Excellent post rock, join us for the coffee. The information that I had in the 50's was that the last one in this area was killed in the late 1800's, or early 1900's near Chinapas, Chihuahua, Mexico. When I asked my informant why, he merely shrugged and said that it had seemed like a good idea to his father.
However, just to the North East of Alamos, where I live, there is a hill called La Campana? The bell shapped hill. its about one days ride by mule from Los Camotes, again a 2 hr trip by truck. It has many caves, and the Giants apparantly used them for burial.
The School teacher of the village of Los Camotes, notified me that he had a skull and femur of one or the giants, and invited me to come study it, and take photograps.
However, before business allowed it, he was transfeed to another district taking the remains with him.
He said that the skull was about twice as hign as a normal human's, and the femur also.
Let that be a lesson, sniff. Some day I will have to organize a trip there to examine the area thoroughly.
They apparently were of the standard red haired giants, 9 - 12 ft high,
Up at Tayopa, my friend Rogelio, that died on the last trip, also told me that he had found a sealed cave, which he opened, hoping for a treasure. He only found the bodies of two of the red haired giants wrapped in Matapes, woven cane mats. One was a female.
He was so disappointed that he just grabbed them and threw them down the cliff into the barranca below.
I told him to go get whatever remained of them, and bring them to me.
He searched for two days but never found the slightest trace of either, so assumed that either animals or one of the storms had washed them away.
I told him later, that "yes, you did find a treasure, but you threw it away.
This is still on my list of "to do projects," but the Tayopa project is first. We are progressing nicely on that, but still no permits for the actual Tayopa, just periferal projects.
Don Jose de La Mancha