KS Poacher
Sounds a little fishy to me.
Well, someone asked about the advise we received, some of the more important stuff I'll list, some advise was out of this world and laughable.
- Our family attorney recommended too many suggestions, and even typed them up so we wouldn't forget the details!
- Call the few friends I told of the find, and tell them I was "joking around", show them a few silver quarters/dollars and advise them that I was just pulling their leg and apologize for getting them all hyped up.
- Go back to the site and make sure I collect all traces of my presence (cigarette butts, water bottle, tracks, car tracks) and make sure my "hole" was undetectable. Yep, this is when more paranoia set in.
Night Stalker
He calls it a treasure TALE...the definition of tale says it can be a real or imaginary story...I hope its real because it is a great tale.Because this story was nothing more than an attempt to write the great American novel.
Thought it was the real deal until I started thinking about the thick sheets of black plastic that he said were covering the treasure area. The kind of treasure and way it was wrapped says it was buried long, long ago, but plastic wasn't around then. A hole would have been covered with metal or wood.
The hole was covered with wood. No one knows how long its been there. It could have been buried the day before he got there, possibly dug up and reburied. It may have been tar paper. I'm sure he was in too much of a hurry to sit there and examine it. If it was actually plastic does that make a difference? Plastic was invented over 150 years ago. Older then the coins he found. So I'm not sure what your point is? Just another nay sayer? Jealous maybe? Who knows? Who cares! The guy knows what he found and that's all matters.
I can honestly tell you I WAS THERE!!!!! Not in physical but in mental.When you were recalling about your heart racing and the emotions my goodness man I'm sitting in a meeting room at a govt. Building and my heart is pounding lol...AMAZING JUST AMAZING ONCE IN A LIFETIME..I TRULY ENJOYED YOUR STORY AND HOPE THE MEMORY OF THAT AFTERNOON WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU.I PLAN ON READING THIS STORY TO MY SON AS SOON AS I GET HOME CONGRATS MY FRIEND.THANK YOU FOR SHARING AND ALLOWING MY MIND TO BE THERE THAT GLORIOUS AFTERNOON
In accordance with the treaty between the Choctaw Indian and the United States Government, annuity payments were issued on a regular basis from this building. Boats carrying wooden barrels filled with gold coins would float up the Arkansas River until they reached the landing, then would be carted across the remaining miles to the old agency building.