Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

Birdman you have been put on notice, those pictures 'have to be posted' when you can, or it's back to the swabbing and paint chipping detail at a seaman's rating. thanks for the story, we liked it greatly.

(drunken souless, swabbies like him and ivan do have good stories, but ya gotta drag it out of them. sheesh ) snicker hehehe

Don Jose de La Mancha

The pictures are in North Carlina and I am in Iraq but I should be back in Oct. if they let us leave. I also found a piece of pottery at Ephesus in Turkey and had it stored at my grandmothers house along with a fired musket ball and a silver spoon with a date of 1885 I had dug in Jonesville Virgina. I lived on the ship so I stored stuff at her house in Lafollite Tenn when I came for a visit.
Two years later I came for a visit and could not find my stuff and I asked her about it she said OH that old dirty junk,I threw it out. I did not say a thing,what could you do? It was not worth any thing but the pottery was a neat memory of the visit.

K birdman you are given temp leave on the picture but , ah heck, join me in a cuppa :coffee2: :coffee2: I unfortunatly know, as do most of the males in here do, about the periodic house cleaning of junk.

Don Jose de La Mancha

That was a great story Don Jose. It sounds like you've had some military experiance and your wife must be a natural born fighter.
I've saved some lives and prevented some injuries over the years. I like to remember that.
It speaks well of you that you gave some people the chance to grow older, fall in love and raise a family. Airborne!


:coffee2: :coffee2: :read2:

I think that it is best to stay in Connecticut seeking treasures.

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp :coffee2: anytime.

In 93 I drove an Ivaco box truck from south Alabama to Alaska with my parrents driving their car. My father is a preacher and got a small logging camp church on Coffman Cove which is located on Prince of Wells Island. Drove through Canada ,got on a ferry to Ketchiecan and then to the Island.
I grew up on Mobile bay and was used to seeing alligators and cotton mouths almost daily .After a week on the island I went exploring and crossing this field I looked up to see this black bear cub.. Well I froze thinking about the mama bear . The cub was about 150 feet from me and it just slowly walked across the field paying me no mind. Never saw the mama but it scared me to death.

After that I started carrying a pistol on my walk abouts.

Hola General! I got a spooky one for you guy's.

While at one of my sites, up in the mountains I was trying to find the Pozo or airshaft to an underground tunnel/room. I was up in a ravine when I spotted, what looked to be the classic cover for a cap or cover for a pozo, it was a round, concaved, and sandstone. I had just run out of film on my throwaway camera, and did not want to touch anything, without taking many pics first, so I just sat on a rock and googled the area!
A few days later or nights later I should say, I had one of those vivid dreams, you know, the kind you will probably never forget, meant to stay you and be remembered always! Well first off, I was sitting on the same rock I had been sitting on days earlier, I then saw a friend of mine that I had lost about 6 months before, he was walking around and busy getting something or other done, but we will get back to him later on. Next the dream gets dark, and there is an Indian standing in front of me, I can just make out that he has long hair, with a leather hair band, no shirt and wearing a loincloth with no leggings. The Indian started bobbing up and down to his left side, and pointing down to the ground, I got the impression he was holding a knife in his hand, although I did not see it.
This is what I took the dream to mean,, first of all the dream got dark, along with the Indian pointing down into the ravine, this I believe was telling me that what I was searching for, was down in a dark place, underground. And the unseen knife was telling me to dig, the Indian figure symbolized a slave who had probably died on or in the mine, but it was telling me, that it was alright with him, if I recovered the treasure.
Now to get back to the friend I lost and his purpose in the dream. My friend was a little overweight and had a touch of sleep apnea, well one night while trying to fall asleep and struggling with a cough, he decided to pop a cough drop in his mouth. In his sleep the cough drop lodged in his throat and cut off his air passage, they figured he was without oxygen for about 15 minutes, well he became comatose, never came out of it and passed about 6 months later. But he was a main player in my dream, ( They ) picked him because of the cough drop and the air passage, I had been looking for an airshaft/airpassage/pozo!! And the cough drop was round and slightly concave, enough to represent the capstone on the pozo!! Both plugging an airshaft! I have not been back to the site since, but maybe someday,,,,, td Capitan, tell us about the Spirits walking through your camp!

