Mountain Man’s Defense of Individual Sovereignty Leaves Judge Speechless

Treasure Hunter:

I believe it was the Governor of Hawaii who declared martial law following the attack on Pearl Harbor. The US Army took it from there and set up what was later described by a federal judge as a "military dictatorship."

Martial law in the US has a very mixed history. It has been used to reestablish order - after the Great Chicago Fire and the San Francisco Fire and Earthquake. Far more often it has been used to quell strikes by workers - and, in Alabama in the 1960s - to fight civil rights protestors.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

Correct it was govonor endorsed by feds on US property,

"On December 7, 1941, the day that Japanese warplanes bombed Pearl Harbor in what was then the territory of Hawaii, Governor Joseph B. Poindexter, of Hawaii, declared martial law on the Hawaiian Islands. The governor also suspended the writ of habeas corpus. The commanding general of the Hawaiian military assumed the position of military governor. All courts were closed by order of the military governor, and the military was authorized to arrest, try, and convict persons. Under Poindexter's martial law order, approved by the president, the military courts were given the power to decide cases without following the*rules of evidence*of the courts of law, and were not limited by sentencing laws in determining penalties.

In February 1942 the Department of War appointed General John L. DeWitt to carry out martial law in California, Oregon, Washington, and the southern part of Arizona. In March 1942 DeWitt announced that the entire Pacific Coast of the United States would be subject to additional martial law measures. Later that month he declared that all alien Japanese, Germans, and Italians, and all persons of Japanese descent, on the Pacific Coast were to remain inside their home between 8:00*p.m.*and*6:00 am."

Treasure Hunter:

Wow! That's some sobering stuff right there.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

A Manhattan man was found guilty on two charges related to fishing without a license today in a trial that saw him being removed early in the trial in handcuffs.

Ernie Tertelgte, 52, represented himself against misdemeanor charges of obstructing a peace officer and resisting arrest. Tertelgte faced a jury trial for two charges related to fishing without a license.

Before the jury was even selected, the 52-year-old man was removed from the courtroom after he objected multiple times to the proceedings.

Tertelgte then watched the court proceedings from a nearby room via video and remained handcuffed.
The charges against him stem from an Aug. 31 incident which a state game warden attempted to cite Tertelgte for fishing without a license at the Three Forks Pond, which is a state-managed area.

In court, FWP warden Adam Pankratz said Tertelgte refused to give him his name when approached. He was fishing with his 11-year-old son that day and the warden told the court he and a Three Forks police officer repeatedly tried to stop the situation from escalating, but Tertelgte refused to comply.

Tertelgte found guilty by jury | | Z7 | Bozeman, Montana

I wonder what Mr. Tertelgte uses for money? Apparently the illegal Federal Reserve currency is sufficient for him to purchase clothes. Somebody buys gasoline to drive him around - unless that car runs on french fry oil.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

2.0: Here's one analysis of the situation:

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Red James cash:

You're long on accusation, short on evidence.

I'm going out on a limb here and guessing you are not an expert on "Fair Use."

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

short on evidence.
Thats what you think,I always post the evidence.If you choose not to see it or look at it,well thats your problem not mine:sign10:Just continue being embarrassed that "YOU" got caught doing it.

Red James cash:

You're claiming I got caught plagiarizing?

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

Red James cash:

Apparently you are good at entertaining yourself.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

I think a good debate is a very healthy thing. Here comes the but . Isn't this about the right every man,woman and child has to be able to provide for themselves ? I don't have a Phd nor have I read every book ever written. Would anyone of you go hungry if there was game available and you had the knowledge to obtain it rather than be hungry. Maybe I'm missing something but without that natural right to survival what good are any other "rights" . Just a few thoughts.

A word to the wise gentlemen, Walk Softly......

We will NOT go quitely into the night!

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