Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

Food...food... what was that!!! Heck queing for food became a way of life for us all. A new slogan was announced during the War it was called 'Growing for victory'. Oh!! that was fine if you had a backgarden to grow any food in, but if like many you lived in what we call a back to back house with no garden what then.
I do remember the good old ration books, who could forget those. You were allowed a certain amount of coupons to use on food. Each person in the house was allowed 2oz of butter....1oz of cheese....and, I think, either 1 or 2 eggs per week, oh and some tea ration as well. Meat, well you had whatever the butcher had got. For us kiddies, we were allowed a bottle of concentrated orange juice, and a bottle of codliver oil, oh how I grew to hate that stuff, we were told it was good for us, which of course it was, but not when you were lined up to take it every day, Yuck!!!. I think Mum more or less had a stew pot going most days, but strangely I can't recall any of us ever feeling hungry. Dried egg powder came into its own, but one thing I can remember was the lack of fruit. In fact us kiddies never even knew what a banana was until the end of the War.
Bathroom facilities....well thats a tale for another day because its bed time over here.

Regards 'U'

Gals & gents: Good posts keep em up. Now I know why the US service man hit it so lucky with nylons, cigarettes and chocolate. Blushing. Seriously Britland Broad, it is an actual wonder that most of the kiddies didn't grow up with many health problems. Were you ever hungry for over a day ? By this, did you actually get enough to fill up the belly?

This is a fascinating bit of history that many of our readers are not aware of. the standard TV, movie and history books can't be bothered with these details.

You have your work cut out for you.

Don Jose de La Mancha

M dog: top one, ***** loved it, more. If you can remember when you first noticed the shotgun pointed at you, you had the rush that I was referrring to in one of my first posts.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Rock hound, I couldn't possibly keep this site alive with just my posts, sides many would just get bored. So post away on any unusual experiences

Remember we are just a group of treasure hunters sitting around a nice cosy campfire drinking oro's sock coffee and talking. It is not a one up thingie, so just post away.

I will even post data from south of the border narco news from time to time, so that those of you that may be thinking of a trip down here will be kept advised, something the US papers don't do.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Don Jose amigo,
I would like to know what exactly is the delay and when are you expected to gain access into the Tayopa treasure :dontknow:
How much treasure, what type, etc? Or is it just a gold mine?


Goody guy mi amigo: You asked -->I would like to know what exactly is the delay and when are you expected to gain access into the Tayopa treasure How much treasure, what type, etc? Or is it just a gold mine?

Hmm goody , for starters I would suggest going back to the first page of "Tayopa" and start reading the data posted there for more detail.

Tayopa, legend or reality

The history of Tayopa

True Spelling

However, the delay is basically permits, financing also has a hand in the delay. If Tayopa were simply another mine, it would have been working long ago, but unfortunately, it is an integral part of Western and Mexican history, so it falls under different depts. Since the different depts, as in the US, are in competition with each other, cooperation is weak and things drag out.

Tayopa is involved with early explorations of western America, with the Jesuits who originally worked it, the clandestine series of small missions that were used to leap frog the illegal conductas - mule trains - from Tayopa across northern Mexico to a bay below Matamorros for transhipment to Rome, Indian uprisings, international plots by the Jesuits and Dutch to take North America away from Spain using Tayopa as the principal source for the financing of the plot, Even Napoleon managed to get into the act via Maximilian. In other words it is the key to prove many important points in history .

Time factor ?? You have just as good a guess as I, in fact I may never actually get to work it snifff. But I have the quiet satisfaction of having solved a puzzle of 400 years, a puzzle in which many men have died trying to solve.

Basically it is a silver zone with gold.

Treasure?? There are three deposits besides Tayopa itself, plus a no. of other mines around it. They are all closed, have been since about 1630.

As for the deposits, except for that sheep luvin oro, I am the only one that knows where they are. There are no written bits of data.

What are in the deposits? Records , artifacts, church ornaments and records, 650 mule loads of gold bars, 1200 bars of silver and on.

