Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

A good friend of mine told me about going to his uncles cabin one day. It seems his uncle was getting up in years and wanted to leve his cabin and all his posessions to his nephew. Word had gotten to him and on a saturday, he went to see his uncle, whom he hadn't seen in several years. It was a good many miles from where he lived, so he decided to make a day of it and stop and hunt along the way. After he arrived at his uncles cabin, his uncle came to the door and invited him in. He was told to have a seat and there was an old rocking chair beside the fireplace, so he sat down. After a couple of moments two large fully grown bobcats came into the room and one ran and jumped into his lap. He claimed he almost had a heart attack. His uncle shooed them away and told how he had found them abandonded when they were very young and had raised them. He wanted my friend to take one or both of them home with him because he could not hardly care for them anymore. He reluctantly took one and being that he lived in a high end neighborhood, he was afraid to let it out, but after a while he did let it out into his yard. He claimed it seemed to know where the boundaries of his yard were and wouldn't allow any animals come into his yard. He said it was the best watchdog he had ever had, but he neighbors complained and were afraid of it so he was forced to get rid of it. He took it out into the wild and let it go. When his uncle passed away he went to the cabin to get the other one but it was no where in sight. He thinks it may have gone back into the wild on its own. Good Luck. rockhound

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My lifelong buddy Brock and I had become engaged in a nefarious enterprise that started doing well enough that the established criminal element in the county began to take notice and wanted a cut . We didn't agree with that idea . Word went out that we were on the center dot of a bulls eye .
> 2 guys showed up at our local seedy bar hangout and wanted to have a 'talk' with us in a back booth . I slid in opposite a 300 lb pro muscle man . Brock was facing a twisty wannabe with no class.
>The pro and I were leading the conversation that was steadily going down hill .I had just pulled a smoke from a Marlboro box and lit up when 'Twisty' made the dumb move and tried to drag iron . Brock put a stop to that by wasting a half water glass of raw whiskey in his eyes and beaning him with the big glass ash tray from the table .
>>>>>Everything is happening all at once !
>Big Mean Guy has to back 'Twisty's dumb move and reaches for iron ! My 5 shot North American Arms .22 dropped out of the Marlboro box into my hand and I planted a .22 long rifle solid in the center of his forehead . Bar emptied as Brock and I unassed the booth . We drug the bodies from the booth and recovered their weapons . We're standing there trying to decide what we are going to do about the guy I just shot when he sits up! That .22 solid had knocked him colder than a wedge on impact and then rimmed his skull to exit behind his ear instead of boring into his brain like I had intended .
>The heavy folks left us alone after that to peddle our whiskey as we wanted .
>The bar owner did ban us from his bar .

Sam you were warned about those moonsining hill bilies, they have no class like true narcos and treasure hunters have. Don't even know how to shoot a guy. Psst, one can kill a huge piggy or a cow, with a .22 short, using a head shot, but those moon shiner's heads ???

Sam, for an early Christmas card with class, go to --> Merry_Christmas--from_the_2nd_Amendment.wmv

Don Jose de La Mancha

Those two were Mediteranian Irish leg breakers and killers . They didn't have enough class to be moonshiners .

Yeah?? snicker


Inicdentally I hope that you wern't the joker that tried to kidnap, rape, and possibly kill that pore innocent, defenseless girl in the video? -->


Don Jose de La Mancha

Yeah?? snicker


Inicdentally I hope that you wern't the joker that tried to kidnap, rape, and possibly kill that pore innocent, defenseless girl in the video? -->


Don Jose de La Mancha
Certainly , my friend , you speak in jest :icon_scratch: I have been many things in my life , both good and bad . NEVER have I gained the favors of a lady that weren't politely asked for and willingly given . I cringe to think that you , of all people , might think less of me :sad10:

Truckin, DID you ''watch' that video? as for you ya *^^%$#$ yer almost as bad as I am. heheheh

Go here --> Merry_Christmas--from_the_2nd_Amendment.wmv <-- Watch it and give me your opinion


A fitting tribute , my friend . He would have loved the story .

