Actually, we moved one state away from where I found this, my friend Mike (also a member of TNet) has been calling/emailing we're currently researching some prohibition era (moonshine) sites. Mike's the one I gave a handful of SLQ's and mixed silver along with the '32 10 dollar gold piece....he sold it a couple years ago. The old moonshiners never took their money to the banks, some even kept it buried close to their stills or landmarks near their water source. Even though they dressed in rags and lived in shacks, they had cash and lots of it, many were shot, wrecked, or drank their own poison, which fried their brain, and simply forgot where they hid their money.
I've been told many things about my find, an old hardware store owner, a feedstore/livestock dealer, moonshiners horde, illegal gambling stash? Hopefully, all this wintertime research will pay off this spring....I've got nothing but time

Tesoro did contact me and wanted rights to reprint my story in their annual paper (sent me some coupons too) (the pm is still in my inbox) - I gave permisson, but never checked back on it or followed up. It was just pure luck IMO, but it does go to show there's still buried treasures out there - just waiting to be stumbled upon. My personal opinion, it was an illegal gambling and moonshine operation...the owner of the home was shot and took the secret with him then the house set on fire to cover up evidence....that's just my guess?