Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

Ah History and the written word is not always right. I'm talking about the Graham-Tewksbury fued in Arizona. It was the last real range war in the US. There were 2 Graham Brothers that were sent to Prison for it. 30 years. One died in prison the other was released after the 30 years. Those 2 "had a gold mine" in the Galleros. The last one ended up living in Coolidge and when he needed money he would go out and come back with gold to live off. My brother found one of his great nephews when we were trying to get into the area. He still had the claim for the mine and wanted us to help him work it. It is Wilderness area so one would have to work the bellows by hand while the other 2 would go down 150 feet to work the vein. We didn't do it at the time and maybe should have, hindsight is always better. LOL The fued/war was as nasty or worse than New Mexico and Billy the Kid days. BTW IMO the Galleros is where the "Lost Yuma's Gold" was. Starts on the West side of the valley ridge and goes down and across the valley floor to the other side, as per the gold claims at the AZ Dept of Mines in Tucson where we were shown the Plate in 1982. Not called thaqt of course but there it is. Fits all the facts of the story.


I have Rhesus 0- . Is something wrong with this ? Maybe when i would need blood .

Explain please Cotozone ?

Rhesus Negative blood types are said to be the rarest in the world, that only about 7% of the worlds population have it. It is called the purest blood, some call it the blood of the Gods.

You will have to look into it, there is so much mystery about it, but certain traits are higher than average IQ's, empathic, or compassion, eye color, eps ability, truth seekers, reddish hair, some even have webbed feet, an extra rib, or vertabrate. These people can not be cloned.

The highest concentration of Rh- people come from Basque Country, it is a small area between Spain, and France. Four province's in Spain, and three in France, thus 4+3=1.

Yes Marius, Rh- is harder to get, the world has a registry of people with this rare blood just in case.

Don Jose, your higher than average IQ, open mind, eye color, and ability of self hypnosis led me to believe you, as you called yourself a Saint.:laughing7:

Look into it, it is very intresting, you and Marius may be related, I myself don't know what blood type I may be, but I will find out one day.


Rhesus Negative blood types are said to be the rarest in the world, that only about 7% of the worlds population have it. It is called the purest blood, some call it the blood of the Gods.

You will have to look into it, there is so much mystery about it, but certain traits are higher than average IQ's, empathic, or compassion, eye color, eps ability, truth seekers, reddish hair, some even have webbed feet, an extra rib, or vertabrate. These people can not be cloned.

The highest concentration of Rh- people come from Basque Country, it is a small area between Spain, and France. Four province's in Spain, and three in France, thus 4+3=1.

Yes Marius, Rh- is harder to get, the world has a registry of people with this rare blood just in case.

Don Jose, your higher than average IQ, open mind, eye color, and ability of self hypnosis led me to believe you, as you called yourself a Saint.:laughing7:

Look into it, it is very intresting, you and Marius may be related, I myself don't know what blood type I may be, but I will find out one day.



You reckon the Rhesus blood type was named after the monkeys, or the other way around. Any connection there?

Hmmmm...It turns out the blood type was named after the monkey. Do you have strange dreams about bananas or Tarzan?:dontknow:

Good luck,


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Rhesus Negative blood types are said to be the rarest in the world, that only about 7% of the worlds population have it. It is called the purest blood, some call it the blood of the Gods.

You will have to look into it, there is so much mystery about it, but certain traits are higher than average IQ's, empathic, or compassion, eye color, eps ability, truth seekers, reddish hair, some even have webbed feet, an extra rib, or vertabrate. These people can not be cloned.

The highest concentration of Rh- people come from Basque Country, it is a small area between Spain, and France. Four province's in Spain, and three in France, thus 4+3=1.

Yes Marius, Rh- is harder to get, the world has a registry of people with this rare blood just in case.

Don Jose, your higher than average IQ, open mind, eye color, and ability of self hypnosis led me to believe you, as you called yourself a Saint.:laughing7:

Look into it, it is very intresting, you and Marius may be related, I myself don't know what blood type I may be, but I will find out one day.



How about A- ?


You reckon the Rhesus blood type was named after the monkeys, or the other way around. Any connection there?

Hmmmm...It turns out the blood type was named after the monkey. Do you have strange dreams about bananas or Tarzan?:dontknow:

Good luck,



Always I have bananas in my fruit bowl and I can yell like Tarzan . Do you believe to exist some connection ? :icon_scratch: :tongue3:

Howdy Joe,

Yes the Rhesus monkey blood is what the Rh stands for, but it is the ones who are Rh negative, the one's who don't have monkey blood.

Weekender, of the Rh- blood types, even though they are all rare, the A, and O are more common than the B, and AB. I believe the O- is less likely to get cancer. By the way, where is Mikel, begining to worry.

