Happy Holidays all!
Simple pleasures are the best.
Savor them like gold....Even if too much gold can't buy them....
Simple pleasures are the best.
Savor them like gold....Even if too much gold can't buy them....
Happy New Year [emoji312], Jose!
I truly hope that this year will be a banner year for all of the Tnet families.
I think that we are due for good news from many!
Maybe it’s just me. But I don’t see our fearless leader, posting anywhere.
Does anyone know if he is working on another thread?
I just get a little concerned when I don’t see him on this thread...?!
He was on yesterday at 7:57 PM. Probably hasn't been enough interesting to comment on in the thread recently. I would have thought that your "Planet X" theory would have elicited some comment, but apparently not.
Thank you, Shortfinger.
He was pretty persistent on that for a while.
I kinda figured that he would have said something, if he was on ....
Glad that you knew that he was on.
I get a little concerned when he gets quiet.
I hope your New Year has been going as planned.
God bless.
As you probably know, I was a master, horizontar bormdardier and Nordan bombsight mech. We used open bowls of mercury to establish our true verticle to calibrate our sights. , we also used hypodermic needles full of Mercury to shoot down any flying insects, in other words you cuald saying that we were swimming in mercury, yet none of us ever came down with Hg poisening I just recently read where a home was completely renovated and the grounds outside replaced for fear of Hg contamination, this from a mercury thermometer, sheeshh, a thermonter ? Is the public being sold a bill of goods, or is it a serious threat ?