A good friend of mine told me about going to his uncles cabin one day. It seems his uncle was getting up in years and wanted to leve his cabin and all his posessions to his nephew. Word had gotten to him and on a saturday, he went to see his uncle, whom he hadn't seen in several years. It was a good many miles from where he lived, so he decided to make a day of it and stop and hunt along the way. After he arrived at his uncles cabin, his uncle came to the door and invited him in. He was told to have a seat and there was an old rocking chair beside the fireplace, so he sat down. After a couple of moments two large fully grown bobcats came into the room and one ran and jumped into his lap. He claimed he almost had a heart attack. His uncle shooed them away and told how he had found them abandonded when they were very young and had raised them. He wanted my friend to take one or both of them home with him because he could not hardly care for them anymore. He reluctantly took one and being that he lived in a high end neighborhood, he was afraid to let it out, but after a while he did let it out into his yard. He claimed it seemed to know where the boundaries of his yard were and wouldn't allow any animals come into his yard. He said it was the best watchdog he had ever had, but he neighbors complained and were afraid of it so he was forced to get rid of it. He took it out into the wild and let it go. When his uncle passed away he went to the cabin to get the other one but it was no where in sight. He thinks it may have gone back into the wild on its own. Good Luck. rockhound
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