Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

Hello All,

Never posted here before but have been an outside observer for over 6 months. I finally had to register after reading all these great stories and wanted to tell you guys to keep them coming! :icon_thumleft: :icon_thumleft:

Here's a short story for everyone lol:
When I was nine years old my family and I traveled to our family reunion in a little town called Strawberry,Az. Every year our family and friends gathered in the forest and camped for the weekend. Serveral hundred people would turn out for the food and fun, along with games and activities for the kids. The adults would spend most of their time around the giant campfire drinking and socializing. While the kids ran wild through the wilderness. One evening the older kids went to go hike off to find the old wooden suspension bridge that we always heard ghost stories about. They always told stories about the evil witch that lived in the house by the bridge and that if you crossed the bridge she would throw you off. (they told this story to keep kids away from the dangerous old bridge) My older sister told me to stay behind cause it was getting dark and I was simply too young to go. I wasn't about to listen to what she had to say and decided I'd wait for them to leave and follow them. I ducked behind rocks and trees following them for nearly twenty minutes before arriving to the bridge . The all took turns crossing the bridge holding the support ropes along the sides as wooden planks randomly broke at each step. After they crossed the last one disappeared into the darkness I approached the bridge . I sat there trying to build enough courage to make the attempt. Watching in fear as the old bridge swayed back and forth. I took a deep breath and placed my first foot on a plank when all the sudden CRASH the whole bridge dropped to the dry bed forty feet below. Being young and scared my first instinct is to turn and run as fast as possible in the opposite direction. It was dark and I didn't know where camp was located but I knew an old wire fence followed it back. I found the fence and began sprinting along side of it in desperation to get back. As I was running along all the sudden I fell in a huge ditch and rolled down about ten feet. When I came too I was laying on my stomach and looked up to see a large hole in front of me. I sat up and all the sudden a foot in front of my face is a large fox growling. Turns out I fell right into her den and was surrounded by one large and two smaller ones. I slowly got up and backed away and climbed out of the hole. I ran as fast as I could back towards camp crying the whole way. Just as I saw the light to camp my feet are suddenly taken out from under me and I'm flat on my face . I get back up and run back to camp when I realize I had tripped on an old rusty barbwire fence and my legs were covered in blood . Fourteen stitches and a new pair of underwear later, I learned my lesson its better to stick to camp after dark ! Hope u enjoyed the story take care all.



:coffee2: :coffee2:


G'morning Pattillman: Loved it ya clumsy kid, sheehs. Seriously how did they hold you down for the stitches? More, more my friend.

Don Jose de La Macha

Soooo what happened to the older kids and your sister after the bridge fell.....did the evil witch get em? :icon_scratch:


WELCOME TO TREASURENET pattilman40! :hello2: :hello: :thumbsup:

Great story! <That goes for all posted too> Keep 'em coming! :read2: ;D :icon_thumright:

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

we call those "black cougars" -- black panthers around here in florida * -- their no joke -- they make a yelling screaming sorta sound that sounds like a woman getting her throat cut screaming for bloody murder * -- one used to raid my grandmother's chicken pen and eat her chickens in the rural town of chiefland , florida where I lived with my granny for a couple years in my mid teen years --granny said to never go out at night around the farm unarmed , due that critter -- I saw it once when granny heard a batch of noise coming from the hen house area , and sent me out to "take care of it" with a shotgun--but was unable to get a shot at it --fast as lightening that thing was , scary fast.

shotgun or no shotgun -- I'll be honest -- I was nervious as hell. -- deer hunting is one thing , but cougars can hunt you back and in the pitch dark hunting a black one -- the odds are in their favor. ( I was smart enough to know that even back then ) -- I almost told granny-- hell no I'm not going out there --you nuts? trying to get me killed? --but the only thing more scary to me than that cougar was a pissed off granny .

Many great stories. Be very carefully in the woods during hunting season. I live in Bridgeport Connecticut.

A naive friend and I crossed the border in Nogales one Saturday to treasure hunt . Shopped a bit and drank a bit . Wandered into a bar on the wrong side of town just at dusk . Only anglos in the place and the crowd instantly got quiet . Told my buddy to grab an empty table with our backs against the wall while I got us a couple of beers .
Bartender looked like one of the worst scar faced Mexican villans I have ever seen in a B western .
"Dos Corona,"I requested .
Slamming 2 warm cans on the bar with a glare he said ,"Tecate !" Horse urine at it's coldest , I still
thought it best to accept .
At the table my buddy grimaced as I handed him his beer and he suggested that we just leave .
I advised him that we wouldn't get a block without getting jumped if we ran out right then . In resignation he popped the top on his beer and took a drink . I pulled the ring on mine and it popped clean off the top of the can without opening it .
I walked back to the bar and making the motion of an opener requested of the bartender "?Por favor."
"Si ,"he said . Whipped out a 10" butcher knife and stabbed it right through the top of the can I was holding and gave me a questioning look ...............
Dave couldn't beleive it when I told him we better have one more . Put two empty cans on the
bar and requested dos cervesas .
Two more warm Tecates hit the bar and the bartender gave me another look as if to ask if I wished for him to open them .
Waggled my left index finger 'no no' and whipped my Buck with my right . Popped both cans and
had the knife put away before the foam started spewing and his eyes got fully wide .
Dave and I drank them as the conversation in the bar picked up in a friendly tone . Dave still had one foot pointed toward the door and like to have crapped himself when I said ,
"One more and we'll go ."
"Dos cervesas , por favor ."
"?Corona," asked the bartender with a grin .
"Si ,"I said with a grin equally as wide ............
From under the bar appeared 2 ice cold Coronas , which he opened with a regular opener, and some sliced limes on a plate with a salt shaker .
Dave tells the story better than I can . He also swears that he will never go back to Mexico with me .