Geeze my friends, do you actually think that I can post one true story a day for a year 'all alone' ? HALP!! ORO, Crow, Truckin, Rockhound, and the others. This would wipe out my base for the Book.

Don Jose de La Mancha
Your many stories are very interesting. Keep it up.

Oh no you don't truckinbutch, you don't get away that easy, am waiting and listening for your Sascha 'minus spear' story. Cut loose, this goes for all of you others also.

Don Jose de La Mancha
For you , senior , and in honor of my friend Poorhunter I will tell this sorry tale .
>Bobcats were not common around our farm in 1964 . Having just finished reading TIGRERO , I got delusions of grandeur when an opportunity presented it'self to emulate my new found hero .
>MR ,or MS(I never had the opportunity to determine gender)Bobcat and I surprised each other one morning as I was on my way to feed a herd of cattle . The bobcat took refuge through the only hole in the crawl-space foundation of an abandoned house on the farm .
Armed with a worn down 3 prong pitchfork with 3 feet of broken handle , I charged the hideout determined to become a tigrero . Bold plan for an unskilled and naive bumbling farm boy in full winter kit . The hole that cat zipped through was barely 24"x24" and I had a hell of a time just worming through into the darkness beyond . The foundation was laid on the slope of the land 10'x27' by 24" where I crawled in and tapered to 6" at the far end . Once I got my bulky azz through the hole enough light filtered through to illuminate the glowing eyes above the growls I could hear from the furthest corner .
:icon_scratch:Hmm...... I got the cat's only escape blocked with my body . I have no room to manoeuvre and a one stab chance
with a very poorly constructed lance which may not prevail .
>Discretion became the better part of valor and I retired the field to a superior adversary .

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I'm a bit maudlin tonight after visiting my friend Poorhunter for the last time . I'll relate one more story that he always liked .
Gil was a windmill-tilting rural mailman in the mid 1950's in our area . He charged his rusty Studebaker steed along the unpaved country roads in pursuit of kitty cats , puppy dogs , and little boys while making his appointed rounds .
The first two species , he ran over with glee . The little boys he could only splash with mud puddles or force into the bar ditch or a bobwire fence when they were on bicycles .
My partners in crime and I decided to fight back . We'd already been told by our parents that it was a FEDERAL CRIME to rock the mailman , or just simply kill him . (They took that stuff serious in 1958 :icon_scratch:)
SO........ We livetrapped a boar raccoon one night . We poked and teased that pore old baxard with sticks until the next afternoon about a half-hour before mail time ...............
> Then , we put him in a large standard rural mailbox , put a wooden peg into where a lock could go , and raised the red flag (outgoing mail in the box).
Then we hid in the bushes and waited on Gil :laughing7: .
>Gil rolled up to the box and went to cussing those "D....NED KIDS" that pegged the mailbox lid as ; one foot on the clutch and one foot on the brake ; he reached out the window with both hands to work that peg out of the mailbox lid.
>When the mail box lid dropped open : ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE! That pizzed off Boar coon came down his arms . Took a chunk of Gil's nose and a piece of his left ear as it took possession Of the Studebaker and the US MAIL . Gil bailed out , not sure whether he opened the door or went through the window .
>That coon didn't know much about driving a Studebaker . Especially about clutches and brakes and such ...........So ,
the Studebaker (still in gear and all) just kind of drove itself down into the ravine where my Grandpa had to drag it back into the road with his team of horses when Gil asked him to .
>Grandma wouldn't do nothin to fix Gil's nose or ear on account of he had run over one of her barn cats a couple of weeks before .
>The coon didn't care much for Studebaker cars , carrying US MAIL , or the kids that drafted him into that job . He left and went back to workin in the woods .
>From then on , Gil was respectful of cats and puppy dogs . He carried a sack of candy to share with any kid he saw along his route .

That bringing candy along for us may have been well planned revenge . I get the last 7 bad teeth pulled next Wednesday
and get new dentures .

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