this in reference to the Border Patrol going back to Horses and mules again
Hallelujah, about time, may even come back to the B.Patrol. But a two week course? My introduction to mules consisted in giving me the reins and "vaya con dios", nos veremos en dos meses. "go with God, see you in a couple of months".
I was not even shown how to saddle one, sooo my little pinto mule and I grew to know each other in a way most will never experience. Jingle bobs never worked with her since she never trotted.
Months on the trail, alone most of the time, using her saddle blanket well soaked with mule sweat at night to keep warm with, will do that, although I often wonder how she withstood 'me' after a few weeks of not taking a bath - no water, so hush xxx - I was a bit rank. So much for the romantic western Movies.
Do you spose that might have had something to do with my not making a hit with the few lonesome gals at various ranches who at first appeared interested??
Frankly this Horse thingie is so long overdue, and logical, that I wonder??
Send me a picture of you one xxx. ©@
Don Jose de la Mancha