In the pics of this series, there have been at least 3 Kings Thrones,
the same of OMEGAS, & also the other markers you would want to see.
Then set up the Pentax Cameras to do interval shooting 6 seconds each,
just like sandy1 describes step by step, in his free camera guide. If there is any
precious metal(s) cached in any underground vault(s), you may see an Aura in
one of your frame(s). Even if it takes you more than 1 try, you really can do it, just be
safe & ultra observant, at all times. sandy1 tells stories of a Giant foot long Centepede,
& a Death Trap he stopped digging, observed & safely dug up. So if you dig, stay aware!...
Another OMEGA below, cast from the shadow of the upper flat rock onto the lower rock, set at just the right angle for
the time of day & year. I'd like to dedicate this song to my friends here on TN, especially that 'ol wild rocker, cyzak...
Gettin' ready for a long run to S/W Montana, gonna get to visit with my old friends from 6th grade - HS in
So. CA., haven't seen for over 29 yrs. Get to float the Blackfoot R. again. Y'all be safe, & have a Great &
Happy Labor Day Holiday Weekend! If I don't make it back for some reason, I pray God Bless Y'all!...