Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

Takes time to starve.
And we are assuming there is fire to cook with vs pork plagues /parasites.
And we still need to kill a pig before we can eat it.( A rock is not likely to work, and our teeth are too small. )
Having raised them and offed some , I'm confident their heads are tough.(Don't ask.)

And some folks do a rough job. Potentially scary away the decoy dame.
I'll spare readers an example of a former neighbor ,rabbitry partner's multiple attempts to kill a single rabbit (in front of the other rabbits too) before he came and got me.

Lol. OK, you win.

I got to get me one of them couches. They seem very comfy.

Rocks? lol no.
But making fire....easy. Sharpen a spear and burn the tip? ....we used to do that as kids.

(no decoys back then, just us, a bunch of hoodlums with adventure in our teenage brains)

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Lol. OK, you win.

I got to get me one of them couches. They seem very comfy.

Rocks? lol no.
But making fire....easy. Sharpen a spear and burn the tip? ....we used to do that as kids.

(no decoys back then, just us, a bunch of hoodlums with adventure in our teenage brains)

No couch in my home.
Floor, or wheelchair.
Still kill deer. (No fire hardened points though.)

Why you stressin that poor pig?:laughing7:
Reads like an excerpt from "Lord of the flies".

No couch in my home.
Floor, or wheelchair.
Still kill deer. (No fire hardened points though.)

Why you stressin that poor pig?:laughing7:
Reads like an excerpt from "Lord of the flies".

No, not stressin the poor pig. It was all hypothetically and just for fun. "Lord of the flies" has a somewhat long lost echo of childhood.
Had no idea about wheelchair. Sorry to hear.
Hunting deer still,...kudos. Good eatin'.
Turkey too?

in,s0 far as preserving the piggy's meat, may I refer you to my Explorations in Quintana Roo looking for Mayan ruins, where I had to preserve excess meat ( if there ever was any, and generally there wasn't) ,I used the sun to dry strips of meat ---- no refrigeration in the jungle---- So the skinny broad was saved from being"et""while there was a nice fat piggy
beef jerky

beef jerky recipe

how to make jerky

do you have to cook jerky before dehydrating

do you have to refrigerate jerky after opening

how to dry meat in the sun

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what to do with jerky after dehydrating

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No, not stressin the poor pig. It was all hypothetically and just for fun. "Lord of the flies" has a somewhat long lost echo of childhood.
Had no idea about wheelchair. Sorry to hear.
Hunting deer still,...kudos. Good eatin'.
Turkey too?

Hypothetically I'd be more worried about who owns the pigs.
My luck it would be a powerful chieftain who did not eat pork ,and had received them as a special gift.
Who would show up with a hundred men about the time I insulted the pig with a long to sharpen with a seashell lance....

Rel, what gives with the wheelchair?

An industrial bite. 60 tons of force like a giant pair of shears.
First a crushing at belt level and while trying to extract myself while being squished, the meat was stripped from ankle to crotch on the leg I could not free.
Too many breaks and non viable tissue to save it. A pieced together butt end of a ham keeps me from tipping over when setting upright ,if careful.

Other means of mobility exist , but a chair allows stability , use of hands ,and things can be carried.
Dogs are my mainstay and it would be a greater challenge caring for them without using a chair.

No lamenting. No sorry.
I'm alive , and better off than many others.(Especially the guy that got caught killing one of the chieftains daughter's pet pigs....:laughing7:)
And if not cleverly agile ,at least mobile.
Can still climb on the tractors despite one's loader frame. Work clutch and brake together with one foot. Life is good. We simply adapt.

Hypothetically I'd be more worried about who owns the pigs.
My luck it would be a powerful chieftain who did not eat pork ,and had received them as a special gift.
Who would show up with a hundred men about the time I insulted the pig with a long to sharpen with a seashell lance....

Got busted again. We/I shalt behave, in view of the new scenario.

Hat off to you R/C.:notworthy:

Got busted again. We/I shalt behave, in view of the new scenario.

Hat off to you R/C.:notworthy:

Hey , you kill a pig, and my belly is stuck to my spine....A piece of pork might disappear during the night.

Hey , you kill a pig, and my belly is stuck to my spine....A piece of pork might disappear during the night.

Lol. So be it, then. I deliver the offering already cooked and wrapped. Sorry, no fries on the island. But surf and turf is possible.

Lol. So be it, then. I deliver the offering already cooked and wrapped. Sorry, no fries on the island. But surf and turf is possible.

What about the gal/siren?

never-the-less, I feel for you rev!

I'll beat you in most any race. Grab the gold/silver. Steal the girl. Cheat at cards....
Except book writing maybe , I'm not to sure about who'd finish first....(Ouch!:icon_scratch:)

Watch it,rev, just because I have been threatening to write the story of Tayopa for 10 years is ------well what is your hurry ? I still have plenty of time, am only 95.

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I'll beat you in most any race. Grab the gold/silver. Steal the girl. Cheat at cards....
Except book writing maybe , I'm not to sure about who'd finish first....(Ouch!:icon_scratch:)

What about the Liquor challenge? You can't omit that one, ...even if Don Jose is under aged.

A man's gotta do...what a man's gotta do...gotta do...do.

Rev, I just spoke to the chieftain. It's OK, and it's legal. But how could you ever leave that island with these two in tow?

I guess, waving at any passing ship is out of question now. Think about that.

I could handle a year or several with no snow....
Ocean front view while enjoying a pleasant clime.
Pork rinds.
Agreable wimmin ,maybe.
Might have to dodge the Siren.

I could handle a year or several with no snow....
Ocean front view while enjoying a pleasant clime.
Pork rinds.
Agreable wimmin ,maybe.
Might have to dodge the Siren.

Whatever. ::)


I could handle a year or several with no snow....
Ocean front view while enjoying a pleasant clime.
Pork rinds.
Agreable wimmin ,maybe.
Might have to dodge the Siren.

Sooo, you had a plan all along....

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