that reminds me to tell you of the time in colombia when I was going from casino to nearby spot to eat and got chased by 3 nasty types into a alley way in a attempt to escape -- they were behind me -- stupidly too late I figger out it was a set up-- they were the "pushers" farther down the alley were two more "freinds " crap 5 to 1 --not good not good -- at that exact moment my life was saved -- there were several little shops there along side the alley way -- sitting there at one of the booths was a couple of nice big sharp looking machetes -- I threw a few bills down snatched em up and charged the two at the far end screaming and yelling like crazy -- they saw this dual machete welding 350 lb crazy gringo running at em and broke and fled (heck I figgered if I gotta go --go down fighting thats why I did the charge)-- glad they broke and ran --leaving me a way out --- I went out the end of the alley and got the first cab I could find and went back to the ship --warning my freinds about the set up in town -- the local dock guards said that robbers had knifed and killed a sailor off another ship some months back in that general area.--

ivan salis said:
that remindsme to tell you of the time in colombia when I was going from casino to nearby spot to eat and got chased by 3 nasty types into a alley way in a attempt to escape -- they were behind me -- stupidly too late I figger out it was a set up-- they were the "pushers" farther down the alley were two more "freinds " crap 5 to 1 --not good not good -- at that exact moment my life was saved -- there were several little shops there along side the alley way -- sitting there at one of the booths was a couple of nice big sharp looking machetes -- I threw a few bills down snatched em up and charged the two at the far end screaming and yelling like crazy -- they say this dual machete welding 350 lb crazy gringo running at em and broke and fled -- I went out the other end of the alley got the first cab I could find and went back to the ship --warning my freinds about the set up -- local guards said the robbers had knifed and killed a sailor off another ship some months back in that general area.
Great stories to tell afterward . Not so much when you're livin em , are they ;D

their only good stories if you live to tell about em --- great to tell while sipping on a cold beer or drink amoungst freinds .

ivan salis said:
their only good stories if you live to tell about em --- great to tell while sipping on a cold beer or drink amoungst freinds .
For sure :icon_thumright:

I have it on the authority of two fishing buddies that an agile person , on a silent half moon August night , can exit a 3 person jonboat floating 15' offshore and walk on water for at least
20' before sinking when a deer snorts behind him from the bank .

Geeze guys top posts loved them, especially since I have experienced that also, as many in here have. More ! more! my friends, you are beginning to loosen up..

Err about that serpent, It looked to me like a gigantic calif. coastal eel. I have heard of scientists finding immature eel of over 6 ft, perhaps there is a connection.

I am sure that you others have had experiences with your automobile, detectors, camping, or whatever, post em.

Don Jose de La Mancha

p.S. I have no doubt what trucking butch was up to in that kind of a booze joint, sheesh blushing. As for Ivan sigh, for one that had credit through out the Orient --- .


what can I say -the ladies they love me so much - I let them have it on credit (they can pay me later) :wink: :D :icon_thumright: don't be envyious :laughing9:

I swear to you , Senior , we only went for the purchase of some blankets and leather goods for the
benefit of our wives .
The cervesas were only because of the heat of the day and the fact that we were afraid to drink the water :laughing9:

well how esle can one build a unlimited 'line of credit" in the orient -- unless has lots of credit "online" already from others

tapoya next time the indain trys to get "frisky" wit ya -- tell him , to swim ashore go to any local place and just say my name and the gals will give em a "freebie" on the house.

You guys asked what happened with my sister and the group of kids on other side of bridge?
Well after they realized the bridge was gone they had to hike all the way around the other side of the mountains where they were greeted by several angry parents . My sister got all the blame for that one lol I still remind her of it often . Don , the stitches were not fun at all still remember it like it was yesterday. I'll never forget the look of my families faces as I can back to camp covered in blood . I'll tell u another tomorrow about a mexican stand off between a rattlesnake mountain lion and myself

I have no great adventure stories of life or death but one neat little adventure was when I was in the Navy in 1995 we pulled into Naples Italy for a few days. A friend and my self took off to Pompey on a train which was somewhere I always wanted to see. We walked the ancient city in amazement but I wanted to see stuff still in the dirt and not just the buildings and streets . We came to an area where it was roped off and a sign said do not pass this point or you will be put in jail yada yada yada.
We ended up jumping over the barricade running across a roof top and down to some closed off sections that the public did not have access to. In this one room we found two boxes of freshly dug skeletons , also there was a sheet laid out of with plaster flowers from the ceiling laid on it that they had carefully been removed because they would fall off in chunks. I picked up a plaster rose as a trophy from our adventure and it crumbled in my hand. My friend had a back pack and said hey do you want to bring a skull back? Being on a ship we had no where to really hide it and it just did not seem right. We left the way we came in with out being discovered but did not have any 2000 year old trophies. We did take a few pictures though which I could put on Tnet in the future.

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