Re: My best silver day...E.V.E.R...
FABULOUS! HUGE CONGRATS TO YOU! Folks, he stated that these coins were found at a ford in the river, a place where years ago many people chose to cross the river. Depending on size, depth and swiftness of the river, the people of those days may have crossed on horseback or muleback, in wagons pulled by animals, on foot, by raft or boat, or swimming, etc. You get the picture. My theory is that whoever lost those coins had no intention of leaving them in the river. Instead, due to carelessness, storm, high or rough seasonal river conditions, a leather saddlebag, wooden box or similar container full of the silver coins ended up under water. Also due to the same conditions, the person traveling with the coins was unable to recover them. During the following decades, the container gradually deteriorated under water and fell apart, leaving the many coins to be scattered in a limited area. Enter our hero with his fave metal detector many years later...... ta dum! Recovery! The fact that the coins' dates span a 60-year period doesn't preclude their all being lost at the same time. Wow, I love t-net and the wonderful things shared here! btw, I didn't notice anyone posting a negative reaction, just one or two folks cautioning our hero (and the rest of us) that the federal government might possibly be able to lay claim to some of our fabulous finds. If anyone knows more on that topic, they can educate the rest of us. As for me, after 6 months of detecting, my best find is a silver & turquoise pendent detected at a beach, but I still haven't learned how to post my pics on t-net, lol. I'm better at spinning theories about other people's fabulous finds than I am about cracking the mystery of posting pics. My son who also posts on this forum is going to help me. Andi