Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter


I mentioned that I was ruduced to one finger typing, well that is modified now.

Seversl days ago I woke up with complete loss of movement or control of my left hand and leg -- yep a stroke.

After the usual feeling sorry for myelf, I remembered my experaments in Taosim and mind control and decided to actually do what I preached.. My belief of multi simultanous channels and concentrated on them

Believe me it is frustrating to will a finger to move -and it doesn't, then eventually a slight suggestion of a movement. After that it is Katie bar the doors

End result that I have Regained 80 % contol and am continuiing

But in any event I am able to eontinue the book on tayopa.

I doubt that I'll ever be able to go back to Tayopa, but it has already filled my memory book

Get well soon amigo, we have much more to do! This may have been a 'shot across the bow' - however I am 100% confident you will fully recover. Just take things easy and concentrate on getting well.

Get well soon amigo, we have much more to do! This may have been a 'shot across the bow' - however I am 100% confident you will fully recover. Just take things easy and concentrate on getting well.

Hey amigo, they have a program for the computer that works by voice command, you could sit back in your favorite chair and just scream at the computer. Then we will know EXACTLY how you really feel. :laughing7:

Hello Don Jose

Sorry To read that you have been sick. Where would we be without you? Hugs and kisses get well soon!


Senor Don Jose, sorry to hear about your illness……if anybody can overcome this, you can……know you are in our prayers here among your friends on TN…..
vaya on Dios y viva Christo Rey…..

Corporate Investigations….happy to see you post again……hope all is well and best wishes in your recent marriage.

Don, Jose, get well my friend. I have neither seen nor heard of anyone who is more capable of overcoming anything that is thrown in your path than you are. I have faith in you. It makes me a little ashamed that I was complaining about my knees earlier.....


Don Jose

I wish you quick recovery ! I am praying to our God to give you healthy days full of joys .

Back to Tayopa. may reform my plan of attack up there. They are running around like chickens with their heads cut of when it is quite simple. A Geochem kit.

Are you planning to take it up there? Surely we haven't revived you that much with words and prayers, so soon.

#/;0):-- ?

Don Jose is well . He just have " played " it sick to avoid Oro's sock coffee . :tongue3: :thumbsup:

Short, every one needs an excuse. :laughing7::laughing7: Mine i not enough coffee or Amy.

No excuses here, Amigo. I got myself kicked by a llama about 10 months ago. Hurt the left knee, and while I was gimping around on that knee, the other one gave out, maybe because it was taking a lot of the stress from the other leg, but, as you say, it's all in your mind. I didn't quit, just worked slowly through the pain, more walking and step climbing even if it hurts, and eventually you work your way out of it. I'm back about to 75% or 80% of what I was, and only expect to get better. If you quit, you might as well just die. I didn't (even though it was a minor setback, compared to the many things you have gone through), and you won't quit either. I don't have any mule sweat soaked socks for the coffee, so horse sweat will have to do.



Hey Don Jose, hope you are recovering nicely from your recent setback. Sometimes life has a way of getting in the way of living and sends a message that we are not immortal. When these setbacks occur, we can either ignore them, or do something about our situation. The mind has no limitations in sending messages for the body to start repairing itself. The body itself can easily repair any deformation if it has the correct fuel to do so. Most of the time it will tell you what is needed to heal itself. Good Luck and hit the vitamin C and fish oil hard. rockhound

Rock hound, gracias my friend. 90% today. But "I" AM immortal no ? Well i used to think so, however a bii of doubt is creeping in, but I'll make my 150 th birthday though Incidentally your supliment suggestion is excellent, but you forgot COFFEE?

Short finger, exacly why did that LLama kick you ?? :censored:

Nope, no :censored: involved. And, I was sober, too, so no alcohol involved either (until afterwards).I was trying to cut a piece of baling twine off of his neck and leg. A continuous loop, around a rear leg and his neck. I was concentrating on not cutting myself or him, when I should have been concentrating on where my leg was in relation to his leg. Caught me on the inside of my thigh, just above the knee. If it had been a horse or a mule, my leg would probably have been broken. With the llama, just bruised and the knee knocked out of line somehow. Come to think about it, I suppose that the baling twine could have been pinching something that it shouldn’t have been when I grabbed the twine…..might explain his reaction....



Here's hoping that this is short term setback, and that if anyone can "will" themselves better
with some channelling and a coffee infusion, it will be YOU. Get well soon and remember the offer
still holds, If you need me to gather up a few of us Arkansawyers and our squirrel rifles to get you a
perimeter around Tayopa, just let me know.
Keep writin'



Here's hoping that this is short term setback, and that if anyone can "will" themselves better
with some channelling and a coffee infusion, it will be YOU. Get well soon and remember the offer
still holds, If you need me to gather up a few of us Arkansawyers and our squirrel rifles to get you a
perimeter around Tayopa, just let me know.
Keep writin'


Weekender, I know you boys from Arkansas can shoot, but if you want some help down there, I've got a few boys around here that aren't too shabby, either. We'd be glad to lend a hand.


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