My Find of the Year: Gold Civil War Ring (Updated 2 new pictures)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rusty in Tenn
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Rusty, like everyone else here, I'm sure, I am waiting to see what that ring's appraised value is???? It must be worth a small fortune, it's so unique and historical, and such a fascinating relic. Not to mention it's finely crafted gold. Any indication on it's value yet???

Hi Rusty,

What a great find you have there.... That is definately a face that is showing inside the ring.... the funny thing is that it seems to look like it is of the same metal. I wonder if the face was not carved into the ring also.
As for the steamer, it may not be of any steamer we know, but just a picture of a basic steamer.... To carve a real steamer into a ring would be very difficult. I think it may have belonged to either a high-up crew member like a captain, or could of been made by a person who was just fanatical about boats in those days. Or it could of belonged to one of the gamblers who frequented these steamer gambling ships, won lots of money and had the ring made.
Whichever way we look at it, what you have found there is a piece of art which will take us a very long time to equal.....

Well done and God bless

If you never find anything again you can't complain about that one. It is awesome. Congrats.

Could the picture on the ring be a picture of a "blockade runner"? I saw something a while back that showed a blockade runner and it looked sorta like the picture on the ring....d2

I really believe the steamboat is a stylized boat and not any certain named boat. Shame that no concrete history will ever be discovered about it. It is a wonderful item, and if rings could talk. WOW what a story it would tell!

Cabelefunk said:
Snuff Box Ring, it was ungentlemanly like to walk around with a snuff box, so they made these types of rings so the men could have their snuff out in public. Raised in Lower Arkansas.

I was thinking the same thing!

WOW!!!! Just awesome!!


Re: My Find of the Year: Gold Civil War Ring

laralucine said:
oh my god - that's gorgeous!!!
;D yes.

Gee, I gotta tell ya, if I EVER found anything that nice and that valuable, I would probably hang my detector on the wall and quit detecting least after I changed my drawers. Crap, that's an incredible find. WOW... It would be great to know how it came to be lost...was it buried on the finger of the dead man who had owned it? Or, since you found the buttons too, maybe he wasn't buried, maybe he was shot and killed on the spot. Gee, there's no telling what the story is behind it. Congratulations on it guy...that's a heck of a find.

Very beautiful ring and an amazing find of a life time, congrats! HH, Mike

I hope i can find stuff like this ring... Awesome thanks for the pics.

I gotta say, if this doesn't make the W/E mag, then nothing should! What a great find, and a truly interesting story that might be behind it.
Have you tried looking at troop pics from the area, to see if you see anything? Just a thought.

I would say "HH", but I think we all know you have gotten the lion's share of it already!!


I belive it has been in WE mag as well as others


Hello to All,
I too, have found what I believe to be a Civil War gold ring!!!! While hunting a Civil War campsite in Arkansas, I was hunting the property where a pond had been dug! Naturally my thinking was such that I realized, "Hey, if this place had Civil War activity on it that long ago, just maybe while they were digging and moving all that soil around, they may just have churned it enough to bring some of the oldest stuff to the top!!" Within about 30 minutes of hunting the outer perimeter of the pond levee, I got a good strong repeatable signal about 3" deep with my Fisher CZ-6a. I stepped my floral shovel down in the soil about halfway up the blade,having cut a good sized plug, I then flipped it over!!! Wow!!!! Much to my surprise, there it was, a gold ring that looked like it was just lost yesterday!!!!! The sad part is, that I did not fare as well as Rusty did with his find! My ring came out of the ground with a broken band and a missing stone! The band itself looks real similar to the one Rusty found. Who knows, maybe by slim chance, the same craftsman created both!! I myself, have never seen a band quiet like this one!! It is hollow in the middle of it!!! I believe a friend of mine called it, Hollow Fill ?????? Sorry for such a lengthy story,but that's how I am!! lol I will try to get a pic. posted of it as soon as possible!!!
Take care all,

Wow...that is one of the most beautiful rings i have ever seen!
Congrats to you.

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