Rhesus Negative blood types are said to be the rarest in the world, that only about 7% of the worlds population have it. It is called the purest blood, some call it the blood of the Gods.
You will have to look into it, there is so much mystery about it, but certain traits are higher than average IQ's, empathic, or compassion, eye color, eps ability, truth seekers, reddish hair, some even have webbed feet, an extra rib, or vertabrate. These people can not be cloned.
The highest concentration of Rh- people come from Basque Country, it is a small area between Spain, and France. Four province's in Spain, and three in France, thus 4+3=1.
Yes Marius, Rh- is harder to get, the world has a registry of people with this rare blood just in case.
Don Jose, your higher than average IQ, open mind, eye color, and ability of self hypnosis led me to believe you, as you called yourself a Saint.
Look into it, it is very intresting, you and Marius may be related, I myself don't know what blood type I may be, but I will find out one day.