More smoke and mirrors from the state.

Maybe put limits such as miners processing less than xx yards are exempt.

That's already there.

Im going to try and not post the same things over and over again in reply to the same lame comments. Ignoring the law is not going to change anything except to make recreational prospectors/miners look like criminals.

Im going to try and make suggestions such as writting to our representatives asking to change the law. Maybe put limits such as miners processing less than xx yards are exempt.

Anyone... Suggestions?
I have a suggestion...take a long walk off a short plank.

After reading thru this agine.......I believe.....their are 2 types of miners that care about laws,,,,,the sheep that look at the laws and rules that are written by every agency without end and say, well I guess that amends the law of 1872,,now I cant dredge and you can't dredge either, read the law,,,,and then there are the miners that care enough about the freedoms and rights enshrined in the 1872 law and constitution to fight to keep them. IMHO people that fight to keep our rights like Brandon Reinhart and others are true american heros, fighting to preserve our rights, it takes time money and effort. All the folks that have gone to hearings, written letters, called reps. Ect. Are working to keep our children free.....I have a very different take on the law than you chrsbrns,,,but I do hope you invest this much time and effort trying to make a differance with lawmakers. I would hate to think you were a simple naysayers sheep......
Please take a minute and tell us of your actions regarding miners rights.

I tried, to stay away. Okay, so let me get this straight in my head, Left coast, east coast would like to post a summons on Mother Nature door for disturbing the Periodic Table of Elements in our waterways?, OOOOO kkkkkk Lets see, landslides would be something like oh Highbankin, and the brown( novote) matter in rivers during winter runoff would constitute dredging. left perceive passing more laws generate revenue, the reality, quite the opposite is true. Demonstrated (Exodus of California)
"all laws which are repugnant to the constiution are null and void" Marbury vs Madison, 5 US (2cranch) 137,174,176, (1803)


After reading thru this agine.......I believe.....their are 2 types of miners that care about laws,,,,,the sheep that look at the laws and rules that are written by every agency without end and say, well I guess that amends the law of 1872,,now I cant dredge and you can't dredge either, read the law,,,,and then there are the miners that care enough about the freedoms and rights enshrined in the 1872 law and constitution to fight to keep them. IMHO people that fight to keep our rights like Brandon Reinhart and others are true american heros, fighting to preserve our rights, it takes time money and effort. All the folks that have gone to hearings, written letters, called reps. Ect. Are working to keep our children free.....I have a very different take on the law than you chrsbrns,,,but I do hope you invest this much time and effort trying to make a differance with lawmakers. I would hate to think you were a simple naysayers sheep......
Please take a minute and tell us of your actions regarding miners rights.

My actions regarding miners rights?.. To show them what they are up against, organize and fight back!

Being that I can't even get them to comprehend what I have been posting and their never ending belief that the 1872 mining act somehow protects them I should just give up and sit back with them and watch the house burn down!



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It really doesn't matter what the courts decide in the Rinehart and/or the new 49's case. Neither of them address the Federal Clean Water Act!

The BLM requires compliance with the Act.

As we speak Congress is about to vote to amend the Act. They want to expand from navigable waters to all waters including small streams, ponds and even dry washes.

Do you think that Cali and other states are going to ignore the power of the CWA?

It really doesn't matter what the courts decide in the Rinehart and/or the new 49's case. Neither of them address the Federal Clean Water Act!

The BLM requires compliance with the Act.

As we speak Congress is about to vote to amend the Act. They want to expand from navigable waters to all waters including small streams, ponds and even dry washes.

Do you think that Cali and other states are going to ignore the power of the CWA?

Yes! [h=2][/h]

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Please post bigger screen shots so i can read them. I am iterested in your argument and want to read them and see where they come from.

I can read them on my tablet. If you can't read them click on the pic and then click on the pic again and it will be larger

1872 Mining Law Reform Bill Introduced Today

Congressional initiative would end billions in public land and mineral giveaways, protect scarce water, create jobs
Published on Jul 10, 2014 - 11:32:30 AM

1872 Mining Law Reform Bill Introduced Today

EARTHWORKS | Hardrock Mining and Reclamation Act of 2014 1872 Mining Law Reform

EARTHWORKS | 1872 Mining Law - the Need for Reform

On behalf of our millions of members from across the country, the undersigned organizations endorse the “Hardrock Mining and Reclamation Act of 2014,” a bill that would correct the environmental and taxpayer inequities promoted by the outdated 1872 Mining Law.

EARTHWORKS | Letter of Support for 1872 Mining Law Reform 2014

I wonder how many of their millions of members are filling in the online form and supporting to reform the mining act?

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Just because a bill has been summited doesn't mean it will become law. Far more never make it to the floor. Many more never make it out of committee.

Hey, Barry. Whats the count on the attempt to change the mining acts?

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