Naturallly Occuring Formation OR Manmade Treasure Marker/Sign?

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The boulders look like they have had some of the rock removed they definitely look like they have has some manipulation by man.

Don't know why the pics sometimes load upside down, that's the 2nd one.

.I have one of them Cedar trees by that mine I just found it was huge only one around I found it real interesting. IMG_5152.webp

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Some previously shown s/s on the other side of the trail (cove), definitely of Spanish origin.

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20190925_114859.webp.My latest project.Photo loaded side ways go figure.

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My photo loaded side ways in #388 that pic go figure. I have been looking at the new ones that you posted quite the collection. I am sure that a few of them would keep a person busy for a little wile a lot of info to go over.I really find this one photo of yours interesting.View attachment 1759095

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My photo loaded side ways in #388 that pic go figure.

I looked at it sideways & like it. Very interesting, just didn't see a good entrance,
was my jokin'. More than likely lots more around there, just can't be seen in
pic some hidden carvings, maybe a boulder slid in to conceal. I like that,
smaller rocks in foreground looks like faces profiles & shadow eyes.

I have been looking at the new ones that you posted quite the collection. I am sure that a few of them would keep a person busy for a little wile a lot of info to go over.I really find this one photo of yours interesting.View attachment 1759095

You should see the long pile of boulders that are all stacked up high and out of sight a few miles away.
Hauled off & laying in a huge long heap, when they were clearing low river banks while dam building.

Most that I've posted in the group are close to the top of the older river banks above flood level,
& some even when the water is at extreme high flood, as you can see the wear lines, waves
continually beating, leaching minerals, wearing the rock, leaving smal washed gravel
pile lines where the level peaked in some areas 'till the water eventually receded.

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These go with the others as a group, & there are a few more.
Be cool to check 10 sec. pics to complete the study. Was a
totally unexpected discovery out drinking a lime cactus
taking an easy hike around the area, & saw some
of the first marks that got more interesting...

The first heart is obviously modern man made.
You can see the other recent made markers in pics.

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Lost Adams Diggings way down there in the bottom of the canyon.

PA mountain north.webp

No one has looked for that in years.

Wise strategy, as there's no placer gold left there. Apaches mined the deposit before 1850. Whites worked them 1850-1863, despite Apache problems. The Adams incident was 1863. Whites came back in 1867 and worked them until they played out in 1910 or so. The diggings were never lost, just worked out. You could likely say the same for many other lost mines.

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