My best silver day...E.V.E.R... **UPDATE WITH VIDEO**

Re: My best silver day...E.V.E.R...

Just Beautiful....Congrads on the find and memory of yours and Ours..of a lifetime. Good to see a great find like this come from Maryland, keep us posted on your adventures. thanks for sharing....

If you've read this book AC then you will know that treasure sounds like a page from it...


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Re: My best silver day...E.V.E.R...

WTG Beau!! You and Dan have been showing some fine relics lately but this is truly note worthy. And to think that I just traded my TigerShark for a land detector! I look forward to the article. Best find I've ever seen!

Re: My best silver day...E.V.E.R...

Un FREAKIN real... that is the best find I do believe I have ever seen. I'm speechless

Re: My best silver day...E.V.E.R...

That coin #4 second row the mexican I read an article about them finding one like that it worth well over $1800 That is one hexx of a haul. Great work pays off in the end.

Re: My best silver day...E.V.E.R...

Speechless I am........finds like that keep my MD woody up! LOL!

Re: My best silver day...E.V.E.R...

I couldn't be happier for you. Congrats!

Re: My best silver day...E.V.E.R...

I was wondering when a banner would top mine from earlier this year, and IMO yours may have done just that!

A little tidbit I found on the Houcks counterstamp"

The coins found with this countermark are one of the most popular and sought after counterstamps, as they are part of the “Hard Times” token series and are generally found on Bust Half Dollars.

Re: My best silver day...E.V.E.R...

man o man o man


Re: My best silver day...E.V.E.R...

You researched and made the find, you deserve it all. This is big and only going to get bigger. I hope your future is not plagued with bureaucracy and red tape. Move it all some place safe. Also telling the truth (how you found it all in your back yard with written permission from yourself) wouldn't hurt either. I can't wait to see what else your back yard produces. JJ

Ps.... boating accidents happen all the time (if you need them to). :laughing7:

Re: My best silver day...E.V.E.R...

Holy mackeral there Andy :notworthy: That is absolutely incredible :hello2: Congrats :icon_thumright: It's going to be hard to top that!!!

Re: My best silver day...E.V.E.R...

FABULOUS! HUGE CONGRATS TO YOU! Folks, he stated that these coins were found at a ford in the river, a place where years ago many people chose to cross the river. Depending on size, depth and swiftness of the river, the people of those days may have crossed on horseback or muleback, in wagons pulled by animals, on foot, by raft or boat, or swimming, etc. You get the picture. My theory is that whoever lost those coins had no intention of leaving them in the river. Instead, due to carelessness, storm, high or rough seasonal river conditions, a leather saddlebag, wooden box or similar container full of the silver coins ended up under water. Also due to the same conditions, the person traveling with the coins was unable to recover them. During the following decades, the container gradually deteriorated under water and fell apart, leaving the many coins to be scattered in a limited area. Enter our hero with his fave metal detector many years later...... ta dum! Recovery! The fact that the coins' dates span a 60-year period doesn't preclude their all being lost at the same time. Wow, I love t-net and the wonderful things shared here! btw, I didn't notice anyone posting a negative reaction, just one or two folks cautioning our hero (and the rest of us) that the federal government might possibly be able to lay claim to some of our fabulous finds. If anyone knows more on that topic, they can educate the rest of us. As for me, after 6 months of detecting, my best find is a silver & turquoise pendent detected at a beach, but I still haven't learned how to post my pics on t-net, lol. I'm better at spinning theories about other people's fabulous finds than I am about cracking the mystery of posting pics. My son who also posts on this forum is going to help me. Andi

Re: My best silver day...E.V.E.R...

WOW this is truly a treasure story!!! The type of find that most of us can only dream about!!! Congrats!!!

Re: My best silver day...E.V.E.R...

don't even know what to say that hasn't been said here so far. this find deserves its own banner on this site. cannot wait to hear more....

also, now i really cannot wait to get out today....


Re: My best silver day...E.V.E.R...

:hello2: :hello2: :hello2:
too damn cool! that is deff a find of a lifetime!! congrats on that crazy score beau!


Re: My best silver day...E.V.E.R...


Re: My best silver day...E.V.E.R...

Holy Moly Batman! That is a find of a lifetime my friend! Congrats to you I am very happy for you!
:icon_thumright: :icon_thumleft: :headbang: :hello2: :thumbsup:

Re: My best silver day...E.V.E.R...

Congratulations man!!! :notworthy: Please do not go on record in public and say that you found these in a Maryland river. I was at the Potomac River yesterday asking if I could md in the middle of the river and the DNR guy said anything found under the water in the Potomac is the property of Maryland. Ofcourse he said I could apply for a permit to detect but again anything over a certain age because of the antiquties law would be the states. (who the heck would find something of value and really turn it into the state?) I agree with the other poster, PLEASE if you have to, say you found this cache in your back yard!!

Re: My best silver day...E.V.E.R...


Congrats on the find and banner. Can't wait to read the article in AD.


Re: My best silver day...E.V.E.R...

aquachigger said:
underarock said:
forget the banner.
If garrett doesn't give you a call to advertise the AT Pro then I think they need a new marketing team.
Epic find. What are you planning on doing with them? I'm sorry if someone already asked this.

I just catalog and display my finds. I have never sold anything (not that there's anything wrong with that), but have given some things away to friends and interested people. Thanks for the kind words...
Well in regards to that statement, HELLO FRIEND! :laughing9: How about the top row? lol Congrats on the recovery! You should make the Garrett AT Pro box model! :o

Re: My best silver day...E.V.E.R...

I have a new hero and to him I want to
give the biggest congratulations ever !!
I would say someone robbed someone
and in a haste to get away lost that bag.

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