Re: My trommel build ( TESTING AND PROBLEMS TO FIX )
OK I fixed the spray bar problem by lowering the spray bar under the frame. Was able to run rocks up to about 4" without any problems. I think I will have to put some sort of screen in the end of the hopper to stop the 4" to 5" or bigger rocks from entering the screen.
Also I need to enlarge the hole at the bottom of the hopper that is under the screen, the water gets very aireat ed with bubbles and can't get out fast enough so I have a limit of how much water I can put in. Very simple fix.
The testing that I'm doing is next the river near where I live, there is not any gold (that I know of) in this river. I ran three buckets of sand gravel and 4" rocks from a sandy spot and then did a clean up just to see what I had. Lots of Iron and a few led shot BBs.
The trommel it self is working perfect, just have to tweak a few things.
One nice thing about the hopper is that a five gallon bucket fits in it, easy to wash out with the sprayers.