Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

It is humiliating. So much info, so much failure...

Hmm I would not call that a failure amigo, simply because you did not locate that missing ring. You did go over various areas where the ring may have been located, and we can now rule those areas out. In treasure hunting as you know well, finding nothing is actually making progress, in helping to narrow down the area to search by finding nothing in some areas. With a ring, it is also possible that someone else has found the ring since it was lost, and said nothing, which unfortunately happens fairly often.

Amen on the poly-ticks too, not sure if anyone has posted this before but the actual definition of that term is as follows:

Definition of POLITICS
Pronounced "pol-ih-ticks"
Root "poly" from the Greek "poly" meaning "many"; examples, polygamous, polytechnics
Suffix "ticks" meaning disgusting, filthy, blood-sucking, verminous, parasitic insects, often disease carrying; examples deer tick, wood tick, political candidates etc

Hence true definition is:
"poly ticks" = "many blood sucking verminous parasites"
contracted in common use into "politics"

<Source: Oroblanco's Truth Dictionary, pp 448 (c) 1998>
NOW back to Adventures of a Tayopa Hunter!

This can actually be tied in with Tayopa too. Don Jose' have you had any experiences with local (or state or Federal) government officials obstructing, attempting to abscond or otherwise appropriate the treasures as yet unrecovered, or at the other end of the scale, enabling, assisting in research and/or providing any sort of protection (as in police, or other security measures)? We are accustomed to having to deal with an alphabet soup of federal and state (and local) govt agencies in any treasure in the states, usually obstructing and otherwise hindering, as well as looking to seize anything of value that might be found, so I am curious as to how the Mexican and Chihuahua state governmental authorities have interacted with you and your team. Thank you in advance.

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

As i plan to continue and expand the search grid, l guess that i have not failed yet...
There is a path that channels the run off for a few hundred feet.
I feel re....something or another.
I shall return!!

Well i have to, every time i leave the house.

You must excuse me.. it os time for my meds.


The ring may not be laying flat. A weak pull tab or foil signal maybe if on it's side.
Searching for a specific object makes it hard not to focus on the others like a coin hollering out "dig me"....
Been there, and did not recover sought item two times, two different sites.

You are dead right on every point releventchair.
I used my old fisher on all previous hunts so this time i pulled out a newer more powerful high tech machine for just those reasons.
I pulled one coin, one screw, two bottle caps, and on the last pass, under a shrub, i thought i had it. It was only a pull tab.
I thought i had her tuned in just right. I think that's why i love that old fisher, she sings the songs that i know by heart.
She has never lied to me yet.


You are dead right on every point releventchair.
I used my old fisher on all previous hunts so this time i pulled out a newer more powerful high tech machine for just those reasons.
I pulled one coin, one screw, two bottle caps, and on the last pass, under a shrub, i thought i had it. It was only a pull tab.
I thought i had her tuned in just right. I think that's why i love that old fisher, she sings the songs that i know by heart.
She has never lied to me yet.


Good luck Mikel - and don't trust what an indicator dial says, dig up every hit. Not only will this be doing a good deed in searching for the ring, but it is also doing a good deed in removing any junk. I have found rings that sounded like junk (one was sterling silver, sounded just like a crummy pull tab and I almost threw it into the junk because it looked odd - it was in the form of a naked woman!) and have seen quite a few of these detectors that supposedly tell you what it is before you dig - get it WRONG. Including the much-vaunted Minelabs. You will find that ring - and it will turn up in a place that seems most unlikely too. I know, before anyone tries to argue that with me about how your detector is never wrong about what it says is buried, but I have seen them be wrong a good 50% of the time, and even the best will say different results over the same hit, just by passing the detector over it several different times.

