Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

a minor point to eliminate a major probnlem.Always make a simple will for both members. Everything is in my wife's name. We expected Me to go first. I cannot touch Three different bank acccounyd. the mines, and the vehiclr, etc. I have to weait for a court orered represenative .to make the decision and evaluate it'c ultimate price and sale. He draws a salary out of the sales, so effectively i have lost the mines..,
MAKE A SIMPLE WILL, on both sides.

a minor point to eliminate a major probnlem.Always make a simple will for both members. Everything is in my wife's name. We expected Me to go first. I cannot touch Three different bank acccounyd. the mines, and the vehiclr, etc. I have to weait for a court orered represenative .to make the decision and evaluate it'c ultimate price and sale. He draws a salary out of the sales, so effectively i have lost the mines..,
MAKE A SIMPLE WILL, on both sides.

Don Jose

I believe you have to go to a notary office for your issue . For example , in Greece , if an unexpected death occurs and the a will was not done , then you can " find " one in a shelf , handwritten and " signed " by the deceased , in which is expressed the will . After , with that paper , you have to go at the county court to validate it . After the validation , which take about two weeks , the notary will make a new contract of all the things which are described in the will , in the name of the person who was mentioned in the will .
So simple . Go to the notary , because they know better about these cases . The only problem would be if other persons would want a share of the things mentioned in the will .

I wish you the best and take care

a minor point to eliminate a major probnlem.Always make a simple will for both members. Everything is in my wife's name. We expected Me to go first. I cannot touch Three different bank acccounyd. the mines, and the vehiclr, etc. I have to weait for a court orered represenative .to make the decision and evaluate it'c ultimate price and sale. He draws a salary out of the sales, so effectively i have lost the mines..,
MAKE A SIMPLE WILL, on both sides.

Excellent advice - and I would only disagree with you on one point - for you will never lose Tayopa amigo, it is a part of you now as you are a part of the Tayopa legend. No paper titles can affect that.

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2: :coffee2:

Señor Don Jose excellent advice........none of us know the day nor hour we shall be called into eternity.....


So touching, I almost shed a tear.


OK, I seem to be coming out of the blue haze, but I have develope a lethargy, give me somthing to respomd to.

Good morning, Jose !
I will share this news with you first.

Weekender and I, returned to our mountain last Saturday.

We found so much new stuff hidden in last year’s photos, that we had to return, in spite of our fears about being watched.

What we found will redefine that old mountain, and maybe even redefine ourselves....

I fell asleep last night while studying photos and woke up this morning, sitting up with my laptop still on,
and my heating pad on my neck...

We have many new things to figure out from our photos and
My time is limited between medications, and my fog, so
I move slowly and carefully....

Pace yourself Jose......
Nothing is more important than your health!!


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OK, I seem to be coming out of the blue haze, but I have develope a lethargy, give me somthing to respomd to.

Well I am still curious if you ever did find out the name(s) of exactly who first discovered Tayopa? I never did find the name(s), only that it was apparently right after a military campaign passed the area (1602-3) and a year later it is mentioned. Thank you in advance,

:coffee2: :coffee::coffee2::coffee2:

no Oro, I never did. Some reports say in the 1500's other the 1600. The only thing they agree on is that there was a Tayopa.

no Oro, I never did. Some reports say in the 1500's other the 1600. The only thing they agree on is that there was a Tayopa.

Don Jose

I believe the first time Tayopa was discovered by the " newcomers " from the other side of the Atlantic ocean , was in 1539 by the Franciscan friar Marcos de Niza , then Tayopa known as Topira .

Ola Mi Major. You need something to respond to? Then tell me what I should do in retirement. I've put in my papers & tomorrow is my last day. You can eliminate prospecting,treasure hunting and golf. Good luck.

Ola Mi Major. You need something to respond to? Then tell me what I should do in retirement. I've put in my papers & tomorrow is my last day. You can eliminate prospecting,treasure hunting and golf. Good luck.

Take all of those things that you dreamt of for the last twenty years, and pick the one that you can afford and do it. So you have something that you can look back to and remember how much you enjoyed.


Mikel, for the last 31 yrs. mostly what I've thought about is sittin on my dead ass in my skivvies drinkin ice cold beer in the air conditioning. Gonna have to learn to live on a "fixed" income.

Ola Mi Major. You need something to respond to? Then tell me what I should do in retirement. I've put in my papers & tomorrow is my last day. You can eliminate prospecting,treasure hunting and golf. Good luck.

There is always Fishing!

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