Mountain Man’s Defense of Individual Sovereignty Leaves Judge Speechless


Just think - neither one of us will ever get to gun down a dodo - or feast on passenger pigeon. Once the flocks were so large they darkened the skies. So many would roost in a tree that the branches would break. The ground was covered in droppings like snow.

For almost one hundred years they have been gone.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

uhh, the commons aren't the commons anymore. they belong to the moneyed elite and the corporations. as you know how it worked in Olde England, the commoners were not allowed any of the game or goodies.

welcome to capitalism gone wild.

what's that Native American saying? "when the last fish is caught and the last tree chopped down, the white man will find he cannot eat money" I think I have that wrong but the gist is the same.
id why don't you come up to Wisconsin when all the Indians claim they have rights to spear fish all the waleye's they want. Not like the old days but with 50K boats with spots and cross bows. Now this may be their rights accornding to some liberal judge . But when you see pick up beds full of them rotting next to their casinos and claiming White boy your only allowed 1 a day. doesn't seem right to me. So keep them out of this.


Why are you telling anyone on TN to keep out of this?

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

I'll help you out OB - Onfire is saying......keep the Native Americans out of this.

what's that Native American saying? "when the last fish is caught and the last tree chopped down, the white man will find he cannot eat money" I think I have that wrong but the gist is the same.


So the saying isn't true?

What if the fish have gold fringe?

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

Your non-sense posts tells it all..........


if he doesnt collect any entitlements, and has no income, and truly is a (mountain man) then it is my opinion that he should have a varience in the game laws to hunt for subsistance ,as long as he is not hunting anything endangered.jmo

So far, you've put on the table a busted flush.

Too bad a busted flush beats somebody that cant even call the bet.Be a credible person and post some credible info.

Just think - neither one of us will ever get to gun down a dodo

Naming yourself bookaroo means you must read.Do yourself a favor,stick to reading books.The DoDo didnt have to be gunned down,it couldnt fly.You could walk up to it and beat with a stick or ring its neck.Look up market hunters.

"I know otherwise,prove it."

“An original idea. That can't be too hard. The library must be full of them.”

Whats actually missing in the trial is whether or not the mountain man was on his own land.I dont know the laws in fishing in Montana but,in N.H. you could fish and hunt on your land or land you gained permission to hunt and fish on without a liscense.

Red James cash:

I did not state you were right wing. I stated the whole gold-fringed flag nonsense is a far, far right wing nutz' myth.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

First of all OB - The center is your far-far right. I feel for you, though on this subject of the gold fringe. I have to agree. I also read EO-10834, and it doesn't mention gold around the flag. If anyone wants to look it up - and Search 10834.

So, I congratulate you OB - Out of the dozens of untruths, complete fabrications, and polital posturing that you have posted. On this subject, you are finally correct!!!


Red James cash;

A busted flush was over-rating your hand.

You go to all that work to post to try and bait me instead of just proving your own point. Dodos didn't need to be shot? That's news to you?

Sometimes in life the best advice comes from ones self: "Be a credible person and post some credible info."

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

PS: In New Hampshire its legal to hunt on private land without permission. I probably won't try that in Montana.

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The center is the center - otherwise it isn't the center.

As for the rest of your comment - "dozens of untruths, complete fabrications" - that's a lie. You've managed to produce no more documentation or other evidence than Red James cash.

Except for the EO lie you exposed. You actually did look it up. The longest journey down the path of knowledge begins with a first step.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

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Well, good luck bucking the system. Don't quote ME on this but I believe it was a famous US statesman that said " A man that is his own lawyer has a fool for a client"


I doubt the Mountain Man's sanity. I find the whole "sovereign nation/natural man/don't register to vote because..." thing profoundly anti-American.

He doesn't mind riding in a vehicle. When he left the courtroom I didn't see him get on a mule.

He doesn't mind wearing a Hudson Bay blanket jacket - I doubt he wove it himself.

I sincerely hope he doesn't wind up in a stand off that gets somebody else killed for no reason.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

I know absolutely nothing of the "fringe on the flag" argument since I have never heard it discussed prior to this thread. I do know that if any man or woman were allowed to just fish or hunt any species of fish or game without limits and/or controls on how much and what was fished or shot, it wouldn't be too long before certain species of both fish and game were non existent because many people woul;d then just take that game indiscriminately. I agree completely with Jim in Idaho about the fact that the game in this country right now wouldn't feed 5% of the population.

As an example of what I'm saying, just talk to or with anyone in the provinces of Canada who have treaties with their Native American peoples. It was my understanding that in some areas, that by treaty, these folks have no lmits on game or fish they can harvest at certain times of the year. In 1992 I witnessed a native American tribe show up in an area to hunt with a 18 wheeler refrig truck and slaughter everything, game wise, they found. It desimated the deer, Elk, and Moose in that area of Alberta. The same would occur in this country if no rules and regs on game or fishing limits, types, etc. were allowed to go on. A license to fish or hunt, as a resident, in most states isn't that expensive and poachers are criminals...period, no matter what they supposed reasons.


Don't worry - anybody who thinks gold fringe on an American flag changes anything except that flag isn't overly concerned with reality.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

I know absolutely nothing of the "fringe on the flag" argument since I have never heard it discussed prior to this thread. I do know that if any man or woman were allowed to just fish or hunt any species of fish or game without limits and/or controls on how much and what was fished or shot, it wouldn't be too long before certain species of both fish and game were non existent because many people woul;d then just take that game indiscriminately. I agree completely with Jim in Idaho about the fact that the game in this country right now wouldn't feed 5% of the population.

As an example of what I'm saying, just talk to or with anyone in the provinces of Canada who have treaties with their Native American peoples. It was my understanding that in some areas, that by treaty, these folks have no lmits on game or fish they can harvest at certain times of the year. In 1992 I witnessed a native American tribe show up in an area to hunt with a 18 wheeler refrig truck and slaughter everything, game wise, they found. It desimated the deer, Elk, and Moose in that area of Alberta. The same would occur in this country if no rules and regs on game or fishing limits, types, etc. were allowed to go on. A license to fish or hunt, as a resident, in most states isn't that expensive and poachers are criminals...period, no matter what they supposed reasons.

I'm very curious, where in Alberta did this occur? Native people can hunt and fish with no limits on their assigned Treaty Land as long as they can prove that the Game or Fish are being harvested in order to feed their families or other Native people within their respected community. Anything other than that I have mention has been deemed illegal and is punishable by law and is strictly enforced here in Ontario. I would have reported what you saw just to make sure it was legit as there are some bad apples who take advantage of the system.

Keep posts on topic or they will be deleted.

We will NOT go quitely into the night!

ignorance rules the right.

quote:The Flag Research Center has not conducted a thorough investigation of all the claims being made about fringe, many of which are spread by radio talk programs, cassette tapes, lectures and other non-written forms. Nevertheless its unique resources allow the Center to state the following with certainty:
•Available evidence seems to suggest that the claims made about fringe on the United States flag are intended to promote the political ends -- including elimination of income taxes, re-establishment of the gold standard, and denial of legal rights to women, non-Christians, and non-Caucasians -- of those who spread those rumors.
•From the standpoint of history and law, fringe on a flag has no symbolism. While each individual is free to interpret the meaning of fringe, it has no inherent or established universal symbolism

What Does the Gold Fringe on the American Flag Mean? | eHow

A Gold Fringe Infringement on the American Flag?! | My Scout Stuff

Fringe on Flags (U.S.)

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