Murdered For Gold - Marengo County


Full Member
Oct 6, 2014
I Forgot
Primary Interest:
Cache Hunting
In October, 1907,

The badly decomposed and mutilated body of Luke Bradford, a rich planter, and a bachelor, was found near his home at Octagon, Marengo county. Robbery apparently was the motive because there was a trunk found near the house which had been broken open and emptied. A search of the area found his body, but no clue to the murderer was found. There were a number of buzzards around Mister Bradford's house, and that's what led neighbors to go to the place and search. They found his body, and also found several holes dug up all around the yard and under the house. It was believed that Mister Bradford had gold hidden somewhere, but none was ever reported found.

From ‘The Democrat-Reporter’ Linden, Alabama 4 May 1944 (quoting from ‘Old Times History of Marengo' by Joel D. Jones):

[In October 1907] Mr. Luke Bradford, a bachelor, living alone, was murdered in a horrible manner, and his home was robbed of several hundred dollars.
Wiley Huckabee and Willie and Spencer Ford, grandsons of Robert Huckabee, were accused of the crime and were promptly arrested and placed in jail. The Ford boys confessed and were tried. The older was given a life sentence and the younger was sentenced to ten years. While Wiley Huckabee was being held in jail awaiting trial, he attempted to make his escape (it was said) by letting himself down from the top of the jail building by a rope made from bed blankets. The rope broke and he fell about forty feet to the ground and was killed by the fall, which ended the court proceedings in the murder case.

From ‘The Democrat-Reporter’ Linden, Alabama 4 May 1944 (quoting from ‘Old Times History of Marengo' by Joel D. Jones):

[In October 1907] Mr. Luke Bradford, a bachelor, living alone, was murdered in a horrible manner, and his home was robbed of several hundred dollars.
Wiley Huckabee and Willie and Spencer Ford, grandsons of Robert Huckabee, were accused of the crime and were promptly arrested and placed in jail. The Ford boys confessed and were tried. The older was given a life sentence and the younger was sentenced to ten years. While Wiley Huckabee was being held in jail awaiting trial, he attempted to make his escape (it was said) by letting himself down from the top of the jail building by a rope made from bed blankets. The rope broke and he fell about forty feet to the ground and was killed by the fall, which ended the court proceedings in the murder case.
Best reason I ever heard to keep the jails limited to old tattered bedding

Birmingham Post-Herald​

Wed, Oct 23, 1907 ·Page 3

127 matches "Luke Bradford" 1907 Alabama

13 of the matches are in newspapers from

Marengo County


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