you wouldn't
even try for an aura, yet want to keep hashing the same old worn out debate, just because you
never found anything. You're riding a dead horse, but want to keep on doing this doubtful
debating... not helping anyone, appearing to always cast doubt on many things found.

Wasting our time, calling names, mocking on any thread we post on, spreading
propaganda with fellow doubters. I's too late to believe you, so just save it.

That's the difference, sandy1 was keen enough to figure it all out, and
succeeded. I don't even see you as a sentinel, just unable to do it.
Not food for thought as you like to say, but apparently envy,
and trying to sow discord like you get pleasure in the lack.

It's just too bad, but you don't seem to be teachable,
because with what you do know could be success.
So maybe you are a sentinel, & we see through.

Just stop wasting everyone's Precious time.
You're not convincible, but because you
are a Denier, too Stubborn to teach,
or else a Faker, knowing the truth.
No one trying sell you anything!
Same old story, song & dance.

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Your tribe keeps claiming historical things based on fiction - such as the "King's Code caches", for example - without any reference to clearly documented history that totally refutes those ideas (treasure magazine writers aren't reliable sources, by the way).

You pin the early secret mining action to some shadowy group of organized super heros that operated at dozens of sites all over the American southwest, but you can't identify any of them, or even provide any mention of them by anyone who lived in those times.

You provide The Aura Leading to Three Rocks in a Triangle Method, which is an interesting concept until you give it serious thought. You won't provide any start-to-finish evidence at a specific location that verifies the method; published aura photo with coordinates; photo of The Three Rocks, with coordinates, that formed a manmade triangle that an early Spaniard would be able to find using some sort of code; photos of the recovery operation, including the spoils. Nope, can't do it for "security reasons" - just take it all on faith.

The usual excuse for a lack of proof is the Government swooping down and applying The Law against you for stealing. Court time, fines, confiscation, etc. So, hush hush. Well, you don't think all the bragging on public forums for years wouldn't ring a bell with The Man? My guess is that maybe it did ring a bell somewhere and The Man figured out long ago that there is nothing to the claims. The Man knows who you are and where to find you. Has he been a-knocking?

Extraordinary claims require irrefutable support. It's not on us as listeners to prove what you say. It's on you. Where are the recovery photos?


Sorry, I can't pay you any more attention sir, too late, too cold, too far behind, your fiction lost!

Let's just ignore him, not even worth wasting anymore of our precious time... Y'all have a Great day!

The 2nd & 3rd pic show a shadow caused by the corner of the turtle shell, eclipsing the turtle's head rock. This happening at around the Fall Equinox, the position & angle of the sun, in relation to the time & angle
& position of the Earth. That shadow, is the all importantly sought after, OMEGA. This is lining up with
other markers, where I unexpectedly was walking along taking pics of interesting shaped
boulders, & caught an aura on my old cell phone, which is nothin' fancy.
That because I ran all of my camera batteries down, but saw more interesting things I wanted
to photograph. I overlooked it for a time, thinking something went wrong with lens & lighting did it.

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Your tribe keeps claiming historical things based on fiction - such as the "King's Code caches", for example - without any reference to clearly documented history that totally refutes those ideas (treasure magazine writers aren't reliable sources, by the way).

You pin the early secret mining action to some shadowy group of organized super heros that operated at dozens of sites all over the American southwest, but you can't identify any of them, or even provide any mention of them by anyone who lived in those times.

You provide The Aura Leading to Three Rocks in a Triangle Method, which is an interesting concept until you give it serious thought. You won't provide any start-to-finish evidence at a specific location that verifies the method; published aura photo with coordinates; photo of The Three Rocks, with coordinates, that formed a manmade triangle that an early Spaniard would be able to find using some sort of code; photos of the recovery operation, including the spoils. Nope, can't do it for "security reasons" - just take it all on faith.

The usual excuse for a lack of proof is the Government swooping down and applying The Law against you for stealing. Court time, fines, confiscation, etc. So, hush hush. Well, you don't think all the bragging on public forums for years wouldn't ring a bell with The Man? My guess is that maybe it did ring a bell somewhere and The Man figured out long ago that there is nothing to the claims. The Man knows who you are and where to find you. Has he been a-knocking?

Extraordinary claims require irrefutable support. It's not on us as listeners to prove what you say. It's on you. Where are the recovery photos?
Hey hack, I tried not to, but just read this BS that you wrote.

The usual excuse for a lack of proof is the Government swooping down and applying The Law against you for stealing. Court time, fines, confiscation, etc. So, hush hush. Well, you don't think all the bragging on public forums for years wouldn't ring a bell with The Man? My guess is that maybe it did ring a bell somewhere and The Man figured out long ago that there is nothing to the claims. The Man knows who you are and where to find you. Has he been a-knocking?

Who the heck are you, not fooling anyone! You have a lot of nerve,
& apparently a lack of something, maybe edicate to post this here,
or anywhere on TN, in my mind. Let me ask you this Sir, are you an
agent or representative of any law enforcement agency? If so state
your purpose, & if not, who do you think you are, & if anyone be careful,
what business is it of yours? After all it's just fiction & fantasy, as you've
been saying for all of these years & years, right? That's downright rude
& pretty dern belligerent, & here you try to come off as if a nice person,
knowledgeable, a supposed TH, been there & done that & it's not there,
anywhere, just because you say that it's not. Too bad you missed out,
but don't you remember, since it doesn't exist, how could there ever
be a violation? If you cut a tree down & remove the stump, was it
ever there to begin with? Your arrogance is not becoming, not
helpful, unenjoyable, unproductive, off topic, & just plain wrong.
Reminds me alot of an ol guy that missed out, with nothing left to
do now, but have resentment & hate. That's your choice, I choose life.
And it's not ever been any bragging, WE CHOOSE TO SHARE THE INFO!!!

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Uh huh. I keep asking straightforward questions, you keep answering with ad hominem replies. You don't have any answers, so I'm the bad guy. This is a forum, not a blog.


These 2 pics also a seasonal fall OMEGA. Corner of the boulder, casts a shadow on the rock below.

Just the right time of year & time of day, & shadow angle.

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Uh huh. I keep asking straightforward questions, you keep answering with ad hominem replies. You don't have any answers, so I'm the bad guy. This is a forum, not a blog.

Uh huh. I keep asking straightforward questions, you keep answering with ad hominem replies. You don't have any answers, so I'm the bad guy. This is a forum, not a blog.
Ad Hominem your like a broken record, boy I bet you are missing your buddy right now but he got banned. I bet he is chomping at the bit reading this.Let's see if I can clear it up for you National Monument, National Park,W.M.A. my favorite, Historical Site, Wilderness area,Wildlife Area,Military Base, and I am sure I missed a couple.

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