Doc: After my Quinrano Roo trip looking fr Mayan ruins, living off of the jungle, I was on my way to pickup a land grant of some 10,000 hect, that a friend of the families, Eric,who had helped build the n,ew capital of Brasilia had wrangled for me. It was on one of the tributaries of the uper Amazon. .
Supposedly I was to pacify the Indians and put them to work on their own land which would be mine. Those that were successful became quite rich, the others wound up in stores that sold shrunken heads.
Fortunately,after a side trip to explore the Barranca de cobre, then filling a flying contract in Canada, in which I ended up with three broken ribs and two neck vert. I returned to Alamos to recuperate and developed the courtship with my tiger.and on.
yes, the border was very secure, but a certain percentage could always get through. The US Border Patrol had far more power then than today, but it was not abused, the gov't was behind them. We operated in depth, the entire US.The only place we were prohibited from entering was a private home. But we only had less than 5000 men ofr te entire US and possesions.
I still can't believe what Obama has done to the country. It wouldn't be so bad if those countries had a reciprocal work agreement, but no, itis almost impossible for an American to get Work papers without a lot of fuss and investment, and you were out if you ever opened your mouth against the gov't as the Illegals are doing in the US.
Don" get me started, but go to
Mexico was for all purposes still in the 1800's,few paved roads, very few fences, horseback travel, and you were on your own in the relatively unexplored canyon country -- which meant most of te Northern Mexico and the Yucatan areas.
For an atavisric gy like me, made to order.