You do realize that - if you are in grizzly country - you WANT to make noise - so they know you are there?
Also, If you are in grizzly country, and you are carrying a sidearm - before you go, you will want to file off the sights.
This is so that it doesn't hurt quite so much when the bear shoves it up your butt!!
To add a little to the "bare" facts of "bear" stories, we have LOTS of those (unfortunately), so hold on, and I will bring you the first of many.
Back in aught 7 (not really) - back in 1977, I think, we were living in a house we called "the little house". It was a little house, with a complete garage under it - but, above ground, so the house was high up in the air. It didn't have much land to it, but, we made our garden, had our chickens and goats and the whole nine yards.
Well, that was the year we learned never to buy unmedicated chicken feed. Our chickens game down with a disease, and we lost quite a few before we got it stopped. Since we had coyotes, etc., we kind of just chucked the dead ones away from the house - and they disappeared by the next morning.
One night, we both worked second shift, then, we came home at 2 am, normal time, and did chores (milking, feeding, etc.). Then, we went upstairs. A short while later, the animals all went ballistic. We put the porch light on, but we could see nothing. Roy got the flashlight out, and went down to see what was going on. Low and behold, someone's black dog got loose, the broken chain still hanging around its neck, jingling, jingling, jingling. So, Roy went down, and called it three or four times - figuring we would catch it and return it to the neighbor the following day.
That son of a gun started coming to Roy, and then growled at him. Ungrateful beast. So, Roy got a big old thick stick, and decided he was just going to catch the dog and be done with it. Roy crossed the road, and went up to the dog, and it growled at him, and lunged at him. So, Roy wacked it with the stick, just as I put the floodlight on. Well, the big old stick broke, and Roy came hauling hinny towards the house, as the big black dog with her 2 cubs chased after him. She did turn around and go back across the road, however.
Round 2 in a day or two..................................................