uh one mine foreman * owes you his life -- I would say -- you were "just" -- said let me check into the matter and find the truth of it and I will fix it . --- amazing how for the cheating of a few dollars your life can become "forfiet" -- in the wild places -- cheating of folks in the wild is highly frowned upon --- cards especially ---even a penny ante type card game can also get one killed in the wild places if one cheats -- I cracked a guy across the skull with a old heavy glass "squirt" grapefruit soda bottle for bottom dealing once in a penny ante poker game --wasn't the amount of cash involved --it was the principal of the thing.

can't stand a cheat --or a theif. --rather hang out with a known murderer than a theif or cheat.

Ladies, gentlemen: I noticed that Mdog, El Ivan el terrible, Tesoro dog, Bird man, Pattillman and many others now owe us stories, they have admitted that they do have some. I still want to know more about the Trout in that stream.

I will finish the present Guaymas expedition later today.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Well Jose Aint much exitement in this tune just a lil chuckle:

One evening, one of my 2 brothers, a family friend Tracy and I poorhunter were on a catfishing expedition. We were hooligan's as usual, Drinking beer, And telling tales. We were all 3 sitting atop about a 12" log on the river bank. The bugs were gettin bad around the lantern, So we drug that log back a lil to the edge of the tall weeds. So we get our bums comfy back on this log and away we BS. After awhile went by Tracy says I'm hungry, So he gets in his Tackle bag and comes out with a small bag of Cheeto's. As he is sittin there eatin his chips he gets a bite. He sat them Cheeto's down grabbed his pole. after a minute he put his pole back down on the holder. After he sat down he reached down to grab his chip's, About the same time one of them big river rats grabbed that sack and when we heard the bag rufflin he jumped off the log nocked the lantern and the fishing poles over fell in the river all tangled up. My brother (The daredevil he is) chased that rat back in the bush. I heard that rat squeal. seconds later he came out with the cheeto's. I am still laughing as I type. After we got our buddy untangled we reeled our poles in and went home. He was to Terrified to stay and fish. Don't know if Yall laughed but For me being there to see this, Was something I will never Forget. I will tell you about him and snakes Later..............

A few years ago my same fishin pal Tracy and I were on the shenandoah River, This is about 3-4 miles upstream from harpers ferry national historical park. Which is on the Eastern Panhandle of Home sweet Home West By God Virginia. It is the middle of August very hot and muggy days, before the Air condition ruined me. We go out late Afternoon in my 12' flatbottom aluminum jon boat. Now this river is unique, Very shallow to steep deep holes. Jagged rock sticking up in the shallow's. You can see this on google earth. Anyway we are out in the boat, Decide to go up river where there is this Island below a hydro dam. We beach the boat and stroll around this lil Island, As the eve started to cool up some we get back in the boat and decide to float back down to camp on the way. As we float down we are catching smallmouth bass out the Ying Yang. Big Blue Gills, a few channel cats, All on rooster tails. I stringered a 21.5" walleye, Tracy a 18.5" Smally. Cool, What a day, as we near camp we have to float down just a bit, There are 2 different channels to cross through, "shallow water" As we are coming through all I remember was the boat going on its side and him hollerin "O' $hit" When I got straightened back up in the boat, Which I fell backwards into the boat. I heard the water splashing when I get regained to my seat he is standing on shore some 75 feet away. As I bring her into shore All I hear Is him repeating F'ing snake. He was like a drowned rat who was just held at gunpoint and feared for his life. Funny thing is "I don't ever remember ever seeing that snake".
Don this guy has a fear of snakes like no other. see next post

