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It would appear someone likes there own posts .
You noticed that too huh! Check your post #s
It would appear someone likes there own posts .
That would be you. Explain # 42.
I didn't see it mentioned, but most are in a section of 6" pvc pipe about 1' long with a cap on one end and a removable plug on the other end. The contents contain enough ( metal) mostly coins to trigger a 2 box. I have seen videos of some of the other caches. The gold cross cache is in a metal box of the type used for a cash box. That box is shown in post #1.
That box didn't look watertight, so I guess the well is out, as well as the creekbed.... Or somewhere it could get wet. That gives me some ideas boyoboy!!
That metal box holds the gold cross cache. The swamp cache is probable watertite PVC 6" pipe. I think the well is partially filled. The foundation just might hold the original cache of gold coins. The foundation is still there. Might spend a few days up there if it warms up a bit.
I am confused then, because H.B. stated in his W.S. cache that he included the cross, emerald(s), and the big huge ruby.
The only other treasure I heard him speak of was the long lost treasure of Reaville that is said to be buried in the same area. But that treasure, although can be considered a cache, is 1. Not verified to exist, and 2. Wasn't hidden someplace where someone knows where it is and is giving clues.
Am I wrong? I thought the "hidden cross" refered to the 24kt gold guilded cross.... the one with the emeralds and pearls, planted with the big huge 200 and something carat ruby.
After reading the back-posts, that is what I am gathering anyways.
There are 10 caches that he has hidden. The cross on rock cache is the only one with a cross, otherwise it is similar to the swamp cache. Those two are in Clinton Co. Pa.
Full info has only been presented on the swamp cache.
There was a cache at Wolfs Run that has been found.
There is a cache in VA. near Natural bridge that hasn't been found. The clues are out on that one.
The cross cash is in an iron box because the cross would not fit the 6" PVC tube he usually uses.
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Well then "holy cow"!!! Two treasures described as exactly the same.... Buried in two places. That's amazing how he got two of everything to make two separate caches. Wow he is good!!!!!
Care to read what is in each cache guys? Go on.... Tell us. What's in the Woodsy Swamp Cache? What's in the Lost Cross Cache? Strange that they both (according to you guys) contain the same 219carat ruby!!!!! Strange that they both contain a guided cross encrusted with pearls and emeralds. Amazing!!!!
And you guys wonder why the other site is a ghost town compared to this one. It is because of snobs who put down everyone else who detects that doesn't look for treasure. I've heard many of them... present company not excluded, bash the majority of people detecting calling them mere park and field hunters, ones that don't last, aren't any good, don't hunt treasure, etc etc... And here we go, bringing the same attitude to TN. Save it and treat beginners the same as veterans. I am not talking to anyone in particular.... But I hate snobs!!!!!
Wow! Rant on misinterpreted tangents much?
You are a wee bit off on all three paragraphs.
Gilded perhaps too , rather than guided , but hey your tellin it.
Good luck with your puzzles there "au-artifax".
The misspelling of gilded was due to auto correct on my tablet. For give me! But then again, being caught up on trivial issues like spelling just proves one of my points at least, especially in the face of bigger issues that you never bothered to address.
I will have fun though, and not chase after scattered clues for two cahes that actually is one. I don't blame you guys though, because you've been simply misdirected. Tsk tsk, pity.