Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter


Here's hoping that this is short term setback, and that if anyone can "will" themselves better
with some channelling and a coffee infusion, it will be YOU. Get well soon and remember the offer
still holds, If you need me to gather up a few of us Arkansawyers and our squirrel rifles to get you a
perimeter around Tayopa, just let me know.
Keep writin'


Great idea Weekender, count me in. Heck, we may even collect enough reward money on some of those scoundrels in that area that we could set up a McDonald's at the base of the mountain and serve C O F F E E.

Don Jose, I just watched Airplane-repo and now know how to get all of us to Tayopa, 2015-08-11 01_25_06-.webp

Hey Don Jose, he doesn't look like one of our "Cousins", but I can see some early morning resemblance ? ? ?2015-08-11 01_35_18-You Smell Coffee_ Me Neither. Make Some! - Humoar.com.webp

Amigo"s ,:coffee2:Better give him a double shot of tuna juice and a shot of whiskey with his :coffee2:NP:cat:

Hello guys
With the recent Nazi gold train news around I missed the insightful take of Crow.I wish he comes back....


Hello guys
With the recent Nazi gold train news around I missed the insightful take of Crow.I wish he comes back....


Hello Tin Tin Don't worry about that Wiley old pirate. Some where, some place Where the winds of fortune blows I guarantee you old Crow will be riding the slipstream. :thumbsup:

The trio are Just young Kids? ???

When their quiet their up to some thing.:laughing7:

old salt.webp


Hi AMY luv, has that worn out football player been treating you ok ? Hardluck and crow both told me that the wedding went off nicely------ I am pleased to hear that.

Hi AMY luv, has that worn out football player been treating you ok ? Hardluck and crow both told me that the wedding went off nicely------ I am pleased to hear that.

It went of like a fairy tale, like every girl dreams of, Jose. The trio was very well behaved.

My mother in Law so I discovered by surprise is actually is Crow's Sister. I did not realize what a very big Irish family there was on my husbands mothers side, scattered around the globe, from Africa, United States, Philippines, Canada, Australia, New Zealand. A real roving band of Irish Tinkers.


watch it Loke :laughing7: Amy, we oirish maintain the sanity of the world :occasion14:

So yer husband is Oirish also, hmm then I will have to stop calling him a wornout football player since he is of royal linage...sides he must be special to have won you.

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Jose, my dearest friend, I am sad to hear about your illness. To be sure you are an 'onery' ole friend, and I know you will be using all of the methods known to you to help yourself recover.
Take care my lovely.
Lots of and xxxxxxx to help you get better.......Shirley

"Amy, we oirish maintain the sanity of the world".

Well, there are two words I never thought I would see in the same sentence: Oirish and sanity....



Unicorn, mi lost Britland luv, where have you been ? Needed you to hold my hand while I felt sorry for myself, that was my coffee hand. However I can now report that I can now hold a mug of coffee and drink it with my left hand unaided.

Don't be so absent in the future luv.

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