More Interesting New Findings From The Beale Ciphers

"Thomas Beale, of 10 Canal Street, New Orleans, knew Jean Laffite, and they shared the same attorney, John Randolph Grymes, 99 Canal Street."
ESC, please tell me which one is the real pirate in that group?

Where to now? I just want to know what was the key to the other two codes?

Most likely there never was a key, this just being another hooking device in the story. However, if there was a key then it was nothing like the key presented in the narration. What is most obvious in the other two ciphers is that they are nothing like C2, C3 having a much smaller range of code and more repeated code and C1 having a much broader range of code and 19 four digit codes, the only cipher utilizing these four digits codes other then "1000" that appeared in C2 as a substitute for "x" since the presented key had no words beginning with "x". But like everything else in this story there is nothing to go on, no provenance and nothing to place restrictions on the human imagination and so these random numbers are then subject to becoming representative of anything anyone desires them to represent. This we have seen being played out time and time again over the years, the complete unknowns within the ciphers allowing the assignment of anything to each code, thus the reason for so many completely different solutions.

"Thomas Beale, of 10 Canal Street, New Orleans, knew Jean Laffite, and they shared the same attorney, John Randolph Grymes, 99 Canal Street."
ESC, please tell me which one is the real pirate in that group?

Where to now? I just want to know what was the key to the other two codes?

If you decipher C2 you will find your answer. When the author deciphered C2, he said he found it by accident using the DOI. The DOI has been found to be out of an 1876 history book. No problem there whether 1876 or 1776. But when the author numbered the words of the DOI his mistake of numbering 480 twice comes in to play. There are 73 or 74 ciphers above 480 and that is what will tell you that the author made up C2. The author should have been off by a count of ten on every letter found above 480 yet he nailed all 73 or 74 perfect---every single one DEAD ON. The only way this could have happened is that the author made up C2 himself. There is no other explanation. So if C2 is made up by the author then the other two ciphers are made up as random numbers and there is no "KEY" There was no "KEY" sent because none was needed as the story is fiction.

Thanks for the hunt, hope to see you all on another one soon.

Waiting with Bated Breath... MAYBE, BAITED Breath, dunno.

Franklin. I applaud you on the above listings of the plausible information and anachronistic discrepancies found throughout the 1885 Beale Papers that prove that the story was created from the imagination of this "unknown author" who borrowed from many eclectic sources that has intrigued and beguiled so many , and still does and will continue to do so.
Yes, the "STORY IS FICTION", but we both know, the case will never be closed.

One man once said, now I do not know weather it was then a man dreaming I was a butterfly, or weather I am now a butterfly dreaming I am a man.

ECS, I can not find proof of your existence, therefore your opinions are non-existent. I have looked for information to see if you are real and none can be found. The only other reality would be that you are working in some sort of secret manner and for some reason do not wish to be recognized by others in the world at this point in time.

All of your arguments fail because I can not prove you are real, so you must be fiction! Just a fictional person madeup by a computer!

This one will start over again.....:laughing7:

Not for me it won't. I may take the time and place thousands of pages of my research into book form and reveal the inaccuracies that have finally for me anyways tell that the Beale Treasure Story never happened, only in the mind of the author.


ECS, I can not find proof of your existence, therefore your opinions are non-existent. I have looked for information to see if you are real and none can be found. The only other reality would be that you are working in some sort of secret manner and for some reason do not wish to be recognized by others in the world at this point in time.

All of your arguments fail because I can not prove you are real, so you must be fiction! Just a fictional person madeup by a computer!
Existence is the Grand Illusion.
"Life is instantaneous and living is dying. Just as the chariot wheel in rolling rolls only at one point of the tire, and in resting rests at one point; in the same way the life of a living being lasts only for the period of one thought. As soon as that thought has ceased the being is said to have ceased".- BUDDHA
...or in the words of Arthur Lee of the band, LOVE:
"You are just the thought of someone, somewhere, somehow feels you should be here".

One man once said, now I do not know weather it was then a man dreaming I was a butterfly, or weather I am now a butterfly dreaming I am a man.

ECS, I can not find proof of your existence, therefore your opinions are non-existent. I have looked for information to see if you are real and none can be found. The only other reality would be that you are working in some sort of secret manner and for some reason do not wish to be recognized by others in the world at this point in time.

All of your arguments fail because I can not prove you are real, so you must be fiction! Just a fictional person madeup by a computer!

First of all, the existence of ECS can be established, so your logic is seriously flawed right from the very beginning. You see, you do have provenance that the original source, ECS, does exist.....:laughing7: This continued posting of alternate comment, pictures, cartoons, etc., in place of actual provenance isn't going to get you very far in this day and age. You either have it or you don't, all else is just more smoke in an effort to keep feeding the already dead horse, something most everyone is wise to these days.

First of all, the existence of ECS can be established, so your logic is seriously flawed right from the very beginning. You see, you do have provenance that the original source, ECS, does exist...
Cogito ergo sum. :icon_thumright:

Seem a lot of of interesting information has come up of this thread. The ideas that because of the DOI the whole thing must be a HOAX has been put to sleep. Now that we have proof that Beale simply used an adaptation of some of the DOI and not word for word. For if he had used the DOI for his key he would have been exact in his number marking and it would have been easier to decipher, his biggest fear. Seems the key was lost in the flood in the St Louis as the Professor has said.
You made the comment that I did not exist, so it is fair to ask if the oft quoted professors of yours exists?
...and how would he know if the Beale "key" was lost in this flood to which you refer, or for that matter if there ever was a "key" or a "Beale and his perilous adventure treasure"?
A whole lot of assumption going on!

Madam Theresa, told me the papers were destroyed by fire from a candle, and that is good enough for me. She also told me I was going to be very rich, probably after seeing me drive up in my shiny new red and white T-Bird.

All I will say is there is a diary that has a lot of good information in it.
Does this diary mention Thomas J Beale and tell of his perilous adventure with his band of merry men that became merrier after finding gold and silver?
If not, it is just another unrelated source that is force fitted to create a faux fact provenance.

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