Sonora and Chihuahua are two Mexican states that are separated by a mountain*chain that runs N/S a range that at times is almost vertical. . They were mostly populated by *a few scattered ranches, which were generally * abandoned due to the Mexican Revelutoin which had killed off the necessary population needed to repopulate them * The range is crisscrossed by paved roads now,. but when I was there you could find only a few mule trails. and only two roads, both dirt. this then was the area that I was exploring with my mule. * *One night as I was approaching one such ranch I found myself debating wether to make camp or to continue to the lonely ranh, the ranch with the smell of fresh Coffee won out. After the usual calls to let the owner know that I *was approaching, he appeared at the door and greeted me with ' bien venidos, mi casa es tuyos" * After dinner * while we talking and drinking coffee, many strange things came up. *' one', Don Jose *have you seen our *painted wall *?, *" no" , I replied * 'would you like to see it" * This was precisely why I was there *" yes, of coarse" * *i replied. *" well it's *to the south of here about a 2 or 3 hrs travel by mule" So we made plans to go. * The next morning after he had caught his mule, we set off* *In a few places the trail had been washed out., * *By myself *i would have been stoped, but since he knew where we were goimg, that was no problem. *We eventually came to a very rough aera and he led me down a narrow ravine very rough area , *I could never have found my way. *I was wondering why the author had picked *such a spot, when *he suddenly said "we are there". * The spot was some 15 ft high x 20 ft wide. *On it there were painted in a redish *color *the footprints in natural size, were *the animal tracks, * They all were normal size,except for one, a human foot print. * There was already one of natural size, but this was about 18 inches long ? * This raised many questions. * * *When I questioned him, " he said rather off handily " oh you mean the redheaded ones"? *"What ever' I replied" * He told me that there had been a numberer of them living in (X) valley, * *But the normal sized ones had killed them off. *In fact his father had killed the apparently last one near Chinapas. *"when I *asked him why"? *He merely shrugged and said "it seemed like a good idea" * 'It seems they were *eight to 10 ft tall, had reddish hair, smooth reddish skin, *two rows of teeth, were peaceful * Story *Continues tomorrow