Full Member
That is awesome
the boat on the ring looks to me like the infamous Sultania that went down with 1700 prisoners of war in 1865Got lucky while hunting last week and dug this ring in a Louisiana camp. 3 Louisiana cuff buttons were found within 10 foot of the ring. Right now I am still trying to research what boat is on the front of the ring as it might hold the key to which soldier was wearing it. I am guessing since it is made of solid gold with Silver inlay on the sides and was hand engraved on the front that no normal soldier had it on. Most of them were too worried about shoes, clothes and food to be wearing something that nice. Some people refer to the ring as a locket ring or a poison ring. Taking it to a jewler next week to have the latch fixed and the crud cleaned off but am not having it polished as I just want to get the crud off so it will display better. If anyone has any clues to what boat is on the front it would be a big help. We do know that it is a sidewheel paddleboat. Probably used around Louisiana and before the war which would date it to before 1861.. UPDATE: A person that specializes in Steamboats at a University told me to try to ID the 4 marks on the Paddle as that is where the name would be. I have done the best I could with my camera and still cant make anything out. See if any of you have eagle eyes as I think mine are shot. The ring goes to be fixed on Monday and the Jewler has a 18 power Magnifying glass so if we cant maybe he can..Again, thanks for the nice comments and the for looking.. Thanks for looking Rusty Mills East Tennessee
Thank you d2, as that same thought has been driving me crazy. I agree and posted a very similar comment. As I was reading everyone's comments, I was suprised that no one else had mentioned this.Could the picture on the ring be a picture of a "blockade runner"? I saw something a while back that showed a blockade runner and it looked sorta like the picture on the ring....d2
Quite the the contrary, a find like this would give me fuel to want to continue hunting for decades to come. A simply amazing find!!!Gee, I gotta tell ya, if I EVER found anything that nice and that valuable, I would probably hang my detector on the wall and quit detecting altogether....at least after I changed my drawers. Crap, that's an incredible find. WOW... It would be great to know how it came to be lost...was it buried on the finger of the dead man who had owned it? Or, since you found the buttons too, maybe he wasn't buried, maybe he was shot and killed on the spot. Gee, there's no telling what the story is behind it. Congratulations on it guy...that's a heck of a find.
I wonder as well. Did Rusty die,..and the jeweler still has the ring? The BIGGER mystery is WHAT HAPPENED to Rusty Mills?What ever happened with this story? It's been like two years and this Rusty guy never came backDid the jeweler he took the ring to kill him and make off with the loot? lol