About 30 years ago, I was artifact hunting on the banks of the Mississippi about 20 miles south of my home town. I had been swinging the detector for about an hour and was getting close to the bank. As I worked my way along the bank, I noticed something sticking out of the water up ahead of me. I thought, "Man, that looks like the corner of a safe." That's exactly what it was. It was a small safe about a cubic yard in size and almost all of it was under water. Talk about a burst of adrenalin. I leaned over to see if I could pull it closer to the bank and promptly feel into the river. I heard some laughter behind me and turned to see a couple of guys sitting in a boat a couple of hundred yards away. They were getting a good laugh but I was too excited to give them any attention. I quess it would have looked kind of funny anyway. I tried to lift the safe out of the water but it was full of water and mud so I had to roll it up onto the bank. As soon as I got it up on the bank, I noticed that the back of the safe had a big hole cut in it. Immediate downer. I dumped the water and mud out and rolled it about a hundred feet or so back to my VW. I headed back to town and stopped at the police station to see if anybody had reported a robbery. There was no report of a robbery so an officer wrote down the serial number and said he would get in touch. I took the safe home and cleaned it out real good to make sure nothing was left inside. I'm surprised the police officer never thought of that. Anyway, I noticed a coin jammed in the crack of the door. I pulled the coin out and washed it off and could see it was a five centavo piece, and not old. It's been 30 years, but I believe it was copper. It was corroded badly, but I figured the coin would be a good keepsake. I called my hunting buddy and he came right over to check out the find. As he was looking at the safe, he remembered a guy at his work place talking about losing a safe in a home break-in. A couple of days later, the guy shows up at my door and said he'd like to take a look at it. I took him out to my garage and as soon as he saw the safe he said,"Yep, that's mine." He told me that six months before that his house had been broken into while him and his wife were on vacation. He said the only thing taken was the safe. He suspected that his ex-brother-in-law had taken it but he didn't have any proof. His ex lived in the same county that I had found the safe. He then went on to tell me that he had over 12,000 dollars worth of gold and silver coins in the safe, many in mint condition. I gave him the coin I had found in the safe and he went on his way, leaving me with a big safe that had a hole cut in the back, and a treasure hunting story I can share with my friends.Rick

Tesoro dog, still thinking on your dream, extremely interesting since dreams do come true at times. Many times we use our unknown psychic powers to subconsciously solve or learn about something, then present the findings to ourselves by way of dreams.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Well I was 19 years old and had big visions of Spanish treasure .I took my tax check and bought an underwater detector which was a search scan 450 (the company no longer exist),went to a buddy's pawn shop and bought all the stuff a big time treasure hunter needs. Well at least what you can get from a pawn shop.
I bought some orange wet suit paints and a black wet suit top. I had ordered a cheap sand scoop with my detector .Cheap mask,snorkel and some water type surf boots. High adventure was my calling and it was time to fill my canvas croker sack with loot from the Gulf of Mexico. I knew back in the 30s Spanish silver was found close to the area I was headed and I was right down the road from Fort Morgan which was a big CW battle and I had watched the Goonies a half a dozen times so it was my time..
I parked my car ,put on my miss matched wet suit and the rest of my gear. I made it to the waters edge ready for action and thought well,the good stuff has to be at least chest deep so in I went. The thing I had not realized was my orange wet suit paints were filled with air and as I got into fairly deep water a wave came along and turned me upside down bobbing like a cork. I sucked in about a gallon of water ,coughed and hacked and realized treasure hunting was not that easy. :icon_scratch:
I still want to find that Spanish treasure even 20 years later. :icon_pirat:

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Big Joe! I also believe about unknown psychic ability and your guided dreams, plus other forces. My friend would have dreams about all sorts of symbolism, nets spread out on the ground, meaning of course a grid, black dogs and white dogs, even a small one who asked my friend if he was going to share with him! HA! And a host of departed brothers, friends and many Indios y Indias and strangers wearing clothes from days gone by. td

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp , I lost dignity on that one and did not find a thing. :-X

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