Jewelry seems to be harder to detect than gold nuggets at times, perhaps because of the strange mixtures of metals and stones used in them, some are hollow tubing, some have precious metal plating or filling, etc. Anyway think positive, that you ARE going to find that ring, and you will find it - if it is there at all. :thumbsup:

Now see what you have done Mikel? I have to go do some detecting myself, just to keep my hand in! (hee hee) :laughing7:
:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

Definition of POLITICS
Pronounced "pol-ih-ticks"
Root "poly" from the Greek "poly" meaning "many"; examples, polygamous, polytechnics
Suffix "ticks" meaning disgusting, filthy, blood-sucking, verminous, parasitic insects, often disease carrying; examples deer tick, wood tick, political candidates etc

Hence true definition is:
"poly ticks" = "many blood sucking verminous parasites"
contracted in common use into "politics"

<Source: Oroblanco's Truth Dictionary, pp 448 (c) 1998>

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:
Gawd - you made me spill a precious glass of red wine - said liquid came out through my nostrils and trying not to spill too much - knocked over my glass!
Now you have to answer to my better half - I am blameless!!

ORO, what can i say? It's an addiction. Every time i have found a ring, one class ring and one silver ring, and i use my wedding ring to test my machine.

Every time it passes over a ring "she" says...oh yeah...

Jessie went with me the last outing and didn't understand why i handed him the new detector.

Oh yeah...


Gawd - you made me spill a precious glass of red wine - said liquid came out through my nostrils and trying not to spill too much - knocked over my glass!
Now you have to answer to my better half - I am blameless!!

Timing is everything amigo - and the best solution to that problem of a stain, is to soak the rest of the garment in the same wine. You might look very dashing with your blue eyes, and Norse good looks, in a wine-colored outfit. :thumbsup: :dontknow:

ProspectorMikel wrote
ORO, what can i say? It's an addiction. Every time i have found a ring, one class ring and one silver ring, and i use my wedding ring to test my machine.

Every time it passes over a ring "she" says...oh yeah...

Jessie went with me the last outing and didn't understand why i handed him the new detector.

Oh yeah

I am with you amigo - stick with the tried and true machine! And BTW I am blaming you for my having to get out with the detector, have to blame someone you know! :tongue3: :notworthy:


That's okay Oro. I've got a little shoulder left to carry the blame. Just remember that if you find a big gold brick!!

Oro is right. Many machines, ID detectors, will occasionally give you a false reading over a valuable object. I think it mostly depends on the soils mineralization properties and at what angle you sweep the detector over the object. I always sweep several directions over an object once detected to give the detector the benefit of seeing it at different angles. Although this is still not foolproof, it will give you a better set of numbers to choose from. The best detector I have is not an ID detector, but it does have 3 tones to help identify by its electrical properties. It is also my deepest detector. It is crazy but my cheapest detector, although not very deep, will give me the best identification of an object then the rest. It only has a ferrous/non ferrous gauge, but it is a non motion detector and can detect both sides of a ring, giving a double bleep. It will also do this on a pulltab or washer, but will indicate ferrous on the washer. You can readily dig up all the pulltabs and rings in a given area, down to around 6-7 inches. Good Luck. rockhound

Rock,Mike, Oro, I have an old Gardner that eliminates the ground effect yet still gos deep, 21 ft. Iit comes with a 3 ft and a 7"coil. It will pick up rings nicely, it reacts by volumne and tone. I have not seen any improvement on this design, I suppose that it is due to a patent design, and the detector co's have gone off on another system.

It came out while most were producing BFO machines with ground cancelling problem, which it was immune to. It was an off resonance machine

I have an old BFO that i use here in AR to work exposed bedrock.
If i find any minerals in cracks, then it's hammer out and game on.

I was always intrigued by the Gardiner machines, but never could find one to purchase. It is in the top 2 or 3 deepest machines ever produced in my opinion. You have a jewel there. If I am not mistaken, Tesoro bought the Gardiner company and patent? My deepest machine is a Discovery built by the great electrical engineer Payne, but it is no match for Gardiner. Good Luck. rockhound

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I have finally made a pre-aranged meeting with both landowner families.!

This is the beginning of a new and important chapter.

I, and one representative from each family will hammer out the details of a new contract that will preserve the history of their lands and the financial concerns for generations to come.

I feel like a kid again.
No riptides this time.

I've gotta go post this on my thread.

Happy hunting.

Rock, here is the early 3' coil for the Gardner. The latest had a 3/8 aluminum tube 3' in diameter. instead of the flat coil.

This is my share of an 8 mule train. Those are 8 reales coins.

8 Reales.jpg_thumb.webp

That must have turned a few heads, back in the day.


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