Hello All,
Never posted here before but have been an outside observer for over 6 months. I finally had to register after reading all these great stories and wanted to tell you guys to keep them coming!
Here's a short story for everyone lol:
When I was nine years old my family and I traveled to our family reunion in a little town called Strawberry,Az. Every year our family and friends gathered in the forest and camped for the weekend. Serveral hundred people would turn out for the food and fun, along with games and activities for the kids. The adults would spend most of their time around the giant campfire drinking and socializing. While the kids ran wild through the wilderness. One evening the older kids went to go hike off to find the old wooden suspension bridge that we always heard ghost stories about. They always told stories about the evil witch that lived in the house by the bridge and that if you crossed the bridge she would throw you off. (they told this story to keep kids away from the dangerous old bridge) My older sister told me to stay behind cause it was getting dark and I was simply too young to go. I wasn't about to listen to what she had to say and decided I'd wait for them to leave and follow them. I ducked behind rocks and trees following them for nearly twenty minutes before arriving to the bridge . The all took turns crossing the bridge holding the support ropes along the sides as wooden planks randomly broke at each step. After they crossed the last one disappeared into the darkness I approached the bridge . I sat there trying to build enough courage to make the attempt. Watching in fear as the old bridge swayed back and forth. I took a deep breath and placed my first foot on a plank when all the sudden CRASH the whole bridge dropped to the dry bed forty feet below. Being young and scared my first instinct is to turn and run as fast as possible in the opposite direction. It was dark and I didn't know where camp was located but I knew an old wire fence followed it back. I found the fence and began sprinting along side of it in desperation to get back. As I was running along all the sudden I fell in a huge ditch and rolled down about ten feet. When I came too I was laying on my stomach and looked up to see a large hole in front of me. I sat up and all the sudden a foot in front of my face is a large fox growling. Turns out I fell right into her den and was surrounded by one large and two smaller ones. I slowly got up and backed away and climbed out of the hole. I ran as fast as I could back towards camp crying the whole way. Just as I saw the light to camp my feet are suddenly taken out from under me and I'm flat on my face . I get back up and run back to camp when I realize I had tripped on an old rusty barbwire fence and my legs were covered in blood . Fourteen stitches and a new pair of underwear later, I learned my lesson its better to stick to camp after dark ! Hope u enjoyed the story take care all.
Never posted here before but have been an outside observer for over 6 months. I finally had to register after reading all these great stories and wanted to tell you guys to keep them coming!

Here's a short story for everyone lol:
When I was nine years old my family and I traveled to our family reunion in a little town called Strawberry,Az. Every year our family and friends gathered in the forest and camped for the weekend. Serveral hundred people would turn out for the food and fun, along with games and activities for the kids. The adults would spend most of their time around the giant campfire drinking and socializing. While the kids ran wild through the wilderness. One evening the older kids went to go hike off to find the old wooden suspension bridge that we always heard ghost stories about. They always told stories about the evil witch that lived in the house by the bridge and that if you crossed the bridge she would throw you off. (they told this story to keep kids away from the dangerous old bridge) My older sister told me to stay behind cause it was getting dark and I was simply too young to go. I wasn't about to listen to what she had to say and decided I'd wait for them to leave and follow them. I ducked behind rocks and trees following them for nearly twenty minutes before arriving to the bridge . The all took turns crossing the bridge holding the support ropes along the sides as wooden planks randomly broke at each step. After they crossed the last one disappeared into the darkness I approached the bridge . I sat there trying to build enough courage to make the attempt. Watching in fear as the old bridge swayed back and forth. I took a deep breath and placed my first foot on a plank when all the sudden CRASH the whole bridge dropped to the dry bed forty feet below. Being young and scared my first instinct is to turn and run as fast as possible in the opposite direction. It was dark and I didn't know where camp was located but I knew an old wire fence followed it back. I found the fence and began sprinting along side of it in desperation to get back. As I was running along all the sudden I fell in a huge ditch and rolled down about ten feet. When I came too I was laying on my stomach and looked up to see a large hole in front of me. I sat up and all the sudden a foot in front of my face is a large fox growling. Turns out I fell right into her den and was surrounded by one large and two smaller ones. I slowly got up and backed away and climbed out of the hole. I ran as fast as I could back towards camp crying the whole way. Just as I saw the light to camp my feet are suddenly taken out from under me and I'm flat on my face . I get back up and run back to camp when I realize I had tripped on an old rusty barbwire fence and my legs were covered in blood . Fourteen stitches and a new pair of underwear later, I learned my lesson its better to stick to camp after dark ! Hope u enjoyed the story take care all.