As you can see, Tayopa is quite delicate. ©@
Don Jose de la Mancha

Thanks Don Jose :icon_thumleft:
I wasn't sure what was holding up the exploitation.

Is it guarded ? Is it being watched by authorities? I assumed it was located in a remote area and was just wondering what is to prevent someone from going in and taking a few things?


Mi Amigo ,
Thank you for encouraging others to share their stories of times past . As you say , conventional history ignores these things . Lessons that all should learn to survive the next time history repeats itself .
My bag of stories is very small compared to those who could speak . Enough for now is the fact that I am alive to post this .

You're right Rockhound, it does make it hard to concentrate when something like that happens. It also makes you want to walk backwards for awhile, at least until the other guy is out of sight. LOL.


Evening goody guy: as suggested, go to the topics at the start of the Tayopa lead, there is tons of information and pictures there, which you may enjoy. After I will happily answer any specific questions that you wish, except where 'X' is, and the actual entry to Tayopa.

If el sheep lovin, cowboy talks, they won't have any reason to fear him any more.

I will say this, yes the main deposit is in 'line of sight' from a timber ejido (commune), which has a saw mill only 800 meters away. Nothing can be done secretively.

Don Jose de La Mancha.

ProspectorMikel wrote

As mentioned earlier, how fast you can run is always dependent on just what is chasing ya!


Don Jose - what, me, talk? What I know of Tayopa has been posted already, so the secret is I don't know any secrets! ;D <Shh, don't let anyone know as this is a secret> Besides as I mentioned to you before, I won't release any secrets for less than a minimum three cents per word; yes I know that is a high price for my words but that is market price!

More please... :read2: :thumbsup:

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

good afternoon Ed: Yes I get the reports and also a blog " El blog del Narco", which gets quite graphic.

Here it is-->http://www.blogdelnarco.com/ on the left top of the page is 'Translation, which is rather bad.

The pictures that they show depicts graphically what is going on. It is not whitewashed as in the American news.

It is common practice to torture the victims to death, which includes skinning them alive.

as it is. However it would tend to show the American users just what their habit is costing in human life.

It is far different reading a sanitized report and seeing the actual event.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Hmm the sheep luvin cowboy posted -->Don Jose - what, me, talk? What I know of Tayopa has been posted
already, so the secret is I don't know any secrets
Ah but you do my friend, you just don't know it, but you already have pictures of the main and a secondary deposit and one of
the Tayopa entrances. If anything happens to me you will be sent the key.

PROVIDING that you weren't responsible, so put the effigies and pins away. snicker.

Don Jose de La Mancha

he he he Hi rock hound, a good one loved it. yes, they do pack a wallop, even oro is careful around them.
Soo, no squirrel pie? More my friend.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Hope you are safe from allm the drug issues down there.

Well, that's a wonderful site, isn't it. Kind of like el Barrio from years ago.

Trouble is - these drug guys have absolutely no restraints, what-so-ever - whoever gets in the way, intentionally or accidentally, doesn't matter.

Animals. I wonder what I would do if I had kids and lived there. Head north?


NOPE Beth, you and the sheep herder will be heading south eventually. You are actually safer down here than in many big cities in gringolandia

Don Jose de la Mancha

Don Jose, Enjoying reading yours and others adventures. Like sittin around a camp fire! Tell on.
Last year I was out Morel mushroom huntin with a friend who is closer to me then my own brothers. We took his lil 4x4 a couple miles back in on his uncle's farm. As we were huntin we weren't havin much luck, 1 here 2 there. I told him I was goin to hike on down into the bottom ( 1/2 mile or so) he said ok I will get the geo and meet you down there. I came out across a powerline right of way to a rock ledge. I had not been back in here for over 20 years. I found my way down the face to the end of the meadow full of 20 foot tall maple trees and such. As I was comin down I was checkin around the edge of the face. It looked to be like somethin had been in and out pretty regular. I have never gotten this feeling before but the hair stood up on my neck. I reached down pulled out my springfield .45 and just walked gingerly, watching every move til I reached my buddy's car. I have not had the chance go back and check the area to see what is there. Does this remind anyone of an experience of this nature. Poorhunter78

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