Doc, now you know that Marius can save you, or you can save Marius if a blood transfusion is needed.

All this is very intresting, just google Rh- blood, or Blood of the Gods, there are too many things to learn about it, and if you are Rh-, you may learn a lot about yourself.

What does not surprise me is the number of posters on this thread alone that have surfaced being Rh-, with it being so rare. Seekers of the truth.:coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2: Grail Children :notworthy:


Corzone ---RH neg, o typr, iq 160,hairncolor ahe deep m eyesbthat change fromn blue to grey,Youre on the nall\\

Alas , a commoner/ o+ blood here if recalled correctly.
Red though when exposed to air ,so that's good.(Depending on what causes exposure, and how much is exposed of course.)

I still owe many pints. Need to fix that.

O + universal donor, A+ universal receiver. When I was in Boot Camp one of the guys swore he was AB+, he became a Corpsman, then he found out he was AB -. They were going to tap him every 6-8 weeks for his blood. His Mom and both Sisters were AB- and his dad was AB +. When I was working in San Antonio, one of the guys I worked with was from NYC. When he gave blood they ran tests and notified him that he had to start stockpiling his blood in case he needed a transfusion. Can't think of the name for them, but it was unique to Hasidic Jews in a small area of NYC. Regular blood would have killed him. Boy, was he glad he went to that blood drive.

Ah History and the written word is not always right. I'm talking about the Graham-Tewksbury fued in Arizona. It was the last real range war in the US. There were 2 Graham Brothers that were sent to Prison for it. 30 years. One died in prison the other was released after the 30 years. Those 2 "had a gold mine" in the Galleros. The last one ended up living in Coolidge and when he needed money he would go out and come back with gold to live off. My brother found one of his great nephews when we were trying to get into the area. He still had the claim for the mine and wanted us to help him work it. It is Wilderness area so one would have to work the bellows by hand while the other 2 would go down 150 feet to work the vein. We didn't do it at the time and maybe should have, hindsight is always better. LOL The fued/war was as nasty or worse than New Mexico and Billy the Kid days. BTW IMO the Galleros is where the "Lost Yuma's Gold" was. Starts on the West side of the valley ridge and goes down and across the valley floor to the other side, as per the gold claims at the AZ Dept of Mines in Tucson where we were shown the Plate in 1982. Not called thaqt of course but there it is. Fits all the facts of the story.

My bad they were Powers that got caught up into the War. It was 30 years to life and only one made it out. In 1960 he was setting in a bar in Coolidge and asked the other "Old Timers", What ever happened to that Tewksbury boy. They had to think because he had left and gone to New Mexico near the end of the fighting. "Oh, he died." "Oh, OK." Guess he was goin gto look him up and clean house. What were they going to do to him? Put him back in jail? He, Powers, was the one that had the mine in Power's Garden. Called that because when the settlers first came in that area in the 1880's there was an old orchard there. We looked into it because the Padres almost always planted orchards at the mission, because they remembered Scurvy. The area is all Wilderness now.

Howdy Joe,

Yes the Rhesus monkey blood is what the Rh stands for, but it is the ones who are Rh negative, the one's who don't have monkey blood.

Weekender, of the Rh- blood types, even though they are all rare, the A, and O are more common than the B, and AB. I believe the O- is less likely to get cancer. By the way, where is Mikel, begining to worry.

Doc, now you know that Marius can save you, or you can save Marius if a blood transfusion is needed.

All this is very intresting, just google Rh- blood, or Blood of the Gods, there are too many things to learn about it, and if you are Rh-, you may learn a lot about yourself.

What does not surprise me is the number of posters on this thread alone that have surfaced being Rh-, with it being so rare. Seekers of the truth.:coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2: Grail Children :notworthy:


Homar, I am here... I too, have been in the dark. There is more information here than I remember from science class in high school!

I have tried to donate several times, but I get turned away due to meds in my system... They don’t even check to see my blood type... my Dr won’t order me one when I have my lab work done. He has me come in for other lab work.

He says that there is no reason to order it. He told me to donate, and I had him look at my meds mist, to which he responded “Oh yeah.”

As for my low profile, I’ve been busy Siri the days and medicated at night..

It generally takes me too much time to correct my errors!!!

Four more days of fog/pain options, then a recovery phase... then, back to normal...


I knew about my blood type since I was 14 years old . In Romania , in the dictator Ceausescu era , was obligatory to Romanian citizens to have ID from the age of 14 . And was obligatory too , the ID to has written on the the blood type . This was some of the " goods " of that era , because if an accident would occured , there would be easy to find what blood type would be needed to save the person quickly .

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