Hola General! I got a spooky one for you guy's.
While at one of my sites, up in the mountains I was trying to find the Pozo or airshaft to an underground tunnel/room. I was up in a ravine when I spotted, what looked to be the classic cover for a cap or cover for a pozo, it was a round, concaved, and sandstone. I had just run out of film on my throwaway camera, and did not want to touch anything, without taking many pics first, so I just sat on a rock and googled the area!
A few days later or nights later I should say, I had one of those vivid dreams, you know, the kind you will probably never forget, meant to stay you and be remembered always! Well first off, I was sitting on the same rock I had been sitting on days earlier, I then saw a friend of mine that I had lost about 6 months before, he was walking around and busy getting something or other done, but we will get back to him later on. Next the dream gets dark, and there is an Indian standing in front of me, I can just make out that he has long hair, with a leather hair band, no shirt and wearing a loincloth with no leggings. The Indian started bobbing up and down to his left side, and pointing down to the ground, I got the impression he was holding a knife in his hand, although I did not see it.
This is what I took the dream to mean,, first of all the dream got dark, along with the Indian pointing down into the ravine, this I believe was telling me that what I was searching for, was down in a dark place, underground. And the unseen knife was telling me to dig, the Indian figure symbolized a slave who had probably died on or in the mine, but it was telling me, that it was alright with him, if I recovered the treasure.
Now to get back to the friend I lost and his purpose in the dream. My friend was a little overweight and had a touch of sleep apnea, well one night while trying to fall asleep and struggling with a cough, he decided to pop a cough drop in his mouth. In his sleep the cough drop lodged in his throat and cut off his air passage, they figured he was without oxygen for about 15 minutes, well he became comatose, never came out of it and passed about 6 months later. But he was a main player in my dream, ( They ) picked him because of the cough drop and the air passage, I had been looking for an airshaft/airpassage/pozo!! And the cough drop was round and slightly concave, enough to represent the capstone on the pozo!! Both plugging an airshaft! I have not been back to the site since, but maybe someday,,,,, td Capitan, tell us about the Spirits walking through your camp!