Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

The heart wants, what the heart wants.

My older brother had a pet pig [emoji241], some time back. Smart animal, was house broken and enjoyed riding in his truck.

He named it “Unt”!
He said that he asked it what it’s name was, and the pig said, Unt.


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my oven consisyted of three 12 recovery tubes that were encased in adobe. The story of the piggie I have posted before. If you want I'll repost it, but will be slightly different since I have to rely on memory, not notes..

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If it’s been more than three weeks ago, you are safe.
Most of us are stuck in a three week memory loop!!

At least I am sure that I am!!!

How long were the tubes?

The only one that I have seen had one tube and it was wrapped in wet cloth which had to be kept just wet enough that it didn’t drip down the tube,
Into the catch container.


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They were about 7ft if I rember correctly. You will forgive me, but I don't really feel like writing, today and yesterday was the first anniversarin in a y off my beloved Berta's death and I am sorta in a blue fuzz. ,sorry my friends, I know that I really should't but ----. I should be accostumed to death, but I always am expecinind she is bringing me a cuppa coffee and a kiss good night,hopeing.io find that it is just a bad dream. unfortunately -------

Jose, dear friend.
No one can tell you or anyone else when it is time to stop mourning.

Take your time and remember the good memories , for as long as you wish.

God bless.

They were about 7ft if I rember correctly. You will forgive me, but I don't really feel like writing, today and yesterday was the first anniversarin in a y off my beloved Berta's death and I am sorta in a blue fuzz. ,sorry my friends, I know that I really should't but ----. I should be accostumed to death, but I always am expecinind she is bringing me a cuppa coffee and a kiss good night,hopeing.io find that it is just a bad dream. unfortunately -------

Don Jose,

I mourn for you my friend.

I miss a lot these days and don't recall hearing about this. It's obvious she's with you still, and always will be.

Best wishes,


thank you cactus

thank you cactus and Mikel

7 casctus

I know that you others wished me well also and I would like to thank you

They were about 7ft if I rember correctly. You will forgive me, but I don't really feel like writing, today and yesterday was the first anniversarin in a y off my beloved Berta's death and I am sorta in a blue fuzz. ,sorry my friends, I know that I really should't but ----. I should be accostumed to death, but I always am expecinind she is bringing me a cuppa coffee and a kiss good night,hopeing.io find that it is just a bad dream. unfortunately -------

You two will dance again Trampe.
Time is only slow on this side. No rushing your part of it.
Meanwhile , of course you remember your tie to such a beauty. And to such a beautiful soul.

I know that you others wished me well also and I would like to thank you

Gracias Don Jose, I always struggle to put the right words together. For some reason my words tend to offend some when it is not my intention.:dontknow: So I just asked our good Lord to help you cope, he always understands us.

know how she beat the men in collecting the mercury. it fell apart when my foreman went home for
christmas and took a couple of flasks of Mercury with him for expenses, with my thanks, where he had a heart attack.I never could find a replacement. nny
g about that property, every time there was an eletral storm most, if not all the strikes were on the property. You want fun / trycarrying a 1/2 bottle of mercury, it will turn you every way but loose. e,he.

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sorry for the foul mixup in the last message is not there, Roy (oro) will give me hell, he, he.

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Hi, in 7049 post I hope that you-all didn't misinterpret wrongly,it wasn't ego, just fact on something I know, you my friends, would wish. It didn't require any explanation

It was clear enough.
Mercury has many strange properties.

It sorta makes me wonder if that is what draws it into certain places.?.

Growing up in West Texas, we would sit in the porch swing and watch the lightening strike the ground until it got too close.

It was fun back then!!!


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Mikel, i'm afraid that I'm befining to have your eyesight problem, sigh. coffeev around ?

Mikel, i'm afraid that I'm befining to have your eyesight problem, sigh. coffeev around ?

Maybe we are suffering from playing with the mercury.

Nobody ever said that it would cause us to go blind or deaf or forget where we put our glasses or hearing aids!!


Ahh yes, the pleasures of aging......even with the declining body, aches, pains, limitations.......and yet, in spite of all this, I am more content now than in my youth.
How the world has changed, I feel blessed to have grown up decades ago; it seems the world has gone absolutely bat sh.. crazy and is getting worse by the day now.
I am grateful for this forum (thread), it brings a little peace and sanity.
God bless you my brothers.
Vaya con Dios.
Now time for coffee with sufficient supplement!

I am with you Doc!
I haven’t put my feet on the floor yet!

I made my phone call to Dad to check on him, while I can hear.

By the time I get my half pot of coffee in me, my ability to hear anything is about gone due to the the ringing in my head.

That kinda works out for me, as I would rather not hear most of the cr@p that gets said around me anyway!!

Two females and me.... Out numbered!!


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